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road maps are meant as guidelines but now-a-days especially where gaming is concerned... people treat a road map as if it was a blood written contract and the same goes for estimates of dates and when either one changes.... all i can say is history does repeat itself here.


best thing to do is watch here at the 7dtd forum. roland tends to try to keep people informed.

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This is good news, thank you for the answer :) however, it would be useful to have a list of what is in the work and what is waiting in the queue or will not be done


The Kickstarter goals is the only official roadmap that will be publicly released. Many fans of 7 Days to Die don’t handle disappointment well and take maybes as promised. So even a list of what they might want to do or what they hope to do just does more harm than good. I can give you my take on your list as an unofficial list.


Elevators: not likely

Wolves: already in the game :)

Bandits: Planned

Factions: Planned

Setting Fires: not likely

Horses: not likely

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road maps are meant as guidelines but now-a-days especially where gaming is concerned... people treat a road map as if it was a blood written contract and the same goes for estimates of dates and when either one changes.... all i can say is history does repeat itself here.


best thing to do is watch here at the 7dtd forum. roland tends to try to keep people informed.


Thanks, I will read messages on the forum. For me it is not important when but whether it will be :)

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The Kickstarter goals is the only official roadmap that will be publicly released. Many fans of 7 Days to Die don’t handle disappointment well and take maybes as promised. So even a list of what they might want to do or what they hope to do just does more harm than good. I can give you my take on your list as an unofficial list.


Elevators: not likely

Wolves: already in the game :)

Bandits: Planned

Factions: Planned

Setting Fires: not likely

Horses: not likely



Really useful information, thanks! Fractions, Bandits and Wolves are a big addition to the game! :)

Wolves - I mean, the taming wolf is not there yet :)

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My only concern about the factions is that to me, and I appreciate this is highly subjective, the "rogue American/survivalist confederacy" storyline and /or lore is really uninteresting. The TFP have every right to develop the game they want, I'm not knocking it, but from previous comments it seems like they wish to make it like some cyberpunky wild west rather than a generic nuclear/biological outbreak.


Obviously creatives draw from what they know and what they feel comfortable with, it's to be expected, and going by the design of the game I'd guess (although it is a guess) that TFP are based somewhere in the South(ish) of the US.


I've actively avoided Far Cry 5 for exactly that reason (well that and UPlay, which is a figurative cancer!).

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