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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Guppycur;394341]I keep meaning to watch H0t's video, but since I already know how to use it, I haven't found the time. I dunno, I always hated youtube tutorials.[/QUOTE] I don't mind youtube tutorial videos that get to the point, its the ones that take 20 mins to basically say what one sentence could achieve I get bored with :) (general reference, not implying Hotrods vids are too slow) Hal are you going to have a converter ready to go after a14 hits? MM mentioned there are some major changes to the blocks file thanks to Gazz. Trying to decide if I want to do anything with prefabs after I've finished my castle hub or just wait till after a14. [I]*runs off to make a youtube vid for guppy*[/I]
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;394347]I don't mind youtube tutorial videos that get to the point, its the ones that take 20 mins to basically say what one sentence could achieve I get bored with :) (general reference, not implying Hotrods vids are too slow) Hal are you going to have a converter ready to go after a14 hits? MM mentioned there are some major changes to the blocks file thanks to Gazz. Trying to decide if I want to do anything with prefabs after I've finished my castle hub or just wait till after a14. [I]*runs off to make a youtube vid for guppy*[/I][/QUOTE] I try to cover what a novice may not know. Understanding is key to problem-solving as opposed to a solution for those who already understand the "how" and "why". Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we teach best what we need to learn most
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;394268]You need to go to file. Then load exported area. Then click on appdata. then username. then roaming then 7daystodie then saves then randomgen or navesgane then select your save file then blockdata then iser then steam id/name then your exported prefab will be in there. It will only ahow in the game folder once you have edited it and saved as. Remember always save it as a different ne so if you make a error you can go back. Also remember to remove air blocks above prefab and below prefab ie: your start of your prefab starts at layer 78. Go to prefab remove layer put in 0 then 77 click ok. Then find the very last layer on top of your prefab note the next layer up and then find the very top of the file same principle remove layer say 135 to 255 or what not. Fill out the ran gen xml stuff and save as. The rwg xml you find in prefabs tab very first line a box will appear under. Please note: when filling this out to help others tick every biome allowed and every township allowed even tho you may have it for a certain biome others may want it elsewhere (altho they can change it themselves to upto you). Also remember to set yoffset this is the distance between ground level and the bottom of your prefab. So ground level is 0. Your prefab has a basement of 6 blocks deep the yoffset will be -6. Hope this helps [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Lol you beat me to it Hal :-D[/QUOTE] Thanks stallionsden. I think I've got the ball rolling now! I watched all of hotrods videos couldn't have started without them. It would be cool also to have a nice 1,2,3 step written form as well. I do appreciate all the work you guys do for the game (mods,prefabs,combo packs, tools etc)
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;394347]I don't mind youtube tutorial videos that get to the point, its the ones that take 20 mins to basically say what one sentence could achieve I get bored with :) (general reference, not implying Hotrods vids are too slow) Hal are you going to have a converter ready to go after a14 hits? MM mentioned there are some major changes to the blocks file thanks to Gazz. Trying to decide if I want to do anything with prefabs after I've finished my castle hub or just wait till after a14. [I]*runs off to make a youtube vid for guppy*[/I][/QUOTE] I hate the ones that start off with some gayfer logo/intro... but yeh, get to the frikkin' point. :) (now I really gotta watch H0t's videos, I may be inadvertently making fun of him. :))
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;394504]I hate the ones that start off with some gayfer logo/intro... but yeh, get to the frikkin' point. :) (now I really gotta watch H0t's videos, I may be inadvertently making fun of him. :))[/QUOTE] Feel free to make fun as I can ramble from time to time and some may be outdated. However, I would willingly stack my decades of teaching Marines and teaching at university and my ability to help people understand as to merely being told. [QUOTE] Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities--that's training or instruction--but is rather a making visible what is hidden as a seed... To be educated, a person doesn't have to know much or be informed, but he or she does have to have been exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an engaged human life... One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated.[/QUOTE] Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- If I told you you would not know; you would not know, you would simply have been told. Go and study it thoroughly and one day I will ask you. You will answer, and then you will know.
