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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=BeatKidz;330453]What .dll's do i need to put where? I'v been looking all over for documentation but have found nothing. I think i have most of it set up. I can not see the red box when i am setting up a prefab paste though[/QUOTE] The assembly csharp from the editor folder into the common/7daystodie/7daystodie_data/managed. Some people change the assembly_csharp.dll to assembly csharp backup.dll and that way they can revert back easier.
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;330204][ATTACH=CONFIG]11342[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]11343[/ATTACH] As I mentioned I'm not sure you even need the terrain block to have the density set. The first shot there is actually an alley of 1 terrainfiller, 2 blocks sidewalk, 1 terrainfiller and the 2 sidewalk blocks have pulled the terrain right over the top; ) The second shot has -100 on the now covered brick at the bottom, one side is the edge of the prefab, the other has a single line of density 0 terrainfiller.[/QUOTE] Hey stompy, i think as long as the density of your sidewalk blocks is more than the dirt blocks underneath and the terrainfiller to the side of it, you won't get any weird belending.
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[attachment=524:name] So I deleted my world folder to regen the world and when I opened the map These blocks are still here. The prefab blocks no longer show up in my world editor either. Where is the info for these regions being saved so i can clear them?
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I've been lurking around the forums after going in to hiding last year (hi again, everyone... heh), but the new revision has made my day and forced me out of my corner, Hal. I've been waiting for something like this for a VERY, VERY long time. The realization of my two towns I've been working on since last year will be that much closer to my original vision. Thank you, as always, sir.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;330519]I've been lurking around the forums after going in to hiding last year (hi again, everyone... heh), but the new revision has made my day and forced me out of my corner, Hal. I've been waiting for something like this for a VERY, VERY long time. The realization of my two towns I've been working on since last year will be that much closer to my original vision. Thank you, as always, sir.[/QUOTE] Hi Warsaken! Its good to see you posting on the forums again. :)
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Hi Warsaken I have tried to PM u times ago - because I have repaired some of your old Pefabs, and brought them through a10,a11 and a12 They are alive now and have found a new home in the Prefabs-COMPOPACK. Nice to have u back on forum again - so I personally can say: Thanks for the excellent Prefabs u have spent to the community :) Mag
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[QUOTE=BeatKidz;330515][ATTACH=CONFIG]11350[/ATTACH] So I deleted my world folder to regen the world and when I opened the map These blocks are still here. The prefab blocks no longer show up in my world editor either. Where is the info for these regions being saved so i can clear them?[/QUOTE] They're held in the client so restart your game and they'll disappear if you go out of sync with the server. [QUOTE=Warsaken;330519]I've been lurking around the forums after going in to hiding last year[/QUOTE] Welcome back War, glad to see you posting again :)
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Thank you for the warm re-welcome, gents. Also, thank you, Magoli. I need to look into your combo pack and finally update the core prefabs I've made and submit them as "official" from me again (more as a personal achievement than anything). I've updated a few of the prefabs that my group constructed, but I haven't updated any of the originals I was building as part of my Navezgane revamp project yet (including ones I never released publicly). Now if I can just get my stupid dedicated server hosts (Gameservers) to update my frickin' .dll file so I can use the new futures on my server, Hal, I will be in business! Gameservers started locking down the Assembly-CSharp.dll for some reason during my hiatus and won't allow anyone direct access to the file. Now I have to email/support ticket them to update my .dll file (and it's ONLY that file!). *EDIT: also, someone kick BloodSlinger back in to gear... we need that recipe editor back. Yes, while it still works, we need the visuals back!*
