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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Guppycur;384495]Having a beast of a time exporting prefabs where blocks butt up against terrain. When I make them in game, it looks great, so I export it, edit it, and when I reimport I get crazy gaps. The last few posts make me think it's a density thing, so if I'm right and that's the issue, 1) why do you have the editor reset the densities, and 2) is there an option I'm not seeing to turn off that check? (And what would break if it was off? ;)) I haven't been as diligent as I should be following this thread, so I apologize for my questions.[/QUOTE] I've been learning about the densities and what it needs to have in the editor. The densities have been being reset because I made a mistake on my density check that would turn all blocks into weird densities. The only way to get the old prefabs back to normal was to reset them. I've now updated the checks so it should only reset densities that are invalid. For now that's two conditions. 1) A terrain block that has a density of 127 would be invisible when you imported it. Those now get reset to 0 to make sure they have a shape. 2) If you look at an exported area from RWG the air blocks around sculpted terrain have values that aren't 127. When importing new blocks that could cause terrain issues so when saving the prefab all air blocks are forced to density 127 because that's the only value they should be. Everything else should be left alone so you can change them. But that doesn't mean that's definitely what's happening ^^ I'd recommend doing a manual update as the latest version of the editor shouldn't be resetting invalid densities. @Laz, can you do your density stuff when making blocks match up so we know if the editor is working correctly or not please? Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;384616]I've been learning about the densities and what it needs to have in the editor. The densities have been being reset because I made a mistake on my density check that would turn all blocks into weird densities. The only way to get the old prefabs back to normal was to reset them. I've now updated the checks so it should only reset densities that are invalid. For now that's two conditions. 1) A terrain block that has a density of 127 would be invisible when you imported it. Those now get reset to 0 to make sure they have a shape. 2) If you look at an exported area from RWG the air blocks around sculpted terrain have values that aren't 127. When importing new blocks that could cause terrain issues so when saving the prefab all air blocks are forced to density 127 because that's the only value they should be. Everything else should be left alone so you can change them. But that doesn't mean that's definitely what's happening ^^ I'd recommend doing a manual update as the latest version of the editor shouldn't be resetting invalid densities. @Laz, can you do your density stuff when making blocks match up so we know if the editor is working correctly or not please? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hi Hal, just did an upate and square blocks are still defaulting back to value 0 after saving the prefab after changes. Let me see if I can find a screenshot of how I was using it before.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;384657]Hi Hal, just did an upate and square blocks are still defaulting back to value 0 after saving the prefab after changes. Let me see if I can find a screenshot of how I was using it before.[/QUOTE] Ok thanks Laz, looks like something wrong with the editor then. Which block are you using and which density are you setting for it? I'll run it through my version and see why it's screwing up Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;384705]Ok thanks Laz, looks like something wrong with the editor then. Which block are you using and which density are you setting for it? I'll run it through my version and see why it's screwing up Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hi Hal, an example would be the "old wood" block. Within the editor, I would set its density to -115 and then after saving the changes the value would revert back to 0.
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Hmm I couldn't replicate that so it looks like I've done something stupid like not copy the right file to the server or the copy failed and I didn't notice. I've updated the release info on the editor so you should get a popup asking to update to version 0.48 Cheers, Hal
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Hi There's a bug on non-windows. It tries to access Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die/\\7DaysToDie.exe and Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die/\\ServerConfig.xml -- note the superfluous \\ which is an escaped backslash. While I can indeed put a bogus file named \7DaysToDie.exe in there to make it start, it does not solve the issue with all the other files it tries to load. See [url]http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/application-portability/#path-separators[/url] on how to fix this. (And if you're really at it; the binaries are called 7DaysToDie.x86 and 7DaysToDie.x86_64 on Linux, not .exe ;))
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[QUOTE=Seegras;385357]Hi There's a bug on non-windows. It tries to access Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die/\\7DaysToDie.exe and Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die/\\ServerConfig.xml -- note the superfluous \\ which is an escaped backslash. While I can indeed put a bogus file named \7DaysToDie.exe in there to make it start, it does not solve the issue with all the other files it tries to load. See [url]http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/application-portability/#path-separators[/url] on how to fix this. (And if you're really at it; the binaries are called 7DaysToDie.x86 and 7DaysToDie.x86_64 on Linux, not .exe ;))[/QUOTE] Hello Seegras, The editor only supports the Windows platform. The early versions of the editor were written to be compatible with other platforms using Mono but as features grew I found breaking changes in the MS and Mono .NET implementations. Things like LINQ and Socket support or the dreaded Endianness. I only modify the Windows version of the 7DTD DLLs so while the editor would work on Linux and Macs there couldn't be any integration or bbb functions. I'll take a look at the backslash in the game path, will be an easy fix, but you will probably get other problems while using the editor. It's been over 12 months since I last looked at Mono though so hopefully things have improved on that side. If it works then that's great but actively supporting other platforms isn't part of my goals for the editor anymore. Cheers, Hal
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Morning Hal, quick request: Can you add the menustrip options under File? I often switch between game and editor when touching up, and the only time I have to touch a mouse is when I alt-f (then I have to click save, or click save-as), and it'd really sounds like a small thing, but I'll give you a million bajillion fake dollars if you ad s for save and a for save as... Also, the block combobox under Find isn't sorted alphabetically, that's good for another 5 million fake dollars. :) -Gups
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;385792]Morning Hal, quick request: Can you add the menustrip options under File? I often switch between game and editor when touching up, and the only time I have to touch a mouse is when I alt-f (then I have to click save, or click save-as), and it'd really sounds like a small thing, but I'll give you a million bajillion fake dollars if you ad s for save and a for save as... Also, the block combobox under Find isn't sorted alphabetically, that's good for another 5 million fake dollars. :) -Gups[/QUOTE] Half payment up-front. Send it to my Antigua account for ermm.... tax reasons...