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;394347] Hal are you going to have a converter ready to go after a14 hits? MM mentioned there are some major changes to the blocks file thanks to Gazz. [I]*runs off to make a youtube vid for guppy*[/I][/QUOTE] lol im still recovering from the a13 block changes god dammit
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Got an interesting thing going on. Every time I use the insert prefab command, the prefab I spawn is unstable. Which means, should I happen to walk on second floor or upper, the whole thing comes down. No structural integrity, at all. Is this something on my end, or has this happened to someone else as well? If so, how do I fix it/stop it from happening? Thank you for this toolset, and all your hard work!
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[QUOTE=Ihmislehma;395388]Got an interesting thing going on. Every time I use the insert prefab command, the prefab I spawn is unstable. Which means, should I happen to walk on second floor or upper, the whole thing comes down. No structural integrity, at all. Is this something on my end, or has this happened to someone else as well? If so, how do I fix it/stop it from happening? Thank you for this toolset, and all your hard work![/QUOTE] Is it spawning 1 block above ground level with air under it
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;395390]Is it spawning 1 block above ground level with air under it[/QUOTE] I first had this, but no. I spawned one of the two vanilla forge cottages, and made sure is spawned firmly on the ground. Ground floor stayed intact, while the second floor and roof collapsed.
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[QUOTE=Ihmislehma;395401]I first had this, but no. I spawned one of the two vanilla forge cottages, and made sure is spawned firmly on the ground. Ground floor stayed intact, while the second floor and roof collapsed.[/QUOTE] What building material did you use to build these prefabs. Certain blocks dont hold alot and also the si and strength of some blocks are crap. Also if there is a hole under the surface the blocks can fall. I mean yoi jave the ground all covered but go under and there is maybe the sewer system or a gap with no blocks things above the ground will crumble.
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I'm having the exact same problem now. I'm importing them into NAV so I know there aren't any caves (and I checked). The one I build in game works great, the one I import right next to the one I build in game falls down when I walk on it. I don't know how accurate the F3 information is, but the blocks are identical between the ones on the in-game made one and the ones that I imported in after claim/exporting the prefab. Although it says Stability 0 and Density 127, so I doubt F3 is accurate.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;395451]I'm having the exact same problem now. I'm importing them into NAV so I know there aren't any caves (and I checked). The one I build in game works great, the one I import right next to the one I build in game falls down when I walk on it. I don't know how accurate the F3 information is, but the blocks are identical between the ones on the in-game made one and the ones that I imported in after claim/exporting the prefab. Although it says Stability 0 and Density 127, so I doubt F3 is accurate.[/QUOTE] The editor can't change stability, all of that comes from the game itself. Sometimes when importing a large prefab it can collapse as soon as it's loaded because some of the blocks arrive before their neighbour blocks so they fail SI checks but if it's loaded in and nothing drops until you walk on it then it's something in the game that's causing it. The only thing I can think of is if you're using a full export (0-255 in height) just make sure the editor isn't adding in any air blocks somewhere underneath. If you find any let me know and I'll take a look. I think the F3 screen shows the block in front of the one you're looking at. Like when you have a block in your hand and it previews where it's going to go. It's the air block it's going to remove that's displayed in the F3 screen. [QUOTE=Guppycur;395576]Would you be willing to have air blocks checked by default, since I pretty much always forget, and I can't think of a time I needed it unchecked, or am I in the minority here? :)[/QUOTE] Yep, done in the next version.
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Like, 16 high prefabs, lower and upper layers removed, really small houses, so dunno. Like I said, when I place them next to the one I built in game, the stability difference is night and day. I'm open to it being my stupidity somehow, but I had hopes it was saving or importing/exporting weird, but if you've no code changing that then I dunno. :) Appreciate the default check on air blocks, I hope that doesn't mess anyone else up.