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Oh mighty Hal legends have spoken of your greatness. Prowess in creation of an editor so people can create prefabs and beyond.... Such wonders as Magolis map pack have come from this godly editor. Many thanks to you.... Thank you for all of your hard work in your off time, I'm glad you have devoted so much time to this. The prefabs added by players really help to spice up the game for me when vanilla gets old. Adds a whole nother element of exploration to the game. I have no experience modding or prefabbing in this game but really want to learn. Will be watching those vids and start, dabbling, will play around with things and if I ever find something I can contribute back to the community I will. Such a great community on here. Thank you Hal and thank you all that work on all of these things here.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;330589]Thank you for the warm re-welcome, gents. Also, thank you, Magoli. I need to look into your combo pack and finally update the core prefabs I've made and submit them as "official" from me again (more as a personal achievement than anything). I've updated a few of the prefabs that my group constructed, but I haven't updated any of the originals I was building as part of my Navezgane revamp project yet (including ones I never released publicly). Now if I can just get my stupid dedicated server hosts (Gameservers) to update my frickin' .dll file so I can use the new futures on my server, Hal, I will be in business! Gameservers started locking down the Assembly-CSharp.dll for some reason during my hiatus and won't allow anyone direct access to the file. Now I have to email/support ticket them to update my .dll file (and it's ONLY that file!). *EDIT: also, someone kick BloodSlinger back in to gear... we need that recipe editor back. Yes, while it still works, we need the visuals back!*[/QUOTE] Hey War, Unless you're particularly attached to them I'd go with a new provider. Loads to choose from, I went with BlueFang for a while. They have a dashboard and full FTP access which was very handy. A13 shouldn't be long off so a wipe would be needed anyway. Either way don't forget to ask them for an extra port for the editor to run on. [QUOTE=Zlaun;330601]Oh mighty Hal legends have spoken of your greatness. Prowess in creation of an editor so people can create prefabs and beyond.... Such wonders as Magolis map pack have come from this godly editor. Many thanks to you.... Thank you for all of your hard work in your off time, I'm glad you have devoted so much time to this. The prefabs added by players really help to spice up the game for me when vanilla gets old. Adds a whole nother element of exploration to the game. I have no experience modding or prefabbing in this game but really want to learn. Will be watching those vids and start, dabbling, will play around with things and if I ever find something I can contribute back to the community I will. Such a great community on here. Thank you Hal and thank you all that work on all of these things here.[/QUOTE] Ha, that actually made me laugh. More from the irony than any truth unfortunately but thank you for the kind words. Yeah, the prefabbers have done a great job in expanding the playability and depth to the world. I'm looking forward to what A13 holds in store and how it inspires the modders here. [QUOTE=StompyNZ;330657]I'm working on something for that for a13 :)[/QUOTE] An external app Stompy? Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;330687]Hey War, Unless you're particularly attached to them I'd go with a new provider. Loads to choose from, I went with BlueFang for a while. They have a dashboard and full FTP access which was very handy. A13 shouldn't be long off so a wipe would be needed anyway. [/QUOTE] I use BlueFang. Good host although I end up knowing more about what errors mean what and how to fix them, so ensure you are educated because they aren't an in-game service so that isn't a negative. We need a new seed; my server is day 1200 and it's deplorable. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- i need a new drug
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;330687]An external app Stompy? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Web based, i don't know the first thing about writing an exe :) Aiming to have it ready (for public alpha) a couple days after a13, but still need to get a few bits sorted before the update for a13 :)
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;330759]I use BlueFang. Good host although I end up knowing more about what errors mean what and how to fix them, so ensure you are educated because they aren't an in-game service so that isn't a negative. We need a new seed; my server is day 1200 and it's deplorable. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- i need a new drug[/QUOTE] I am on Blackbox servers. Great server. Any issue they are quick to fix. Also very helpful with opening ports etc that is needed for Hals editor etc.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;330687]Hey War, Unless you're particularly attached to them I'd go with a new provider. Loads to choose from, I went with BlueFang for a while. They have a dashboard and full FTP access which was very handy. A13 shouldn't be long off so a wipe would be needed anyway. Either way don't forget to ask them for an extra port for the editor to run on. [/QUOTE] I've been using Gameservers since I started hosting a 7DTD server early last year. I knew their interface well, that's the main reason I went back. I'll look into some other options, but I'm talking with the admins to give me the full options I want/need.
