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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Few requests Hal. 1) there is an option to list blocks in prefab; could we have an option to list for that layer? I understand we can scroll in the window; however it is small and going through 255 layers looking for a block can be tedious. 2) I saw an option to remove cars from [I]all[/I] prefabs; is there an option to remove them from just the specific prefab you have open? 3) the same applies with check bad rotations in [I]all[/I] prefabs. 4) could there be options to: a) list entities in prefab and all prefabs b) remove entities from prefab and all prefabs 5) copy layers to a sort of prefab clipboard. As it stands now, unless I am being obtuse, you can copy a layer within the prefab and paste there as well. I cannot copy a layer or layers and create a new prefab and paste them in. I understand the work around is to remove x amount of layers and save that as a prefab, and rinse repeat for whatever combination of layers there. These are just requests; I do not know what is or is not feasible/possible. On a different note, with your alpha editor, when I told it to create a New prefab 310x310 it gave me 310 x184 Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- the feasible choice
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I noticed something today and I wonder if anyone else has come across it. I exported a large area and imported it to save as a prefab. I ran it through the converter. It failed to load; there are null blocks I cannot identify and could be blocks the converter did not get as the area came from an earlier build. All of the above probably have nothing to do with what I encountered; I just added them in case. I began copying the prefab layer by layer, block by block to the latest editor and I load it in every layer to ensure it loads. I ran into an issue where...while in the editor...it would say a stone block exists at (as an example) 125, 45. In-game there is nothing there. I finally found that the stone block which did not exist in-game where the editor said it was had a density of 127 in the editor. This was not something I changed, the stone blocks around it are Density 0. I now notice most air blocks next to a non-terrain block have a density of 127 also. Other non-terrain blocks are affected as well. I can't figure out why it automatically assigns some blocks a density of 127 and others 0. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- raggy?
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;342240]Few requests Hal. 1) there is an option to list blocks in prefab; could we have an option to list for that layer? I understand we can scroll in the window; however it is small and going through 255 layers looking for a block can be tedious. 2) I saw an option to remove cars from [I]all[/I] prefabs; is there an option to remove them from just the specific prefab you have open? 3) the same applies with check bad rotations in [I]all[/I] prefabs. 4) could there be options to: a) list entities in prefab and all prefabs b) remove entities from prefab and all prefabs 5) copy layers to a sort of prefab clipboard. As it stands now, unless I am being obtuse, you can copy a layer within the prefab and paste there as well. I cannot copy a layer or layers and create a new prefab and paste them in. I understand the work around is to remove x amount of layers and save that as a prefab, and rinse repeat for whatever combination of layers there. These are just requests; I do not know what is or is not feasible/possible. On a different note, with your alpha editor, when I told it to create a New prefab 310x310 it gave me 310 x184 Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- the feasible choice[/QUOTE] 1) Maybe, there used to be a display for blocks in the layer but one of the alpha releases broke it and it never got re-implemented. I'll have a look once A13 hits and see if I can put it back. 2/3) The only way at the moment is to remove all the prefabs from the folder except the one you want to run the functions on. I'm thinking of adding a new menu just for these functions and having them run on the loaded or all prefabs. 4) Yes, but probably when sleepers are added to the game 5) Hmm, I thought you could do that. You can't copy from one instance of the editor to another but copying an area and starting a new prefab should let you paste the data in. I can't test at the moment as the editor is kind of smashed beyond all recognition ^^ [QUOTE=h0tr0d;344143]I noticed something today and I wonder if anyone else has come across it. I exported a large area and imported it to save as a prefab. I ran it through the converter. It failed to load; there are null blocks I cannot identify and could be blocks the converter did not get as the area came from an earlier build. All of the above probably have nothing to do with what I encountered; I just added them in case. I began copying the prefab layer by layer, block by block to the latest editor and I load it in every layer to ensure it loads. I ran into an issue where...while in the editor...it would say a stone block exists at (as an example) 125, 45. In-game there is nothing there. I finally found that the stone block which did not exist in-game where the editor said it was had a density of 127 in the editor. This was not something I changed, the stone blocks around it are Density 0. I now notice most air blocks next to a non-terrain block have a density of 127 also. Other non-terrain blocks are affected as well. I can't figure out why it automatically assigns some blocks a density of 127 and others 0. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- raggy?[/QUOTE] Yeah this is the problem with the density stuff. You can set a value that makes it invisible/glitched. The export should copy any information from the game properly but all bets are off if the data is from an old alpha as there's just too many possibilities for errors (the converters never worried about density values). If you can produce the problem with 12.5 let me know and I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;344557] Yeah this is the problem with the density stuff. You can set a value that makes it invisible/glitched. The export should copy any information from the game properly but all bets are off if the data is from an old alpha as there's just too many possibilities for errors (the converters never worried about density values). If you can produce the problem with 12.5 let me know and I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] I can. Was making a brand new prefab and some blocks were given a 127 density; I dunno why. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- why oh why
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;344600]I can. Was making a brand new prefab and some blocks were given a 127 density; I dunno why. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- why oh why[/QUOTE] As in a prefab started through the editor? Or an export? I will have a look, probably be A13 before the next release is out but hopefully we can make some strides in understanding the density stuff. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;344648]As in a prefab started through the editor? Or an export? I will have a look, probably be A13 before the next release is out but hopefully we can make some strides in understanding the density stuff. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Started in the editor, block by block. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- block by block
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;344651]Started in the editor, block by block. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- block by block[/QUOTE] Ok, thanks for the heads up. I may have to look at overriding default properties of placed blocks so they can't be added as invalid entries i.e. something that could never appear in game. Cheers, Hal
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Hal, and thanks for this great tool. I do have a problem: I made some custom zombies and would like to set spawnpoints for them. But they do not show up in the entity-list. There is the workaround of just altering some of the vanilla-zombies from the list and then not have them available, but maybe there is some kind of trick to expand the list.
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[QUOTE=Kubikus;351114]Hi Hal, and thanks for this great tool. I do have a problem: I made some custom zombies and would like to set spawnpoints for them. But they do not show up in the entity-list. There is the workaround of just altering some of the vanilla-zombies from the list and then not have them available, but maybe there is some kind of trick to expand the list.[/QUOTE] Hi Kubikus, At the moment there's no way to expand the list in the editor as it's all hard-coded. I have plans to implement reading the entity XML file so it will dynamically load the content but not sure when it's going to make it into a release. There's a few issues I want to figure out first but it will make it in at some point. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;351370]Hi Kubikus, At the moment there's no way to expand the list in the editor as it's all hard-coded. I have plans to implement reading the entity XML file so it will dynamically load the content but not sure when it's going to make it into a release. There's a few issues I want to figure out first but it will make it in at some point. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE]Hi Hal, thanks for the reply, reading the xml like it's done with blocks would be great. For now, is there a way to replace the zombie-name in the .tts? So I could place a hornet and then replace that with "MyZombie001" and so forth? I assume, however, this would be sorta complicated, identifying the right zombie, and then the file can probably not be opened in your editor anymore.