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I'm sure the dead horse deserves it, but I built just a foundation (forest ground and dirt) and a few layers of the exterior walls of some buildings, then imported them, and can't even attach the top block for doorways in some of the buildings because they fall. I'm attaching the save folder, the coordinates are roughly -1050, 61, -19, this is a Navesgane map, maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong? [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/umzirmsk8111osd/fish.zip?dl=0[/url] As far as more editor requests go, in the box that lists the blocks used in that layer, could you add Air back?
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I might be just blind or something, but is there a way to get Steam overlay working when launching 7D from Hal's Editor? Sorta hard to converse if I have to keep minimizing the window. Also, still having the problem where buildings collapse. I spawned small ones just in case, and they fall just as well. I even spawned an identical building next to one I found on Random gen. Spawned collapsed, random gen didn't. Only modification I have going on is the latest version of Compo-pack. Nothing else. Hope this is helpful.
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Only issue i have come across so far is my hospital when i started a new game i found the hospital and went inside. Went to the emergency area and 3 blocks were invisible and a few pieces of the wall. But they were there cause i couldnt place anything. When i went to destroy theninvisible block each time it would destroy the block under it. But what i noticed is those rock boulders found on the ground thru out the world would appear and fall from above the block. I dont know if it is the editor or a game issue.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;396229]I'm sure the dead horse deserves it, but I built just a foundation (forest ground and dirt) and a few layers of the exterior walls of some buildings, then imported them, and can't even attach the top block for doorways in some of the buildings because they fall. I'm attaching the save folder, the coordinates are roughly -1050, 61, -19, this is a Navesgane map, maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong? [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/umzirmsk8111osd/fish.zip?dl=0[/url] As far as more editor requests go, in the box that lists the blocks used in that layer, could you add Air back?[/QUOTE] Other than some weird densities I couldn't see anything in the area. Some of the air blocks had strange densities and some of the oldWood had a density of 125 when it should be 127. As far as I know density doesn't effect stability unless something changed in the 13.8 code. Can you send me the TTS file of a prefab that collapses when you walk on it? Air added back to the layer list in the next version. [QUOTE=Ihmislehma;396248]I might be just blind or something, but is there a way to get Steam overlay working when launching 7D from Hal's Editor? Sorta hard to converse if I have to keep minimizing the window. Also, still having the problem where buildings collapse. I spawned small ones just in case, and they fall just as well. I even spawned an identical building next to one I found on Random gen. Spawned collapsed, random gen didn't. Only modification I have going on is the latest version of Compo-pack. Nothing else. Hope this is helpful.[/QUOTE] I think you need to start the game through Steam to get the overlay. Just make sure you start the version without EAC or you'll end up with just a black screen. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=stallionsden;396283]Only issue i have come across so far is my hospital when i started a new game i found the hospital and went inside. Went to the emergency area and 3 blocks were invisible and a few pieces of the wall. But they were there cause i couldnt place anything. When i went to destroy theninvisible block each time it would destroy the block under it. But what i noticed is those rock boulders found on the ground thru out the world would appear and fall from above the block. I dont know if it is the editor or a game issue.[/QUOTE] Check the densities of the blocks that are invisible. If in doubt set the density to 0 to make the game set it's default value.
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In this one, the in-game built roofs withstood me jumping, and even falling from flying height (I'm not even sure that makes you land harder and do damage to a block, but whatever, it's fun!). This prefab however, once inserted, well... roof collapses were common. [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/gx88fuly96hmr2q/medieval_town_fishingtown%28by_Guppycur%29a13.zip?dl=0[/url] In this one, again, when I built it in game everything held up to me jumping on it, etc, but after insertion it pretty much falls apart when you fart near it. :) [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/4u2mpds57pzsp8r/medieval_house_cityhome2%28by_Guppycur%29a13.zip?dl=0[/url]
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