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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;338330]Looks like you've discovered the rotation problem Mag told me about. Looks like some of the shapes in the world can rotate above the 16 types defined in the editor. I don't think this is meant to happen (I haven't seen any blocks with more than 16 valid rotations). I wrote a quick script for him to show where the errors are. [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/SDTDEditorAlpha.zip"]Here[/URL] is the latest version of the editor. It's not a proper release so things may be even buggier but you can find the rotation function at the bottom of the Prefab dropdown menu. It will tell you all the blocks that have an invalid rotation in all the prefab files. Just change the rotation to 0 or whatever you want to fix it. The latest version will also remove any out of bounds entities in the prefab. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Thanks Hal, and thanks Magoli for discovering that and knowing what it was! Now I just need help decoding it; it lists blocks by position in the editor it seems...why does it list the same block/position multiple times? Nearly every block [code]block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation block 264,0,250 has an invalid rotation[/code] Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we stick our left foot in
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What do the numbers mean? [code]x_custom_sewerCityTile_tracks_station.tts block 84,0,275 has an invalid rotation block 84,0,275 has an invalid rotation block 83,0,274 has an invalid rotation block 83,0,274 has an invalid rotation block 82,0,273 has an invalid rotation block 82,0,273 has an invalid rotation block 81,0,272 has an invalid rotation block 81,0,272 has an invalid rotation block 79,0,271 has an invalid rotation block 79,0,271 has an invalid rotation block 78,0,270 has an invalid rotation block 78,0,270 has an invalid rotation block 77,0,269 has an invalid rotation block 77,0,269 has an invalid rotation block 71,0,268 has an invalid rotation block 71,0,268 has an invalid rotation block 70,0,267 has an invalid rotation block 70,0,267 has an invalid rotation[/code] The prefab is only 102x102. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- not an invalid.
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Concerning these invalid rotations: I wouldn't be so sure these are invalid at all. I've a feeling more than 16 rotations for a block may be intentional. My guess is based on the steel stair blocks. It's the newest block available and has this uniqe texture that extends over two steel blocks. If you rotate the stair block, on its flat side the steel texture rotates with it. There are a lot of rotations for the steel stair block with many having the same block shape (like a stair going from down south to up north) with just another orientation for the textures or the same orientation 2 times but with the 2-block texture being moved by one block. Maybe a picture explains it better: These are steel stair blocks (their flat sides), with the right rotations you can create this panels like look. [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441703652716565228/2C455965DF470AF1F8BB566779502AC10B9263CA/[/img] I hope this stays ingame and isn't an unintended bug. It's not meant to critizise, but maybe in the long term it's better to have the editor being able to cope with more than 16 rotations instead of defining every rotation above 16 as invalid?! Guess that's a question better asked to the pimps. I'll make a thread for it.
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[QUOTE=Krash;338603] I hope this stays ingame and isn't an unintended bug. It's not meant to critizise, but maybe in the long term it's better to have the editor being able to cope with more than 16 rotations instead of defining every rotation above 16 as invalid?! Guess that's a question better asked to the pimps. I'll make a thread for it.[/QUOTE] Hi Krash, No worries, good observations but the way I code is to exclude anything I don't know about. The previous (hard) limit on rotations was 16 so that's where I capped it. I'd rather have the editor flag anything else as a problem rather than allowing any value. Doing it that way could lead to bugs creeping through. So I'd rather be wrong about a new feature and flag it as a problem than let new stuff come in un-noticed, if that makes sense? Good news is I've spoken to one of the Devs and he says the new block stuff has more rotations so they're here to stay and I will update the editor in the next release. Cheers, Hal
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Hello! Had to make an account to post here, I've been unable to google or youtube results for this question and i don't know if its been answered before in another post. Sorry if it has and someone repeats them selves. I am currently having an issue with updating the program. Everything goes fine until I tell it to do the manual download and it becomes unresponsive. I have made sure to have my firewall down during the download so i am really not sure what else to do now. Thank you for your time in helping me with this. :)
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[QUOTE=Ishsty;339629]Hello! Had to make an account to post here, I've been unable to google or youtube results for this question and i don't know if its been answered before in another post. Sorry if it has and someone repeats them selves. I am currently having an issue with updating the program. Everything goes fine until I tell it to do the manual download and it becomes unresponsive. I have made sure to have my firewall down during the download so i am really not sure what else to do now. Thank you for your time in helping me with this. :)[/QUOTE] Hello Ishsty, I've just gone through the manual update process and it worked ok for me. You shouldn't need to stop the firewall as it all happens on port 80 which is the standard internet port. Which version of the editor are you trying to update from? Are you behind any type of proxy? Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;339417]Hi Krash, No worries, good observations but the way I code is to exclude anything I don't know about. The previous (hard) limit on rotations was 16 so that's where I capped it. I'd rather have the editor flag anything else as a problem rather than allowing any value. Doing it that way could lead to bugs creeping through. So I'd rather be wrong about a new feature and flag it as a problem than let new stuff come in un-noticed, if that makes sense? Good news is I've spoken to one of the Devs and he says the new block stuff has more rotations so they're here to stay and I will update the editor in the next release. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Yeah, it makes sense! And it isn't like the cap at 16 is game(editor)breaking, after all. A block I can't hover the cursor over (gives error message) can be copied by copying an adjustant block with it (not touching the error block when defining the copied area) for example. There are work arounds until the editor can cope with more than 16 rotations and they aren't even that many extra clicks. Thanks for your response, glad to hear the good news!
