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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;379736]I used to have this working good. I did the manual update but then I hit launch game it just sits on the loading screen forver. Over 20 minutes. Tried it a few times and no joy. Any help would be aprreciated. This is for the current alpha version correct?[/QUOTE] You have to launch the game from the editor if you are using hal's custom dll file.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;379782]You have to launch the game from the editor if you are using hal's custom dll file.[/QUOTE] ok I did a reinstall of everything and I got it to work and I can claim and export in game. It is exporting to this C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Navezgane\workplz\BlockBackup\Users\-1274008502 but when I hit load exported area it says A prefab must be located in the 7DTD prefab folder. What am I doing wrong. Is it saving it to the wrong place?
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;379791]ok I did a reinstall of everything and I got it to work and I can claim and export in game. It is exporting to this C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Navezgane\workplz\BlockBackup\Users\-1274008502 but when I hit load exported area it says A prefab must be located in the 7DTD prefab folder. What am I doing wrong. Is it saving it to the wrong place?[/QUOTE] Blah wouldn't let me edit. Can someone please help me understand why Im getting this message. I looked at the prefab I exported, it's right there in the prefab folder its telling me I must have a prefab.
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[QUOTE=Slaan;379638]well i still dont understand how i was able to edit and add so much stuff to other parts and literally past few days have nothing but trouble, but then again, I wont lie, I clip out so much terrain with roads and prefabs I'm amazed it's taken this long to hit a serious bump haha. I'll zip up a folder now and add a read-me for you outlining the steps, in basic form, loading a custom hub to see the area pre-bug then changing a prefab file name and re-loading the hub.[/QUOTE] Thanks Slaan, I got your message. I'll have a look at it but probably the weekend before a get any real time to mess about with it. [QUOTE=tierdal;379708]exporting using the ingame commands, bbb claim and bbb ex, inserting using bbb ip the weird thing is that the density for most blocks ends up being 127 or -128, and its random. like i had a little asphalt path and 2/3 of it pasted fine but 1/3 of it pasted invisible. what i ended up doing is just re-drawing over the layers with the same material set to 0 density, one by one. edit: as for mass update density, I like how you have the reset block damage and meta to 0, perhaps you could do something like that with density?[/QUOTE] I'll have a look into it. Hopefully it's tied to the same problems as above. [QUOTE=Laz Man;379782]You have to launch the game from the editor if you are using hal's custom dll file.[/QUOTE] People have said this a lot but all that button does is call the non-EAC version of the game (7DaysToDie.exe). I open the game using the usual link all the time and haven't had any problems. @Sorrowthief - Using the EAC version (which is the default version if you click "Play" through steam) will cause a problem because I modify the DLL and EAC will think you're trying to cheat. [QUOTE=Sorrowthief;379930]Blah wouldn't let me edit. Can someone please help me understand why Im getting this message. I looked at the prefab I exported, it's right there in the prefab folder its telling me I must have a prefab.[/QUOTE] What's the name of your claim? Are you sure you're using the Load Exported Area button? If you try to use the "Open in memory" or "Open on Disc" options and point it at the export folder you'll get that error message. Cheers, Hal
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Yes I am using the load export button. I did try the other 2 as well. I'm at work now but I believe I just named it plzwork lol. It shows up in the backup manager. I'll look again when I get home but I feel like I'm doing this right. Just can't understand where this error is coming from. Thanks for the reply
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;379960]Yes I am using the load export button. I did try the other 2 as well. I'm at work now but I believe I just named it plzwork lol. It shows up in the backup manager. I'll look again when I get home but I feel like I'm doing this right. Just can't understand where this error is coming from. Thanks for the reply[/QUOTE] I've just tested loading an export and it worked ok so it's either a weird config or the wrong button I think. If you're still having trouble then list the steps you're taking or a quick video and I'll check it out. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;379975]I've just tested loading an export and it worked ok so it's either a weird config or the wrong button I think. If you're still having trouble then list the steps you're taking or a quick video and I'll check it out. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Thanks for trying to help me. Ok I came home and decided to delete every file I could find that had anything to do with 7DTD. I reinstalled game. Even had to make a new character. I opened The editor and hit the manual update button. This is the only step that looks different to me in the video I watched. Mine does a countdown and says termination or something.. It closes to fast before I can read it. Although before I hit this button none of the BBB commands works in game for me until I do the manual update. I assumed it must be doing right if I can claim and export. My exported file shows up in backup manager. I then go to prefab editor and hit File, scroll down to Load exported area, the one right under import qubicle XML ( So you will know which button I am hitting). It opens to allow me to find my save and I find it here C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Navezgane\Testing1\BlockBackup\Users\-1274008502 When I hit open it gives me that error. I have went thru this 100 times and still not understanding. Sorry to be a bother. I wish I could make a video but this rundown is exactly what I am doing. Please help , I'd love to get this working again. I hope I am doing something simple wrong and can be easy fix.
