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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;388909]How big is the prefab? The only time I've had that is if it goes over the max 255 height. If you're on tall terrain it can be quite a short distance to the maximum height[/QUOTE] I build skyscrapers, but this is a skyscraper that is only about 4 floors high (at the moment). It's possible something weird happened and extra layers were added, I'll check into that, but the building site is at a pretty low elevation (56 - 59 blocks). --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL]
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[QUOTE=LowfDog;388979]I build skyscrapers, but this is a skyscraper that is only about 4 floors high (at the moment). It's possible something weird happened and extra layers were added, I'll check into that, but the building site is at a pretty low elevation (56 - 59 blocks). --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL][/QUOTE] If you're still having trouble and it happens with the same prefab every time send me the prefab and I'll run it through the editor and see if anything pops up Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;389028]If you're still having trouble and it happens with the same prefab every time send me the prefab and I'll run it through the editor and see if anything pops up Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Will do, and thanks. I was literally losing my mind last night, I thought I was going to record a quick Skyscraper Building tutorial and show a building with 20 populated floors, but I couldn't get even a 3 floor version into the game. :dog: --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL]
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I spent a ridiculous time rendering my last YouTube video, so I'll just be getting to trying the editor fix tonight, fingers crossed! --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;389681]Hal, new update, need new dll. Get crackin. :) (Working to figure out how to stop 7days from updating so I can get back into the prefab I was working on).[/QUOTE] Those release notes had dangerously low levels of notices about spawning fixes. I'll try later but if the fixes aren't there I may be sulking in my cave for a while... Disable your internet to stop the download, then copy the 7DTD folder. You can use the copy just like the normal install but it won't update. I use it to have a vanilla / modded version at the same time
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Man, nothing I could do to stop the update short of getting up and unplugging the lan cable, but since it was so small (80 megs) I didn't even have time to do that... they've got steam set to "update no matter what", too. :( [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=HAL9000;389717]Those release notes had dangerously low levels of notices about spawning fixes. I'll try later but if the fixes aren't there I may be sulking in my cave for a while... Disable your internet to stop the download, then copy the 7DTD folder. You can use the copy just like the normal install but it won't update. I use it to have a vanilla / modded version at the same time[/QUOTE] Yeh, my high speed internet won that race. :) I thought I was being slick because I had two installs (two steam installs as well), because I had no hope against the first one (it was done even before I noticed it was updating), I purposely ran the second one thinking I'd have time. Um, no. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;389720]Man, nothing I could do to stop the update short of getting up and unplugging the lan cable, but since it was so small (80 megs) I didn't even have time to do that... they've got steam set to "update no matter what", too. :( [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Yeh, my high speed internet won that race. :) I thought I was being slick because I had two installs (two steam installs as well), because I had no hope against the first one (it was done even before I noticed it was updating), I purposely ran the second one thinking I'd have time. Um, no. :)[/QUOTE] First world problems eh? If your still stuck I can upload my version of 13.6 to my server
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Naa, I'll wait for your update. Been meaning to do some real life projects. Yeh, first world problems are a bitch, right? I suffer from [URL="http://abcnews.go.com/US/affluenza-dui-case-happened-night-accident-left-people/story?id=34481444"]affluenza[/URL].
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;389811]Naa, I'll wait for your update. Been meaning to do some real life projects. Yeh, first world problems are a bitch, right? I suffer from [URL="http://abcnews.go.com/US/affluenza-dui-case-happened-night-accident-left-people/story?id=34481444"]affluenza[/URL].[/QUOTE] I'll just catch up the A13 Survival Series for my channel, and maybe build that new PC, cause it sounds like the performance issues went the wrong way with this patch... I guess... :O --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;389720]Man, nothing I could do to stop the update short of getting up and unplugging the lan cable, but since it was so small (80 megs) I didn't even have time to do that... they've got steam set to "update no matter what", too. :( [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Yeh, my high speed internet won that race. :) I thought I was being slick because I had two installs (two steam installs as well), because I had no hope against the first one (it was done even before I noticed it was updating), I purposely ran the second one thinking I'd have time. Um, no. :)[/QUOTE] Just fyi, you can turn off auto updates. Right click 7d2d in steam, properties, updates tab, choose->only update this game when I launch it. Having said that, it appears there's no option to revert to any of the previous a13 versions in the beta section.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;389890]And, it updates when I launch it. BEFORE it goes into the game. They sure know how to get you. :)[/QUOTE] How are you launching it? I run it directly from the exe and not through steam and it doesnt update :) Oh this is because I copy/paste the game folder to keep different versions I guess :) Only my vanilla folder gets run through steam, the rest I run through the exe
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;389910]Yep, it's how I screwed myself... thinking I was slick by having multiple instances of steam. :) Live and learn, no biggie. Someone should go help Hal organize his office. :)[/QUOTE] LOL U remember our talk times ago about that topic - and y I always have just 1 gameversion installed (steam also!) This is y - hihihi hang on guys Mag
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;391329]...yeh, you're going to have to better explain that...[/QUOTE] He meant to say "scrapped"; it's a new feature as we will be able to paint kittens on the wall while trees spawn in buildings. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- scrappy scrappy doo!
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;391387]I guess it's time to throw Clockwork Orange in the dvd player again so I can better learn british culture and their slang. :)[/QUOTE] I must be tired. I was wondering how throwing a Canadian in your dvd player would help you learn British culture :p
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