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Problematic horde AI breaks immersion


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Summary: Problematic horde AI breaks immersion

Version: A17 b197 - b221

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 x64

Game mode: SP (also witnessed on multiplayer streams)


Did you wipe old saves? yes

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any mods? No

EAC on or off ? Off


Status: present in all public A17 builds


Bug Description:


Reproduce steps: Have a player-built or POI horde base. Wait for a blood moon horde. Observe horde behavior upon them breaking blocks. Observe most carefully the behavior change when a new, 2-block-high path becomes open between zombies and player(s) which is less expensive than the previous cheapest path.


Actual result: Frame lag and stuttering as each zombie rebuilds their pathing grids and re-runs A* on them, evidencing their powers of advanced algorithmic computation, telepathic communication, and clairvoyance. Nearly all zombies begin converging on the new cheapest path.


Expected result: Upon breaking open a new path, the horde retreats to a nearby meeting area. If this is not a conference room, the senior zombie (based on spawn timestamp) places a single wood frame and jumps atop it to address the horde. Zombies confer and argue to decide the new best path. Fights break out among them, some zombies losing limbs or even heads as a result. The senior zombie (thoughtfully stroking his beard, if male) mediates the disputes and sets forth the new plan. A brief but rewarding cutscene plays. The senior zombie takes up the wood frame soapbox, and the horde proceeds upon its new conga lines.

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Actual result: Frame lag and stuttering as each zombie rebuilds their pathing grids .


Actually this part is quite serious. Once we had built a large, complex fort base with several lines of fences, traps and other defences, we notice a horrible stutter occurring repeatedly when a large number of zombies are attacking and thngs were being destroyed, probably as they recalculate the pathing as you suggested. It's pretty bad.

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Actually this part is quite serious. Once we had built a large, complex fort base with several lines of fences, traps and other defences, we notice a horrible stutter occurring repeatedly when a large number of zombies are attacking and thngs were being destroyed, probably as they recalculate the pathing as you suggested. It's pretty bad.


This, and it happens differently to A16.

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