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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Ok so I cleaned up all of the air blocks, it's possible some have escaped (40 odd layers 117 x 117 area...). When I reloaded the hub, still some problems. [attachment=580:name] The area marked in red are all affected with density -128, any block throughout all the layers that has 'ground' material east of it when extracted (to its immediate right when viewing in the editor) has this problem. The next step was to go back through all the layers and correct the density of the 'true' blocks too. Now I have no idea what the defaults would be, I have never used density settings before this but as a rule ground material was set to '0' air was set to '127'. The rest of the blocks I tried to find something in the layer that was in an unaffected area to just right click and replace, in the event of things with rotations I wanted to keep I would set density to '0'. Loaded the game up and console spam to death as soon as I got close, annoyingly what I could see looked mint haha. I can only guess that I have set a density for one of the blocks that the game obviously does not like. I have the save game to fall back onto so nothing is really lost atm, but I have tried removing the coded roads from the areas, adding hidden roads to try and get minimal amounts of those missing triangles errors in the area. I don't want to loose the ability to extract all these different densities, but when I'm not specifically building things where manually smoothing the terrain through use of them is useful, it would be cool to have the extraction process force the default values onto the blocks maybe.
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[QUOTE=Slaan;382204]Ok so I cleaned up all of the air blocks, it's possible some have escaped (40 odd layers 117 x 117 area...). When I reloaded the hub, still some problems. [ATTACH=CONFIG]12912[/ATTACH] The area marked in red are all affected with density -128, any block throughout all the layers that has 'ground' material east of it when extracted (to its immediate right when viewing in the editor) has this problem. The next step was to go back through all the layers and correct the density of the 'true' blocks too. Now I have no idea what the defaults would be, I have never used density settings before this but as a rule ground material was set to '0' air was set to '127'. The rest of the blocks I tried to find something in the layer that was in an unaffected area to just right click and replace, in the event of things with rotations I wanted to keep I would set density to '0'. Loaded the game up and console spam to death as soon as I got close, annoyingly what I could see looked mint haha. I can only guess that I have set a density for one of the blocks that the game obviously does not like. I have the save game to fall back onto so nothing is really lost atm, but I have tried removing the coded roads from the areas, adding hidden roads to try and get minimal amounts of those missing triangles errors in the area. I don't want to loose the ability to extract all these different densities, but when I'm not specifically building things where manually smoothing the terrain through use of them is useful, it would be cool to have the extraction process force the default values onto the blocks maybe.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the info, just about to have a look at this. Is that prefab above in the pack you sent me? If so which one? I'll use that for testing. Cheers, Hal
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Mini update time! Now when you save a prefab it will check it for density errors. If it finds them it will automatically set the correct value and give you a list of changes in case you want to double check them. Manual update to get the latest version. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;382301]Mini update time! Now when you save a prefab it will check it for density errors. If it finds them it will automatically set the correct value and give you a list of changes in case you want to double check them. Manual update to get the latest version. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Is there a chance to get this function processing for all prefabs by one click ??? Mag
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Trying to bbb insertprefab a prefab that has an underground, but it does it at "feet level". I see the option for "Eye Level", "Move to Feet" and "Custom", but no clue what would go in Custom. Is there a quick and dirty way to make it insertprefab at the correct y offset? I included in the XML, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on insertprefab (although it probably works wonderfully in randomgen). My thought would be to add some variables to insertprefab?