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[QUOTE=Kubikus;351411]Hi Hal, thanks for the reply, reading the xml like it's done with blocks would be great. For now, is there a way to replace the zombie-name in the .tts? So I could place a hornet and then replace that with "MyZombie001" and so forth? I assume, however, this would be sorta complicated, identifying the right zombie, and then the file can probably not be opened in your editor anymore.[/QUOTE] The name isn't stored in the TTS file. From what I remember it's a hash of the name of the zombie. So if you called your zombie something that was already in the game e.g. "zombie04" then it would use that in-game and in the editor. Obviously you'd have to rename the zombie04 code that was already there in the XML and add it into the spawner groups. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=bigc90210;357095]Hal if you need assistance with working out block substitution feel free to shout for assistance. Some of the ones we've noticed so far are: Concrete Pipes (old red and green ones are gone now?) Wasps nests[/QUOTE] A lot of blocks have simply been moved. between ID 249 and ID 33 (previously unused in 12.5) are blocks like bricks, concrete and many more that have simply gotten new IDs and also some new blocks. The pipes are gone and a new type of pipe with new IDs is in and this one has no vertical/horizontal variation but just straight, corner etc etc (I guess vertical/horizontal is in the rotations). Also I noticed wedge60endconcrete and wedge60endgravel had two IDs before, the concrete one with ID 934 got deleted and also the wedge60endgravel with the ID 1128. All wastelandcar blocks, bed02, coffin and the mattresshalf blocks have been deleted and/or replaced with new blocks that extend over more than one block in size. I still can't get my prefab to load even after I changed all those to blocks that should work in A13 and can't find another null reference block that needs to be replaced so there must be more that needs to be converted.
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[QUOTE=Krash;357166]A lot of blocks have simply been moved. between ID 249 and ID 33 (previously unused in 12.5) are blocks like bricks, concrete and many more that have simply gotten new IDs and also some new blocks. The pipes are gone and a new type of pipe with new IDs is in and this one has no vertical/horizontal variation but just straight, corner etc etc (I guess vertical/horizontal is in the rotations). Also I noticed wedge60endconcrete and wedge60endgravel had two IDs before, the concrete one with ID 934 got deleted and also the wedge60endgravel with the ID 1128. All wastelandcar blocks, bed02, coffin and the mattresshalf blocks have been deleted and/or replaced with new blocks that extend over more than one block in size. I still can't get my prefab to load even after I changed all those to blocks that should work in A13 and can't find another null reference block that needs to be replaced so there must be more that needs to be converted.[/QUOTE] Good info dude, im sure the more info like this the faster it can be resolved :loyal:
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[QUOTE=bigc90210;357304]Good info dude, im sure the more info like this the faster it can be resolved :loyal:[/QUOTE] I got my prefab to load in A13! Found more wedge60end blocks with deleted double entrys: id 937 wedge60EndAsphalt, id 938 wedge60EndWoodOld and id 1130 wedge60EndBarnWood have been deleted in A13. Also barbedwirecrafted doesn't exist anymore. Here is the Block.xml (as txt file) I used. It needs to go into a A12.5 7dtd install. Replace all blocks like concrete, brick, etc etc with the A13concrete, A13brick, etc etc blocks (those have the IDs that work in A13, all between ID249 and 33), and all wedge60endXXX1 blocks with wedge60endXXX (same name without the 1). Delete both coffin blocks, all 4 bed02 blocks, all 10 wastelandcar blocks, all green and red pipeblocks and the hive and mattresshalf blocks (I replaced all except the pipes with air and the pipes with the new metalpipes but those have messed up rotations now of course). Also replace barbedwirecrafted with barbedwire. May be I forgot something but I think that was all. [ATTACH]12006[/ATTACH]
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Hey Guys There are exactly 101 block-ID's that has changed !!!! I have sent the complete BLOCK-CHANGE-TABLE FOR THE PREFABS-CONVERTION (A12 to A13) to Hal9000 3 hours after A13-Release. Now its Hal's turn ;) Iam sure the Converter will be ready soon - and also the updated editor !!! Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;357492]Hey Guys There are exactly 101 block-ID's that has changed !!!! I have sent the complete BLOCK-CHANGE-TABLE FOR THE PREFABS-CONVERTION (A12 to A13) to Hal9000 3 hours after A13-Release. Now its Hal's turn ;) Iam sure the Converter will be ready soon - and also the updated editor !!! Mag[/QUOTE] Thats awesome news, couple quick questions if you don't mind mag(never had to use/convert between versions before), will the red and green pipes both be converted to the new one? and, are there any blocks/changes you would recommend BEFORE running prefabs through a tool like this?