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Hey Hal! Any chance on the prefab editor we could choose the styling colours of the main editor form window? Just like a dev IDE, it would be nice to be able to have it light on dark rather than dark on light? Just the IDE can be eye boggling sometimes on large monitors/prefabs. Thanks dude!
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;339674]Hello Ishsty, I've just gone through the manual update process and it worked ok for me. You shouldn't need to stop the firewall as it all happens on port 80 which is the standard internet port. Which version of the editor are you trying to update from? Are you behind any type of proxy? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hey thanks for responding. Seems once i left it on all night to just do whatever i got it updated. everything works now except loading the prefab once its done. I've followed a bunch of videos on how to manually add it to spawn lists but all of them don't work, probably because they are outdated. Highest game alpha i saw a video for was alpha 9 and it was like version 30 or something for the editor. Fun fact too is one i the methods used in a video actually lobotomized my game :P Going to repair it and try other methods but so far that's my only issue now.
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[QUOTE=bigc90210;339817]Hey Hal! Any chance on the prefab editor we could choose the styling colours of the main editor form window? Just like a dev IDE, it would be nice to be able to have it light on dark rather than dark on light? Just the IDE can be eye boggling sometimes on large monitors/prefabs. Thanks dude![/QUOTE] Hi BigC, Unlikely unfortunately, themes are a PITA to implement and especially retro-fit. Maybe on a cold winter evening but I'd need a pretty empty project list for that to make it to the top. [QUOTE=Ishsty;339829]Hey thanks for responding. Seems once i left it on all night to just do whatever i got it updated. everything works now except loading the prefab once its done. I've followed a bunch of videos on how to manually add it to spawn lists but all of them don't work, probably because they are outdated. Highest game alpha i saw a video for was alpha 9 and it was like version 30 or something for the editor. Fun fact too is one i the methods used in a video actually lobotomized my game :P Going to repair it and try other methods but so far that's my only issue now.[/QUOTE] Yeah I wouldn't rely on old Alpha videos. There's some links in the OP, one of the them is me going through each of the bbb commands. One of those will insert a prefab at a specific location. For adding to RWG you'll need to check out the mixer XML. There's some posts on the forums by other members that should give you a good head start. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;339895]Hi BigC, Unlikely unfortunately, themes are a PITA to implement and especially retro-fit. Maybe on a cold winter evening but I'd need a pretty empty project list for that to make it to the top. Yeah I wouldn't rely on old Alpha videos. There's some links in the OP, one of the them is me going through each of the bbb commands. One of those will insert a prefab at a specific location. For adding to RWG you'll need to check out the mixer XML. There's some posts on the forums by other members that should give you a good head start. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Ahh thank you that got things working. On a side note though this is acting quite finicky. Basically to get the commands to load i must restart my pc, then launch the game. however after the first launch the game can no longer launch through steam. and when i launch it through the editor the backup manager refuses to accept new settings. Requiring me to repair 7 days through steam and then restart to have it find the commands again lol. quite a process but workable.
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Actually i take back what i said about workable. I managed to get 1 prefab saved and tested before the program started to refuse either finding the commands or letting me use them in game.It also stopped letting me adjust the backup manager so i could even set my self as admin in my save games. Bleh sorry for wasting so much of your time.
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[QUOTE=Ishsty;339956]Actually i take back what i said about workable. I managed to get 1 prefab saved and tested before the program started to refuse either finding the commands or letting me use them in game.It also stopped letting me adjust the backup manager so i could even set my self as admin in my save games. Bleh sorry for wasting so much of your time.[/QUOTE] When you repair 7dtd through steam you replace the files changed when installing the editor with vanilla ones, so the BBB commands can't be found anymore. Reinstall the editor and start 7dtd without anticheat, works that way for me.
