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Stomach growls before you reach starvation


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[QUOTE=AnvilFu;145191]Rather than go from "fine" to "HUNGGN!!!-and-blood-splatter" as your fullness hits zero - how about some audio clues that warn you that you're getting close to starving? It's not like starvation would sneak up on you in real life.[/QUOTE] As far as I know the current hunger and hydration system is still provisional and will get an overhaul at some point. I'd really like both to have a continuous effect in the sense that you become weaker the lower % your thirst/hunger is. For example while your runspeed is 100% between 100% and 60% hydration it could only be arround 80% at 40% hydration and 50% below 10% hydration. Low fullness could decrease damage on enemies and blocks.. Sounds to notify the player would also be a great idea!
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[QUOTE=AnvilFu;145191]Rather than go from "fine" to "HUNGGN!!!-and-blood-splatter" as your fullness hits zero - how about some audio clues that warn you that you're getting close to starving? It's not like starvation would sneak up on you in real life.[/QUOTE] I like the idea.
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[QUOTE=AnvilFu;145191]Rather than go from "fine" to "HUNGGN!!!-and-blood-splatter" as your fullness hits zero - how about some audio clues that warn you that you're getting close to starving? It's not like starvation would sneak up on you in real life.[/QUOTE] I'd rather not have the blood splatter and "I'm taking damage" noise to just the stomach growling noises.
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