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Ovens for cooking


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Just an idea I had that I wanted to see what others would think. Make it so that ovens can have the ability to cook food more efficiently, but have it where you can only cook with ovens if you have a fuel source like adding a propane tank to it that you would have to find. In a post-apocalyptic setting I believe propane tanks would be a very valuable resource since it could be used for many things, i.e. heating, cooking, etc... Would be a better fuel source than gasoline as well. I always felt that seeing a pristine oven being just a storage item to be a waste, would be cool to see if it had the ability to cook like I stated above. There ya' go, just an idea, and I have no idea if someone has already had this idea as well, but I hope it finds it's way into the game somehow.:friendly_wink:
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Homes in the rural areas of the game would likely have [URL="https://www.google.com/search?q=natural+gas+tank&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS502US502&espv=2&biw=1536&bih=777&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=vIo0VMX-MYu2yATciIDQBQ&ved=0CDEQsAQ#safe=off&tbm=isch&q=residential+gas+tank"]residential gas tanks[/URL] and gas ovens. Once vehicles are implemented, I could definitely see survivors yanking those and carrying them to their bases - if they don't just make camp in those houses. Cornbread, pork roast, turkey - lots of possibilities with an oven.
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Additional placeable objects that are needed for certain recipes (like an oven) are definitely needed. I at least hope there are still a lot to come but they are probably low priority until electricity is implemented because it'll change a lot.
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Stone ovens, made from stone or brick would work along the same lines as the campfires -- and could utilize the cooking pot (basically a dutch oven) or a wood crafted paddle as a cooking device depending on what you were crafting.
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