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Spike turret


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A modlet of the shotgun turret, but uses darts as ammo.


I shamelessly used the tutorial at https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?93816-XPath-Modding-Explanation-Thread and shamelessly examined/copied the Guppycur modlets at https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?98097-Guppycur-s-Modlets&p=893860&viewfull=1#post893860 to get this working.


Note, the icon is a bit odd looking.


That said, you build these at the workbench for generally the same cost as the shotgun turret, they fire slightly faster than a shotgun, but a lot slower than the auto turret, and uses darts as ammo.


To install:

1. Go to your 7 days to die directory (example \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die)

2. In the main folder make a new folder called Mods

3. Unzip the contents of spikerTurret.zip into the new Mods folder.

4. Restart the game


If you don't see the new turret recipe at your workbench, you probably put the Mods folder in the wrong place.





- P


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thanks for the realease, i haven't tested yet


just a small question.. can you edit it to also use normal ammo and darts? or 2 kind of turrets? 1 for darts and 1 with ammo?


Thanks in advance


What kind of ammo? Do you mean the standard turret that uses 9mm ammo?


- P

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yes,and shotgun ammo


i mean instead of 2 turrets, so we can have 3,

1 turret - 9 mm

2nd turret - shotgun

3rd turret - darts


only if you can do it :p


Both the autoturret (9mm) and the shotgun turret (shutgun shell) is in the base game, this mod is actually an extention of the autoturret and only adds the dart turret.

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Both the autoturret (9mm) and the shotgun turret (shutgun shell) is in the base game, this mod is actually an extention of the autoturret and only adds the dart turret.


ok i inderstood that, but because i haven't tested it yet cos i'm in holidays and with no acces on my pc i'm asking if this mod has

the base turrets ( 9mm and shotgun ) and also the darts turret

or only the darts turret and the base turrets and gone

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