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Garage door should be 4x4


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For the love of everything that is holy...PLEASE make the garage doors 4x4... 1. they will fit the height of the new truck 2. they will fit the width of the damn drawbridge.. seems like a simple fix. thank you


This! Many of us have wanted this even before the truck, but there's 1 more reason (and yes, we all know you can pick up the vehicle, and garage doors are zed magnets...some of us still like having a drive-in garage, with a door anyway)

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please Garage door we have + 3 broad (same lenght) Drawbridge

please 4x4 Garage door + Drawbridge we have


Sometimes you want a symetric base


They will just tell you to make you wall length an even number not odd. Example, 12 blocks. 4 for your garage door and 4 on each side.

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And how do you place one door symetrical in a even numbered wall ?


That's the thing. You can't. Can't place a regular door in an even wall or place a garage door in a odd wall so that they are centered. One of them has to change. Which, yes, I know is what you stated :)

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From the b208 bug report thread yesterday....




The garage door is to small for the truck to drive in the exhaust hits the top and get stuck


easy fix can be make the garage door 4 blocks wide and 3 blocks high



That would be a lot of work, as every poi that uses that model would have to be altered.


The blue text is from Twigg, one of the internal QA guys.

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