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;380274]Thanks for trying to help me. Ok I came home and decided to delete every file I could find that had anything to do with 7DTD. I reinstalled game. Even had to make a new character. I opened The editor and hit the manual update button. This is the only step that looks different to me in the video I watched. Mine does a countdown and says termination or something.. It closes to fast before I can read it. Although before I hit this button none of the BBB commands works in game for me until I do the manual update. I assumed it must be doing right if I can claim and export. My exported file shows up in backup manager. I then go to prefab editor and hit File, scroll down to Load exported area, the one right under import qubicle XML ( So you will know which button I am hitting). It opens to allow me to find my save and I find it here C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Navezgane\Testing1\BlockBackup\Users\-1274008502 When I hit open it gives me that error. I have went thru this 100 times and still not understanding. Sorry to be a bother. I wish I could make a video but this rundown is exactly what I am doing. Please help , I'd love to get this working again. I hope I am doing something simple wrong and can be easy fix.[/QUOTE] I just place mine in the 7d2d home/Data/Prefab folder and it loads fine
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;380435]Last question. So I have it running but cant play on my server anymore as the orginal link doesnt do anything. I assume its cause I didnt make a backup and download it to that? Can someone tell me how make a cope of it and point it at that so I have both?[/QUOTE] Delete 7DTD and install a fresh version. Once it's downloaded copy the 7DTD directory, rename the copy to "7 Days To Die Editor" or whatever you want and point the editor at the new directory. That way you can use the normal steam links to open a vanilla version and create a new shortcut or use the buttons in the editor to open the non-EAC compatible version.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;380489]Delete 7DTD and install a fresh version. Once it's downloaded copy the 7DTD directory, rename the copy to "7 Days To Die Editor" or whatever you want and point the editor at the new directory. That way you can use the normal steam links to open a vanilla version and create a new shortcut or use the buttons in the editor to open the non-EAC compatible version.[/QUOTE] Big thanks man I got it all working great and all is left to do is build 50 ish prefabs for my project. Knocked one out last night thanks to you guys help
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So me and my mates have gotten on with building many different prefabs. I have a few questions though. I tried to make a new game where I could just place all the prefabs we made next to each other so we can look at them together. I got the position and set them a little ways away from one another. All of them loaded right except 2. Question one. Does the ground need to be completely flat to place the prefab. cuase one of them is half in a hill and half of it is underground. This is navs map btw. Would this be different on random Gen. Would the world form around my prefab assuming it is set at ground level? Second question. We made some little huts out of sod. Its just Sod and A door. In the editor they look fine with all the walls, but in game when placed they loose the front walls that surround the door. 3rd: Once I have them all in this map correctly is there a way I can clear the map when I make a change to say the rotation? As of now I am starting a new save game each time to see the changes. There has to be a way to do this without making 100 new save games right? Again thanks so much for any help and replies
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;380931]So me and my mates have gotten on with building many different prefabs. I have a few questions though. I tried to make a new game where I could just place all the prefabs we made next to each other so we can look at them together. I got the position and set them a little ways away from one another. All of them loaded right except 2. Question one. Does the ground need to be completely flat to place the prefab. cuase one of them is half in a hill and half of it is underground. This is navs map btw. Would this be different on random Gen. Would the world form around my prefab assuming it is set at ground level? Second question. We made some little huts out of sod. Its just Sod and A door. In the editor they look fine with all the walls, but in game when placed they loose the front walls that surround the door. 3rd: Once I have them all in this map correctly is there a way I can clear the map when I make a change to say the rotation? As of now I am starting a new save game each time to see the changes. There has to be a way to do this without making 100 new save games right? Again thanks so much for any help and replies[/QUOTE] 1) No, not if you're using the bbb commands. The command just puts the prefab in. If it's part of the mixer I think it will fill the area underneath. To stop the prefab going underground make sure you have the "Copy Air" tickbox checked in the editor (it's in the top-left of the editor form). That will bring all the air blocks in the prefab into the world as well 2) Not sure what you mean. Send me the prefab and I'll have a look. 3) Only through the world editor but I haven't updated that code for A13 yet. Once it's updated you can use [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UWYxHMbmWQ"]this[/URL] video to see the different stuff you can run through it. One of the functions is resetting chunks to their original state. