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Some RWG help needed please.


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I can mod lots of stuff in the game, RWG is not my strong suit.

[And also UI's which is why I'll make a post about that too.]


Here's what I'd like.


- Larger map

- Larger cities and towns

- Less Snow Biome

- Less Water

- Slightly smoother so I can build big.


I really am not good at this stuff.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


~ Lucky

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Larger Map: That very first ruleset.... genration_distance to 15000. That very bottom section, biome_spawn_rule name="radiated"... increase the range from 15000-20000


Larger Cities and Towns: Flatten the map, that's a Tin/Aphado/Hairdana question


Less Snow: That bottom section again...


Less Water: Tin/Aph/Haid


Smoother: Comes with Question 2

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Larger Map: That very first ruleset.... genration_distance to 15000. That very bottom section, biome_spawn_rule name="radiated"... increase the range from 15000-20000


Larger Cities and Towns: Flatten the map, that's a Tin/Aphado/Hairdana question


Less Snow: That bottom section again...


Less Water: Tin/Aph/Haid


Smoother: Comes with Question 2




So far so good.

I also adjusted the town/city sizes and probabilities so that might be done.


Now just the hard stuff.

Snow and water and flattened.



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Not sure what rwgmixer you are using, but suppose as vanilla with edits Guppy specified.


I'll start with snow.

Spawn ratio of biomes is defined at the bottom. Following <biome_generator range="*,*"/> lines are what you gonna edit.

Imagine the dice which shows decimal number between 0 to 1. Each biome grid rolls this dice and search biome_range which match with dice number.

If 0.05 comes, it's pine_forest. If 0.65 comes, it's snow.

<biome_spawn_rule name="pine_forest">
<biome_generator range="0,0.1"/>
<terrain_generator range="150,175"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="desert">
<biome_generator range="0.1,0.3"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="burnt_forest">
<biome_generator range="0.3,0.4"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="forest">
<biome_generator range="0.4,0.6"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="snow">
<biome_generator range="0.6,0.7"/>
<terrain_generator range="176,255"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="wasteland">
<biome_generator range="0.7,0.8"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="plains">
<biome_generator range="0.8,1"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="radiated">
<distance_from_center range="10000,20000"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="water">
<terrain_generator range="-31,-1"/>


Now, you need to adjust range in biome_spawn_rule of snow and some of other biomes.

Following part of code is the example to make snow less, but forest more.

[Code] <biome_spawn_rule name="forest">
<biome_generator range="0.4,[b]0.65[/b]"/>

<biome_spawn_rule name="snow">
<biome_generator range="[b]0.65[/b],0.7"/>
<terrain_generator range="176,255"/>



Next, less water. There are several ways for [i]how[/i] less water you want. (I don't mean how much) I assume as water body is less/smaller.

In this case, find following part.

[Code] <module name="fastWaterClamped" type="ClampOutput">
<property name="sourceModule" value="fastWaterScaled"/>
<property name="bounds" value="-1,0.25"/>

Then, edit left bound of "bounds" into larger but negative number.



Finally smoother terrain and larger city.

In fact, not easy. Following 2 parts are to edit for smooth mountain.

1. This controls blending of plain and mountain. Lower frequency means smooth transition.

[Code] <module name="fastMountainsBase" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
<property name="frequency" value="0.25"/>

2. This controls peak of mountain. (I added bias line) Lower scale means lower peak. You should subtract same value from both scale and bias; otherwise, water get side effect.

<module name="fastMountainsScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
<property name="sourceModule" value="fastMountainsT"/>
<property name="scale" value="0.9"/>
<property name="bias" value="0.0"/>


[color=silver][size=1]- - - Updated - - -[/size][/color]


Well, if you don't mind, my vivid generator also work for large city


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