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Evening gents, I'm trying to think of a good way of controlling the editor in 3D and what the pros and cons are for 3D control. This is a [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/editor3d.zip"]mess about[/URL] test I've done. Not very polished but kind of demonstrates what I'm on about. Controls are: WSAD - move Q/E - rotate left/right hold shift + Mouse move = expand selection tool X hold control + mouse move = expand selection tool Z hold control + shift + mouse move = expand selection tool Y Left click to add the blocks. As I don't really use 3D tools I'm not sure of the best way for controlling it. So my questions are: 1) Do you use the editor for building? Or do you build in-game and export to tweak? 2) How difficult/easy do you think it would be editing a prefab in 3D (say you've built a house and want to edit the interior) 3) Does anyone have any recommendations of software products that do a good job of flexible but detailed controls? 4) Any recommendations for controlling how the blocks are edited? Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;330969]Evening gents, I'm trying to think of a good way of controlling the editor in 3D and what the pros and cons are for 3D control. This is a [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/editor3d.zip"]mess about[/URL] test I've done. Not very polished but kind of demonstrates what I'm on about. Controls are: WSAD - move Q/E - rotate left/right hold shift + Mouse move = expand selection tool X hold control + mouse move = expand selection tool Z hold control + shift + mouse move = expand selection tool Y Left click to add the blocks. As I don't really use 3D tools I'm not sure of the best way for controlling it. So my questions are: 1) Do you use the editor for building? Or do you build in-game and export to tweak? 2) How difficult/easy do you think it would be editing a prefab in 3D (say you've built a house and want to edit the interior) 3) Does anyone have any recommendations of software products that do a good job of flexible but detailed controls? 4) Any recommendations for controlling how the blocks are edited? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] I couldn't get the blocks to place in the 3d editor. Could grow it in all directions but left click didn't work. (also couldn't get the world editor to connect to my local server with lan IP address, but haven't tried to troubleshoot the issue yet) I tend to do a fair bit of mix and match as far as using editor vs ingame. Depends a lot on what I'm building. If anything 3d was going to be included then a preview window of the blocks in the editor would be great, some way to see the rotation etc, cause placing stairs can be a real pita with the editor since the rotation directions don't seem to make much sense at times. (ever tried placing steps upsidedown?) I lot of the time I will start in game with a basic layout, maybe with wooden frames, then export to the editor and do a block convert to another block on the frames, maybe do some large block inserts (like terrain filler etc), check for non vanilla blocks, check each layer for hidden holes. Then insert back to game for some visual tweaking (Furniture, Doors etc). Then the fun of placing it into the custom hub layout begins (arg rotations and positional rounding errors!)
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I use the editor to lay the basic foundation and do a lot of the grunt work done (I.e. placing walls of the same material). From there I will bounce in and out of the game to place blocks that have difficult rotations to remember. For stairs, I'll place just place a few in the correct rotation then export the prefab out. I'd then build the rest of the stairs in the editor. All detail work is done in game. Furniture, cabinets, toilets, etc. Usually room at a time.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;330969]Evening gents, I'm trying to think of a good way of controlling the editor in 3D and what the pros and cons are for 3D control. This is a [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/editor3d.zip"]mess about[/URL] test I've done. Not very polished but kind of demonstrates what I'm on about. Controls are: WSAD - move Q/E - rotate left/right hold shift + Mouse move = expand selection tool X hold control + mouse move = expand selection tool Z hold control + shift + mouse move = expand selection tool Y Left click to add the blocks. As I don't really use 3D tools I'm not sure of the best way for controlling it. So my questions are: 1) Do you use the editor for building? Or do you build in-game and export to tweak? 2) How difficult/easy do you think it would be editing a prefab in 3D (say you've built a house and want to edit the interior) 3) Does anyone have any recommendations of software products that do a good job of flexible but detailed controls? 4) Any recommendations for controlling how the blocks are edited? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] I recall a editor I came across some time back it was a 3d editor for prefabs for 7dtd. I have always used this one as it is awesome and easy to use. I am currently trying to find this that I am talking bout so maybe you could have a look and get some ideas from it. But I can tell you now a 3d editor would be the only thing that could possibly outdo this editor. I would def build more in the editor if it were 3d myself. Especially if we could see each block we are using the rotations (both of which StompyNZ mentioned)
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[url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?13230-VoxelWorkshop-Prefab-Builder[/url] I think this was it lol but I also seen you in there so you know bout this one already but I will keep looking as I couldnt get into the site so couldnt tell if it was the same one i was thinking bout
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