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;379603]Apparently, exporting a claim to file doesn't properly save the density values of blocks correctly. Because of this, I normally save the configuration of block density values until after I am completely done using the export command.[/QUOTE] Am I correct in assuming that '0' would be the default density of any given block?, and could you elaborate a little on your density configuration saving techniques please. My understanding atm is I will have to manually set every density value to import without issue, however I never noticed proper 'block' blocks being out of place and even they have densities of -127 or 127 also.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;381052] Only through the world editor but I haven't updated that code for A13 yet. Once it's updated you can use [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UWYxHMbmWQ"]this[/URL] video to see the different stuff you can run through it. One of the functions is resetting chunks to their original state. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Can't wait to see the world editor working again, never had a chance to test it out during 12.5 but after watching the video I can see it having many practical applications in the way I built my hub. I don't recall seeing you export a prefab while using the world editor, but i wonder if you will include that lovely big red box to show the area you are going to export in the same way you lined it up to import a prefab in the exact spot you wanted.
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[QUOTE=Slaan;381724]Am I correct in assuming that '0' would be the default density of any given block?, and could you elaborate a little on your density configuration saving techniques please. My understanding atm is I will have to manually set every density value to import without issue, however I never noticed proper 'block' blocks being out of place and even they have densities of -127 or 127 also.[/QUOTE] Yes, if you're ever unsure just set it to 0 and the game will decide what to do with it. Only terrain blocks are affected by the density stuff and the next version of the editor will check to make sure you don't put an invalid density on terrain (127 makes it invisible). Air will always default to 127 too. If there's any other rules you notice I can put them in too. [QUOTE=Slaan;381726]Can't wait to see the world editor working again, never had a chance to test it out during 12.5 but after watching the video I can see it having many practical applications in the way I built my hub. I don't recall seeing you export a prefab while using the world editor, but i wonder if you will include that lovely big red box to show the area you are going to export in the same way you lined it up to import a prefab in the exact spot you wanted.[/QUOTE] 16:50 in the video is the export bit. The controls are a bit fiddly so I found it best to export the selected chunks and just use the F5-F8 keys to trim the export down to size in the editor. I've just got the world editor back up and running so should be in the next release (which will be in a few hours). Cheers, Hal Cheers, Hal
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Update Time! Updated: World Editor Added: Block density checks Added: Entities loaded from XML You shouldn't be able to set terrain as an invisible density any more. If you have custom entities you can now add them to a prefab in the editor (but anyone that loads the prefab will also need the entity xml or they will get an error) The world viewer should work again now too but I've only done basic testing. Let me know if it breaks. Cheers, Hal
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Thanks Hal! got a bunch of stuff ready to be extracted, once thats all tidy and nice I'm gonna take a better look at this world editor and start having a play around using that, exciting stuff! gonna assume for the most part, the original video will still work as a solid guide through most of the world editor? (been a while since i watched it)
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[attachment=577:name] [attachment=579:name] Different area of the hub, started on a prefab that was converted from 12.5 with the tool. Inserted a couple of prefabs into it via 'bbb' and built up the rest by hand, once extracted the area was reloading with the same terrain glitch. I then went thru layer by layer and replaced the 'ground' blocks with density 0 and the same thing still happens :cower:. *edit* just been back thru the prefab in the editor and it seems the areas in question are actually air with -128 density
