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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Guppycur;391413]Is he a canuk? I swear, I think the numbers are from highest % of country to lowest: Germans USAmercians Canuks Upside Down folk (yes, I'm throwing you and aussies in the same pool)[/QUOTE] Your just jealous lol. Us aussies and kiw...... well just aussies are awesome bahahahahaha :-P
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Hell yeh I am. Let me in if Hillary wins, especially if she appoints Obama to the supreme court. ...but back on topic. Hal. Dude. Homie. Sup. So uh, you got my stuff? You holding? What's the word, bird? Version .xx "The Guppycur" edition being worked on yet? :) /impatient
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;391419]Hell yeh I am. Let me in if Hillary wins, especially if she appoints Obama to the supreme court. ...but back on topic. Hal. Dude. Homie. Sup. So uh, you got my stuff? You holding? What's the word, bird? Version .xx "The Guppycur" edition being worked on yet? :) /impatient[/QUOTE] Lol what how did you mix americans with aussies lol. You do know we two seperate countries hey haha lol
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;391329]...yeh, you're going to have to better explain that...[/QUOTE] Nothing to explain, it was just one hell of a party. [QUOTE=Guppycur;391387]I guess it's time to throw Clockwork Orange in the dvd player again so I can better learn british culture and their slang. :)[/QUOTE] Don't forget Austin Powers or any film by Guy Richie for the southern half and Brassed Off or the wildlings from GoT for us Northerners. [QUOTE=Guppycur;391419] ...but back on topic. Hal. Dude. Homie. Sup. So uh, you got my stuff? You holding? What's the word, bird? Version .xx "The Guppycur" edition being worked on yet? :) /impatient[/QUOTE] It's cookin, should be hitting the streets in the next couple of days
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Trump is a child, there's no doubt, but I'd vote for an actual piece of turd before voting for Hillary. I was a Jindal guy, but he dropped out, so my pecking order is Cruz, Christie, Rubio, Carson, THEN Trump. Our government is so blatantly corrupt, the media so blatantly biased, I laugh every time "we" make fun of governments like Iran.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;391476] Don't forget Austin Powers or any film by Guy Richie for the southern half and Brassed Off or the wildlings from GoT for us Northerners. [/quote] You're a backwater Country brit? I'll stick with Broadchurch for my references then. You're all pedo's or have some other dark secret. :) [quote] It's cookin, should be hitting the streets in the next couple of days[/QUOTE] MY man...
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;391548]You're a backwater Country brit? I'll stick with Broadchurch for my references then. You're all pedo's or have some other dark secret. :) [/QUOTE] Depends how far north, geordie shore springs to mind... Could imagine Hal cutting shapes in tiger tiger like a pro when he's not slaving over the editor ;D
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Northern British people make up words to see if the rest of the world is paying attention, is what I heard... --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL]
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[QUOTE=LowfDog;391940]Northern British people make up words to see if the rest of the world is paying attention, is what I heard... --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL][/QUOTE] Nay lad, we fettle it some and it be reet. Owt less would be flummoxing.
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[QUOTE=Maztex;394252]Hi new editor user here. I've claimed and exported my prefab as the videos showed, but when I try and load it into the editor i get: "A prefab file must be located in the 7DTD Prefab Folder" error. Not sure what to do.[/QUOTE] Use the "Load exported claim" button not the "Open in memory" button
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[QUOTE=Maztex;394252]Hi new editor user here. I've claimed and exported my prefab as the videos showed, but when I try and load it into the editor i get: "A prefab file must be located in the 7DTD Prefab Folder" error. Not sure what to do.[/QUOTE] You need to go to file. Then load exported area. Then click on appdata. then username. then roaming then 7daystodie then saves then randomgen or navesgane then select your save file then blockdata then iser then steam id/name then your exported prefab will be in there. It will only ahow in the game folder once you have edited it and saved as. Remember always save it as a different ne so if you make a error you can go back. Also remember to remove air blocks above prefab and below prefab ie: your start of your prefab starts at layer 78. Go to prefab remove layer put in 0 then 77 click ok. Then find the very last layer on top of your prefab note the next layer up and then find the very top of the file same principle remove layer say 135 to 255 or what not. Fill out the ran gen xml stuff and save as. The rwg xml you find in prefabs tab very first line a box will appear under. Please note: when filling this out to help others tick every biome allowed and every township allowed even tho you may have it for a certain biome others may want it elsewhere (altho they can change it themselves to upto you). Also remember to set yoffset this is the distance between ground level and the bottom of your prefab. So ground level is 0. Your prefab has a basement of 6 blocks deep the yoffset will be -6. Hope this helps [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=HAL9000;394257]Use the "Load exported claim" button not the "Open in memory" button[/QUOTE] Lol you beat me to it Hal :-D
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;394314]I vote Stallion goes and updates the "So, you want to build a prefab" thread. :) ...most useful thread like, ever. I'ma go rep Ekk0 right now, just because. :)[/QUOTE] Lol was thinking of maybr doing a before you finalise your prefab tutorial lol haha. And have the prefabbers aka magoli StompyNZ laz-man hal etc contribute stuff to it lol. AND aye where is my *** point lol :-P
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