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Mod to reverse Running/Walking Day/Night?


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Is there a mod that reverses it so zombies run in the day and walk at night?


I think it would add a lot to the game.



They run, but are far more visible for shooting, etc.



They walk, it's safer, but visibility is way down, allowing them to get closer when going out to loot.

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This is something you can accomplish in a few minutes (if that).

In the entityclasses.xml search for these lines:


<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="0.2"/>

<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.1"/>


<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.1"/>

<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="0.2"/>


You can get away with just using notepad, which comes with windows (or another text editor if using a different OS).

If you want to make a lot of changes then I suggest getting notepad++ (which is free) with the xml plugin.

then save and exit.


Make sure you find all of those lines that are related to the zombies.

While just changing them in the <entity_class name="zombieTemplateMale"> will adjust the majority of the zeds, it won't get them all.



There used to be a mod that had this in it but I'm not sure if it exist anymore.

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