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[QUOTE=Slaan;381836]Thanks Hal! got a bunch of stuff ready to be extracted, once thats all tidy and nice I'm gonna take a better look at this world editor and start having a play around using that, exciting stuff! gonna assume for the most part, the original video will still work as a solid guide through most of the world editor? (been a while since i watched it)[/QUOTE] Yeah nothing has really changed in the world viewer so the video is a good starting point. [QUOTE=Slaan;381871]Is the editor still meant to be on v0.47?[/QUOTE] Yeah I've got out of the habit of incrementing the build number on updates that target the same Alpha build. [QUOTE=Slaan;381919][ATTACH=CONFIG]12898[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]12899[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]12900[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]12901[/ATTACH] Different area of the hub, started on a prefab that was converted from 12.5 with the tool. Inserted a couple of prefabs into it via 'bbb' and built up the rest by hand, once extracted the area was reloading with the same terrain glitch. I then went thru layer by layer and replaced the 'ground' blocks with density 0 and the same thing still happens :cower:. *edit* just been back thru the prefab in the editor and it seems the areas in question are actually air with -128 density[/QUOTE] Yeah the new changes will only apply to new work. I can add in a "Check Density" function to validate older prefabs. I'll look at that tomorrow. Cheers, Hal
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Sorry to sound like a pest Hal, but I'm not sure what you mean by 'new work'. Both the prefab I inserted and the prefab I had loaded up as part of the hub I was building on do not have any density issues at all, I double checked the areas in question, the problem does not occur until the whole thing is extracted. Apologies if I'm being a simpleton and have missed something obvious, I'd been building/exporting as usual after 13.6 without issue for quite some time, the high rise area was built last week using the same methods. I think removing those airblocks is gonna fix the problem, I done a very small test that looks good, it's just a lot more fiddely in some places, one thing I did try to do was a block replace. I can't access the drop down menu in the 'replace blocks' window when I try to copy air with air to reset the density to 127. Meta data is set to custom, all boxes ticked except density. I hope this is of use.
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[QUOTE=Slaan;381939]Sorry to sound like a pest Hal, but I'm not sure what you mean by 'new work'. Both the prefab I inserted and the prefab I had loaded up as part of the hub I was building on do not have any density issues at all, I double checked the areas in question, the problem does not occur until the whole thing is extracted. Apologies if I'm being a simpleton and have missed something obvious, I'd been building/exporting as usual after 13.6 without issue for quite some time, the high rise area was built last week using the same methods. I think removing those airblocks is gonna fix the problem, I done a very small test that looks good, it's just a lot more fiddely in some places, one thing I did try to do was a block replace. I can't access the drop down menu in the 'replace blocks' window when I try to copy air with air to reset the density to 127. Meta data is set to custom, all boxes ticked except density. I hope this is of use.[/QUOTE] No worries Slaan, the more information I get the better I can debug so don't think you're being a pest. You're giving me good intel ^^ Ok, so the prefab you've worked on doesn't have any density problems but once you add it to the hub and extract the hub there's errors? Do you use any other features like bbb fa? I've double checked the code and from the tests I've run the extract matches what's in-game on everything I've tried. But that doesn't mean there's not something that's setting an invalid density somewhere else. I'll add in the density checks when loading an exported area. If we can't find the cause that may at least mask the symptoms for now. Cheers, Hal
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Busy working my way through the 'broken' tile I took then screenshots from, since air is my main target I've found a lot of areas within the prefab that has densities that are all over (0, 30, 65,), seems quite random. One thing I have noticed, there seems to be some kind of pattern between the wierd voxel areas that are created when the game first loads the hub up, I'm beginning to think that they are the wierd density air blocks. It would explain why your testing, and mine away from the hub area shows no issues as we are building in 'natural' air. I would also hazard a guess that it's why I possibly did not notice anything was wrong initially from the 13.6 update as the first lot of area's I built on sit quite high within the seed and I'm sure they are not clipping out any terrain when the hub is place in. It's taking bloody ages to go thru all the layers, but I'm sure once corrected they 'should' load up fine. If the issue is indeed related to these glitchy areas (not all of them match to corrupt area's exactly, but sometimes the artifacts are not so easy to spot till you know exactly where to look for them), then the ability to mass replace the air density would be a godsend.
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