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;382557]Trying to bbb insertprefab a prefab that has an underground, but it does it at "feet level". I see the option for "Eye Level", "Move to Feet" and "Custom", but no clue what would go in Custom. Is there a quick and dirty way to make it insertprefab at the correct y offset? I included in the XML, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on insertprefab (although it probably works wonderfully in randomgen). My thought would be to add some variables to insertprefab?[/QUOTE] you can either fly underground or use specific x,y,z coords for the insert You can use f3 to see what you current x,y,z pos is :)
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Alright, so obviously there ARE variables to insertprefab, but I couldn't get it to work. I tried bbb ip blahblah 10, -4, 10 bbb ip blahblah <10> <-4> <10> bbb ip blahblah 10 -4 10 ...and nada. What's the syntax? What'd I'd like to be able to do is: bbb ip blahblah y=-4 and it take my current coordinates for x and z. What'd I'd REALLY like to do is be able to Undo my insert, should it not line up correctly, but I don't see how that's feasible w/o clearing the entire region. Unless you made a backup of the region right before the insert happens, and include a function to load that backup. :) Ah well, going to bed now, I'm sure my newbish questions have been asked before, but this thread is too damn big now to go through it all.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;382567]Alright, so obviously there ARE variables to insertprefab, but I couldn't get it to work. I tried bbb ip blahblah 10, -4, 10 bbb ip blahblah <10> <-4> <10> bbb ip blahblah 10 -4 10 ...and nada. What's the syntax? What'd I'd like to be able to do is: bbb ip blahblah y=-4 and it take my current coordinates for x and z. What'd I'd REALLY like to do is be able to Undo my insert, should it not line up correctly, but I don't see how that's feasible w/o clearing the entire region. Unless you made a backup of the region right before the insert happens, and include a function to load that backup. :) Ah well, going to bed now, I'm sure my newbish questions have been asked before, but this thread is too damn big now to go through it all.[/QUOTE] Hey Guppy, The proper syntax is bbb ip MyHouse 10 -4 10 You can get a list of the commands by typing "bbb ?" or more information on a specific command by adding the command i.e "bbb ip ?" Or use the [URL="https://youtu.be/5UWYxHMbmWQ?t=640"]World Viewer[/URL] to insert prefabs. That way you get a red box in-game showing where the prefab will go. The world viewer also has a "Reset chunk" command so you can undo changes without resetting the entire region. Cheers, Hal
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Cheers for the update hal, just loaded the tile/save that I sent you and got the popup, and a bloody large list of changes lol. Some of the values for density still seem wrong. I spent the best part of yesterday doing two prefabs layer by layer, 0 for ground material, 127 for blocks and air and they are now loading up perfectly. Defo a step in the right direction, but density -128 needs to be purged in holy fire. stone > -128 bridge/wedge/tip asphalt > -128 brickModern > -128 sidewalkFull> -128 seems a lot, but not all of, the 'block' blocks are being changed to -128. I've extracted from 3 areas of my hub now and the main density issues happen in specific areas, 4-6 blocks to the left of any ground material. These are not exclusive, there are other areas sometimes, but those ones are guaranteed to show up atm. The tiles that make up the river area all have shoddy densities, pretty much anything extacted since the point after 13.6 when things went tits on extraction. It looks very much like the landscape is shifting to the west after its extracted. I had assumed there had not been any updates since you didnt change the version number and things were running perfectly for a time (maybe upto a week), but since you explained all that I wander is there perhaps something you've overlooked when adding other features after 13.6?
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Scratch that last one hal, I need to do some clean extracts. The tile with the crazy densitys was broken before the new feature done its thing. It still did not change all the values, those I mention are after the density pop-up/save. I think the problem I have with this tile, the one that I sent you in the folder as 'broken', was at some point the editor aquired the density option/slider (never noticed it before, i could have been there from the start >.<) and while I was messing around trying to see what the problem was I made a lot of edits, in some cases whole layers, and I *think* the density might have been set to something naughty without me realising. It's the only tile of the three that does not exclusively follow the little 'to the left' trend I mention, but this tile was hacked and chopped many times before I started posting about the issues.
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Mini-update time! Fixed: Prefab-breaking bug Updated: prefab insert code Looks like some of my slap-dash optimisations went haywire and messed with the densities of prefabs. If you have blocks with weird terrain in load the prefab into the editor and save it again. Hopefully that'll clear it up. I've also updated the bbb ip function so it should get a nice performance boost (assuming my slap-dash optimisations don't go haywire of course) Manual update to get the changes. Thanks for all the info guys. Cheers, Hal
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Is it possible to DL the editor version just before the mini update somewhere? The new function when saving replaces all customized density values of non-terrain blocks with the default of 127. I noticed this a bit late, after hours of play/building on the prefab, but could save most of my progress and my customized density values by using an old file of the prefab, the editor from page 1 without updating it, and copying the new build parts into the old prefab file. I think the new function would be best as an optional function to use on prefabs with density bugs and not as an automatic function when saving. ATM it makes editing density, well, a bit unneccessary if the values get changed to default when saving :) And it would really be a shame to loose the possibilty to play around with the density again after it prooved to be such a great and fun new toy for finetuning the look of a prefab^^ cheers!