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Mini update time! Added: "Global prefab functions" menu item. Added: File menu keyboard shortcuts Updated: Blocks sorted alphabetically Removed: Old un-needed prefab functions Fixed: Removing left column density bug Careful with the global functions, they will run on every prefab in the prefabs folder so unless you're Mag it's best to leave them alone ^^ Manual update to get the latest version. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;386303]Mini update time! Added: "Global prefab functions" menu item. Added: File menu keyboard shortcuts Updated: Blocks sorted alphabetically Removed: Old un-needed prefab functions Fixed: Removing left column density bug Careful with the global functions, they will run on every prefab in the prefabs folder so unless you're Mag it's best to leave them alone ^^ Manual update to get the latest version. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Sorry , maybe this question already asked , or was it in the video , but when I throw the file Assembly-CSharp in folder Managed the game stops loading , timeless appeal to a folder date
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[QUOTE=stanislav;388215]Sorry , maybe this question already asked , or was it in the video , but when I throw the file Assembly-CSharp in folder Managed the game stops loading , timeless appeal to a folder date[/QUOTE] Hello stanislav, Make sure you're running the latest version of the game and you're copying the correct DLL. If you're running on a dedicated server your need to copy and rename the Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll file. If you're still having trouble post your log file and I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;388218]Hello stanislav, Make sure you're running the latest version of the game and you're copying the correct DLL. If you're running on a dedicated server your need to copy and rename the Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll file. If you're still having trouble post your log file and I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] I transfer the file Assembly-CSharp.dll and playing alone , I have the latest version of the game , I don't know where to get log file
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[QUOTE=stanislav;388221]I transfer the file Assembly-CSharp.dll and playing alone , I have the latest version of the game , I don't know where to get log file[/QUOTE] You can find the log file at \7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt. If you're playing SP then it's the "Assembly-CSharp.dll". Make sure you start the game without EAC protection. The easiest way is to open the editor and click the "Start 7DTD" button.
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Been playing with the latest version of the editor (held back from updating while i finished of a few thing... just incase) and gotta say, whatever magic you worked on the extraction is really really awesome, it's pulling out giant areas in 15-20s instead of hanging the game for upto a min. Saves a lot of time =D
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[QUOTE=Slaan;388242]Been playing with the latest version of the editor (held back from updating while i finished of a few thing... just incase) and gotta say, whatever magic you worked on the extraction is really really awesome, it's pulling out giant areas in 15-20s instead of hanging the game for upto a min. Saves a lot of time =D[/QUOTE] Hey Slaan, Yeah glad you're seeing a difference. I tool a page out of the Pimps book and started looking at optimisations ^^ Hal
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[QUOTE=stanislav;388215]Sorry , maybe this question already asked , or was it in the video , but when I throw the file Assembly-CSharp in folder Managed the game stops loading , timeless appeal to a folder date[/QUOTE] ...and don't forget to run the game with EAC disabled.
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I'm having a huge problem when I try to import prefabs that I've saved in the editor. The BBB is returning "Load Prefab Error" for my prefab. the stock A13 prefabs import no problem. Is there something going on? I haven't had this problem prior to now. --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL]
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[QUOTE=LowfDog;388812]Apparently, I can insert prefabs I made last week, just not ones I made today, also. --- [URL="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkzZIGzinOMWKCYE72n8lw"]Fake Signature Line that's really just a cheap plug for my YouTube Channel[/URL][/QUOTE] How big is the prefab? The only time I've had that is if it goes over the max 255 height. If you're on tall terrain it can be quite a short distance to the maximum height
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