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[QUOTE=God Almighty;357063]Thank you HAL9000, I have have about 53 Custom prefabs I created for our A13, I Eagerly await your converter ^_^[/QUOTE] The converter and editor will be getting worked on this week. Might get to the weekend before release but depends how much work is involved. I've already has the bbb commands working in A13 but the 13.1 patch will have reset that. [QUOTE=Krash;357166] I still can't get my prefab to load even after I changed all those to blocks that should work in A13 and can't find another null reference block that needs to be replaced so there must be more that needs to be converted.[/QUOTE] There's been a change to the block code so the current version of the editor won't be able to understand the new TTS files. The next version should sort it out. [QUOTE=Magoli;357492]Hey Guys There are exactly 101 block-ID's that has changed !!!! I have sent the complete BLOCK-CHANGE-TABLE FOR THE PREFABS-CONVERTION (A12 to A13) to Hal9000 3 hours after A13-Release. Now its Hal's turn ;) Iam sure the Converter will be ready soon - and also the updated editor !!! Mag[/QUOTE] Thanks Mag, yeah I've got your list. I'll be using it to populate the converter. Thanks for the info. I'll post more when I know it. A13 has been such a change I'm actually back playing as well as modding. There's a few issues to iron out but the A13 stuff has been great to play with. Just 25% block durability so you're not hammering on every block for 5 minutes ^^ Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Krash;357344]I got my prefab to load in A13! [/QUOTE] And have to say the new concrete texture is ugly as hell, doesn't fit to the other textures and doesn't even look like concrete (old or new). Looked at my bunker prefab for a few minutes and quit the game. What a bummer. [QUOTE=Hal]There's been a change to the block code so the current version of the editor won't be able to understand the new TTS files. The next version should sort it out. [/QUOTE] Mhhh that's strange... the old prefab loads fine in A13 after my adjustments, with just a few messed up walls where beds have moved a block and deleted one block of the wall and the replaced pipes with wrong rotations.
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Yes Krash: the beds have ROTATED 180 degrees !!!! and all the pipes are misroted too (because there is now a complete other system with the pipes) there are now just 8 pipe-types (metal) Not 13 green pipes and 13 red pipes like before in A12 !!! Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;357576]Yes Krash: the beds have ROTATED 180 degrees !!!! and all the pipes are misroted too (because there is now a complete other system with the pipes) there are now just 8 pipe-types (metal) Not 13 green pipes and 13 red pipes like before in A12 !!! Mag[/QUOTE] نhm yes, I said that allready in the post where I explained how I got my prefab to load in A13... "I replaced all except the pipes with air and the pipes with the new metalpipes but those have messed up rotations now of course" and the beds I just saw a few minutes ago when taking a first look. What's your point?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;357529]The converter and editor will be getting worked on this week. Might get to the weekend before release but depends how much work is involved. I've already has the bbb commands working in A13 but the 13.1 patch will have reset that. There's been a change to the block code so the current version of the editor won't be able to understand the new TTS files. The next version should sort it out. Thanks Mag, yeah I've got your list. I'll be using it to populate the converter. Thanks for the info. I'll post more when I know it. A13 has been such a change I'm actually back playing as well as modding. There's a few issues to iron out but the A13 stuff has been great to play with. Just 25% block durability so you're not hammering on every block for 5 minutes ^^ Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Eagerly awaiting your new version! Thanks for such a kickass tool
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[QUOTE=Krash;357585]نhm yes, I said that allready in the post where I explained how I got my prefab to load in A13... "I replaced all except the pipes with air and the pipes with the new metalpipes but those have messed up rotations now of course" and the beds I just saw a few minutes ago when taking a first look. What's your point?[/QUOTE] Ups - didnt read ur describtion - sry - was a littlebit bussy last days - just wanted to give some background-info on that. Nevermind. All fine !!! I did it the ecxact same way like u :) And after all I have turned around all the beds manually (with all the 444 prefabs - umpfh :) ) rock on mag
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