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Copy the vanilla .dll within the same folder and rename the copy to AssemblyCSharp12.5.dll. Then have the editor overwrite the vanilla and when you wantto revert back just rename Hal's .dll to AssemblyCSharp.dll to AssemblyCSharpHAL12.5.dll and change the AssemblyCSharp12.5.dll back to AssemblyCSharp.dll. Votr h0tr0d 2016 -- what's in a name
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Hello again forum! lol. So after hours now of making loading testing and exporting a large prefab i made i have now run into an issue with making things spawn underground. I have followed all various options in prefab guide videos but again they are a bit outdated. I have tried things from having air blocks under and above the building. Setting the Y value to negative. and Ever spawning this prefab inside a large dirt mound prefab i made. The last option i tried was simply pilling dirt around the building to instead make a hill with the building inside, there by making it underground and the dirt simply glitches and never spawns all of it. Tips/help appreciated as allways.
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[QUOTE=Ishsty;341057]Hello again forum! lol. So after hours now of making loading testing and exporting a large prefab i made i have now run into an issue with making things spawn underground. I have followed all various options in prefab guide videos but again they are a bit outdated. I have tried things from having air blocks under and above the building. Setting the Y value to negative. and Ever spawning this prefab inside a large dirt mound prefab i made. The last option i tried was simply pilling dirt around the building to instead make a hill with the building inside, there by making it underground and the dirt simply glitches and never spawns all of it. Tips/help appreciated as allways.[/QUOTE] Whats the size of your prefab? if its really big (over 140ish blocks wide) you start to get clipping issues. Also what method are you using to spawn it in? Generally the Yoffset and copy air blocks = true are the two things you need to use for RWGmixer spawning. Not sure about navezgane. Maybe pop over to the modding forum and post your code in a help requests and we can guide you through it ;) One other thing is dont have air blocks under the prefab or you will get a floating prefab if you have copyairblocks = true. There's a block called TerrainFiller that will not overwrite anything that is already existing in the world where you spawn the prefab so use that if you want to have an underground area that isn't air.
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the prefab is around 100 or so blocks. I also use bbb ip test1 as the method to spawn it on navezgane. as for the code i haven't edited the xml files to make it spawn on its own in game. iv only been using this current method to test it. i will try out the terrain filler though and see if that helps out.
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ah right, yeah as far as I have tested the bbb ip command doesn't consider the offset value so you have to go into god mode and fly under the ground to get it to spawn at the right height (or use the co-ordinates with the bbb ip command). if you have it spawn with the rwgmixer it will use the yoffset correctly.
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the prefab is around 100 or so blocks. I also use bbb ip test1 as the method to spawn it on navezgane. as for the code i haven't edited the xml files to make it spawn on its own in game. iv only been using this current method to test it. i will try out the terrain filler though and see if that helps out. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] idk why but it doubled posted. lol. i have tried the god mode spawning. seems to crash my game. ill look up how to do the rwgmixer then and try that.
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[QUOTE=Ishsty;341099]the prefab is around 100 or so blocks. I also use bbb ip test1 as the method to spawn it on navezgane. as for the code i haven't edited the xml files to make it spawn on its own in game. iv only been using this current method to test it. i will try out the terrain filler though and see if that helps out. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] idk why but it doubled posted. lol. i have tried the god mode spawning. seems to crash my game. ill look up how to do the rwgmixer then and try that.[/QUOTE] bbb ip is a debug tool, it doesn't follow the spawning rules. If you need to set a specific placement you can use bbb ip to place it where you want. If part of your prefab is underground then you need to save the prefab with the "copy air blocks" selected. If you're following these guidelines and still getting an error you need to post your bbb command, your prefab or preferably a video of what you're doing and the result. That will give the community the information they need to help you. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Ishsty;341099]the prefab is around 100 or so blocks. I also use bbb ip test1 as the method to spawn it on navezgane. as for the code i haven't edited the xml files to make it spawn on its own in game. iv only been using this current method to test it. i will try out the terrain filler though and see if that helps out. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] idk why but it doubled posted. lol. i have tried the god mode spawning. seems to crash my game. ill look up how to do the rwgmixer then and try that.[/QUOTE] With Navezgane they have an .xml which details the position of every block/entity in-game except animals/zombies. Large prefabs can cause a "freezing" and the larger the area being inserted is, the longer it takes. Does it actually crash? regarding the Yoffset Hal, do you think the editor will ever consider that when inserting, or does it not for a reason of yours? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- the best-"ish"
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