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I just loaded up the original 'broken' tile I sent you hal, and although stone still seems set to (-128, not sure if this is the default or not) everything looks and seems perfectly fine. There was no prompt on saving that mentioned the density being changed, but it's obviously worked it's magic pretty well. Thanks a bunch, business as usual now I think ;D
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[QUOTE=Krash;383090]Is it possible to DL the editor version just before the mini update somewhere? The new function when saving replaces all customized density values of non-terrain blocks with the default of 127. I noticed this a bit late, after hours of play/building on the prefab, but could save most of my progress and my customized density values by using an old file of the prefab, the editor from page 1 without updating it, and copying the new build parts into the old prefab file. I think the new function would be best as an optional function to use on prefabs with density bugs and not as an automatic function when saving. ATM it makes editing density, well, a bit unneccessary if the values get changed to default when saving :) And it would really be a shame to loose the possibilty to play around with the density again after it prooved to be such a great and fun new toy for finetuning the look of a prefab^^ cheers![/QUOTE] Yeah the code isn't staying in the save method. Once it's all figured out it will only replace invalid blocks (terrain with 127 or air that's not 127). I had to add the hardcoded change to default values to undo the last update's breaking changes where everything was sprouting terrain. The next update should have the right balance of correcting mistakes but leaving the rest open to editing. [QUOTE=Slaan;383094]I just loaded up the original 'broken' tile I sent you hal, and although stone still seems set to (-128, not sure if this is the default or not) everything looks and seems perfectly fine. There was no prompt on saving that mentioned the density being changed, but it's obviously worked it's magic pretty well. Thanks a bunch, business as usual now I think ;D[/QUOTE] Yeah -128 is the default for stone. I couldn't put the prompt in for resetting to defaults because every time you exported the area again it would give another long list. That code will be removed in the next version any, it was just to undo the damage of the last update. Let me know how you get on with the "moving to west" thing. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;383111] Yeah -128 is the default for stone. I couldn't put the prompt in for resetting to defaults because every time you exported the area again it would give another long list. That code will be removed in the next version any, it was just to undo the damage of the last update. Let me know how you get on with the "moving to west" thing. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Does not *seem* to be an issue anymore, I have extracted the three particular areas I've talked about the past week and although the editor is making a lot of density corrections when I trim/save, the big offender by a long shot is air. The next few days will tell more when I start new stuffs, different area's extracted etc, lol rest assured I will be banging on your door the very instant something crops up!
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So the world editor is awesome. My thoughts: Dummy me didn't really pay attention to the HalGlobal.txt file, but it's really really important to edit this, since there doesn't seem to be any error control yet when not being able to connect to a server. :) I can't run my dedi using FRT after overwriting the dll, I guess this is a thing? (or maybe it's just me?) I have found it really important to WAIT for a prefab to be inserted before moving onto another activity. I think the editor works w/o waiting, but it definitely makes it smoother to wait. Teleporting doesn't seem to work for me, so after resetting a chunk I find it easier/quicker to exit the game and re-join. As far as functionality goes, I do have one request: Not knowing what the initial y-offset SHOULD be of a prefab is a bit of a pain, because if you're like me, and build your prefab on a foundation expecting your prefab to start at -1 from ground, the red box you see in game doesn't reflect that, so it's a bit of trial and error figuring out how high it should go. Hal, I noticed you had the same issue with the army camp in your video, have you any thoughts on a way to handle that? Would it be possible to change the lower layers in the red box to say, blue, based on the y offset in the XML? I don't know enough about them to even know if I'm asking the right question.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;383232]So the world editor is awesome. My thoughts: Dummy me didn't really pay attention to the HalGlobal.txt file, but it's really really important to edit this, since there doesn't seem to be any error control yet when not being able to connect to a server. :) I can't run my dedi using FRT after overwriting the dll, I guess this is a thing? (or maybe it's just me?) I have found it really important to WAIT for a prefab to be inserted before moving onto another activity. I think the editor works w/o waiting, but it definitely makes it smoother to wait. Teleporting doesn't seem to work for me, so after resetting a chunk I find it easier/quicker to exit the game and re-join. As far as functionality goes, I do have one request: Not knowing what the initial y-offset SHOULD be of a prefab is a bit of a pain, because if you're like me, and build your prefab on a foundation expecting your prefab to start at -1 from ground, the red box you see in game doesn't reflect that, so it's a bit of trial and error figuring out how high it should go. Hal, I noticed you had the same issue with the army camp in your video, have you any thoughts on a way to handle that? Would it be possible to change the lower layers in the red box to say, blue, based on the y offset in the XML? I don't know enough about them to even know if I'm asking the right question.[/QUOTE] Hey Guppy, Yes, it's important to get the HalGlobal file correct. Better error handling will come over time, it's just low on the priority list. If FRT are using a modded DLL then yes, it's one or the other. I haven't used it before so not sure what the deal is. The editor and the game run independently. On SP the game pauses while it does it's stuff but when running on a dedi it's the server that pauses but the client continues running (it just doesn't receive any updates from the server until it's finished processing). I've multi-threaded as much as possible but some commands need to be run on the main game thread which causes the server to hang while it finishes what it's doing. When you teleport you need to make sure you're teleporting outside the loaded chunk area. If you can still see the prefab area after you've teleported you haven't gone far enough. I usually just pick the edge of the map, that's usually plenty of space. Yeah I like the idea of having two boxes to denote above and below areas of the prefab. I'm taking a bit of a break from 7DTD until the broken spawning gets sorted out but once I'm back at it I will look at adding it in. If I forget feel free to remind me. Cheers, Hal
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Spent the last few hours in WorldGen. I suck at rotations, that's for sure, but I'm getting the hang of this thing. :) What's the cause of the client not updating the chunk wipe? It's probably the most annoying thing. I haven't crashed in a while (at first, when I wasn't being patient, I'd crash but now that I wait until the prefab is fully loaded before doing anything else, so far so good), so that's good. Is there any way to label the red box as well? Put a big "S" for south, that kind of thing? Anyway, thanks for the awesome tool, so far it's my favorite thing about 7days. :)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;383111]Yeah the code isn't staying in the save method. Once it's all figured out it will only replace invalid blocks (terrain with 127 or air that's not 127). I had to add the hardcoded change to default values to undo the last update's breaking changes where everything was sprouting terrain. The next update should have the right balance of correcting mistakes but leaving the rest open to editing. Yeah -128 is the default for stone. I couldn't put the prompt in for resetting to defaults because every time you exported the area again it would give another long list. That code will be removed in the next version any, it was just to undo the damage of the last update. Let me know how you get on with the "moving to west" thing. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] I think I have noticed the same problem Krash is seeing. I can no longer configure terrain blocks to smoothly transition against square blocks. Everytime I save the prefab the square block density value changes back to 0. In order for a terrain block to blend smoothly against a square block the terrain block must have a greater density than the square block (i.e. grass = density -110, concrete = density -115)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;383370]Spent the last few hours in WorldGen. I suck at rotations, that's for sure, but I'm getting the hang of this thing. :) What's the cause of the client not updating the chunk wipe? It's probably the most annoying thing. I haven't crashed in a while (at first, when I wasn't being patient, I'd crash but now that I wait until the prefab is fully loaded before doing anything else, so far so good), so that's good. Is there any way to label the red box as well? Put a big "S" for south, that kind of thing? Anyway, thanks for the awesome tool, so far it's my favorite thing about 7days. :)[/QUOTE] I wouldn't feel too bad about the rotations, from all accounts they're pretty screwed up already. I've heard plans of standardising the rotations though so maybe they'll make it into the optimisation update A14. Do you mean the lumpy bits when resetting the chunks? Not sure, I'm resetting the chunk right at the base of the world generation and there seems to be a notification flag that's set by the game but it doesn't include the reset densities for some reason. It may be easier to rotate the house image in the editor to show you the rotation rather than in game. Glad you're enjoying it Guppy. [QUOTE=Laz Man;383920]I think I have noticed the same problem Krash is seeing. I can no longer configure terrain blocks to smoothly transition against square blocks. Everytime I save the prefab the square block density value changes back to 0. In order for a terrain block to blend smoothly against a square block the terrain block must have a greater density than the square block (i.e. grass = density -110, concrete = density -115)[/QUOTE] Hey Laz, Yeah it'll be changing in the next version so it won't overwrite full block densities. The new version should be out later today or tomorrow. Cheers, Hal
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Mini update time! Updated: full blocks are no longer reset when saving. All density checks are done at the save time rather than while the prefab is being edited. Updated: More server optimisations Manual update to get the latest version. Let me know if you have any problems. Cheers, Hal
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Having a beast of a time exporting prefabs where blocks butt up against terrain. When I make them in game, it looks great, so I export it, edit it, and when I reimport I get crazy gaps. The last few posts make me think it's a density thing, so if I'm right and that's the issue, 1) why do you have the editor reset the densities, and 2) is there an option I'm not seeing to turn off that check? (And what would break if it was off? ;)) I haven't been as diligent as I should be following this thread, so I apologize for my questions.
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