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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;322589]@hotr0d It isn't what he is requesting that's the problem, it's the manner in which he's requesting it..[/QUOTE] I believe I made my understanding of that clear and offered a rebuke of mine own to him. Your chastisement was appropriate; my issue was with the bandwagoning that was occurring. [spoiler]I too offer my time and work without the promise of recompenseas many others do; this is understood and accepted by all of those who work in managing servers and contributing to the community. I also stressed my dislike for the obligatory disclaimers; someone can offer input and criticisms of my work without a sycophantic disclaimer. The appreciation is demonstrated in the way you present the criticism through courtesy and an understanding of what I have done. I cannot speak for others, however. I grasped and defended every point of yours; in fact, you were witness to me lambasting someone else who earlier in this thread took a similar disrespectful approach. As a result this situation is ironic to me.[/spoiler] In regards to not escalating this further I will refrain from further comment; however, I wish to ensure I am not misconstrued simply due to a lack of reading comprehension. Now allow me to offer levity as I make an attempt to ingratiate myself to you: Could the world editor have a "make the world awesome" button? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- “I appreciate thieves who do their research, but at least you recognize worth when you see it.”
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[QUOTE=SylenThunder;322315]No, I didn't watch the 20 minute video. I won't learn anything by listening/watching a vid with voice audio that I can barely hear. What's amazing is that one would go through the effort of making a 20 minute video, and not take a few minutes to jot down the commands. The editor is one thing, and though it's missing some instruction as well. I didn't bitch about the editor being hard to use. I'm just amazed that after 138 pages, there isn't a full detailed list of commands in text form provided anywhere. It's something so basic, and so common with practically every other similar tool ever released. It's been asked about several times, and the answers are just redirects. Yeah, I was extremely frustrated when I posted that, and was probably a bit harsher than I should have been. Really though, how much harder would it be? Not to help me, but to help the community who is trying to use your creation. I didn't think of checking the logs. I'll take a poke at that later and then post the detailed list for you. Maybe you can take it and include it in the tool download to make it easier for those using your mod.[/QUOTE] pro tip: think something like this is missing ..do it . write down all the command and post it here for the comunity. thats how modding comunity works, noone works to others requests needs, we mod /make things we think are missing then share it with all. so you did step one . you saw a need now do step 2 and fill the need.
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;322590]Wow Hal, that sounds awesome :) Eagerly anticipating what you have come up with :)[/QUOTE] Don't get too excited, you haven't seen it yet ^ ^ [QUOTE=Pacco;322593] Don't let anybody piss you off! They just dont know anything.... ;)[/QUOTE] I may have this translated to latin and tattooed on my thigh [QUOTE=h0tr0d;322609]I believe I made my understanding of that clear and offered a rebuke of mine own to him. Your chastisement was appropriate; my issue was with the bandwagoning that was occurring. [spoiler]I too offer my time and work without the promise of recompenseas many others do; this is understood and accepted by all of those who work in managing servers and contributing to the community. I also stressed my dislike for the obligatory disclaimers; someone can offer input and criticisms of my work without a sycophantic disclaimer. The appreciation is demonstrated in the way you present the criticism through courtesy and an understanding of what I have done. I cannot speak for others, however. I grasped and defended every point of yours; in fact, you were witness to me lambasting someone else who earlier in this thread took a similar disrespectful approach. As a result this situation is ironic to me.[/spoiler] In regards to not escalating this further I will refrain from further comment; however, I wish to ensure I am not misconstrued simply due to a lack of reading comprehension. Now allow me to offer levity as I make an attempt to ingratiate myself to you: Could the world editor have a "make the world awesome" button? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- “I appreciate thieves who do their research, but at least you recognize worth when you see it.”[/QUOTE] I wasn't trying to rebuke you and my comprehension was ok last time I checked. I saw your points and agreed. The initial sentence was a lead in to the main point of disagreement of feet kissing and where you and I have different levels of appropriate behaviour. As to the bandwagoning I don't think that's true. DNC was expressing his opinion and nothing more. Hostile, yes, but not bullying. Had he stalked him from thread to thread abusing him at every turn I think you'd have a point and I, like you, would say something. But no personal insults were thrown, no names called, no threats of virtual violence. I'm quite glad it did provoke a strong reaction. If you saw someone you knew being insulted would you meekly stand by or step up? As long as the response is appropriate hostility is not a bad thing. Alas, no Awesome button but there will be zooming! [QUOTE=Deccypher;322611]pro tip: think something like this is missing ..do it . write down all the command and post it here for the comunity. thats how modding comunity works, noone works to others requests needs, we mod /make things we think are missing then share it with all. so you did step one . you saw a need now do step 2 and fill the need.[/QUOTE] Thank you Deccypher but we covered that. Time to move on please. [QUOTE=Guppycur;322623]Been looking forward to the world editorsince you showed the sneak peak a while back. ...I just hope you have documented it well. (Too soon? :))[/QUOTE] No documentation. If you're lucky you'll get a video of me whispering things ;) Pretty much everything that was in the video is back in plus a couple of more functions (3D is disabled though for now). I want to try and get sculpting in but for now I can't figure it out. Hopefully in time it will get added.
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@Hal: Not sure if you've seen this thread (I get easily confused), but it may prove fruitful to some of your endeavors. I say this w/o having a complete idea of your plan. Particularly the last few pages, where Kinyajuu gave some insight. [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32817-Hub_Layout-Guide-%28by-Laz-Man%29[/url]
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;322632]@Hal: Not sure if you've seen this thread (I get easily confused), but it may prove fruitful to some of your endeavors. I say this w/o having a complete idea of your plan. Particularly the last few pages, where Kinyajuu gave some insight. [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32817-Hub_Layout-Guide-%28by-Laz-Man%29[/url][/QUOTE] Thanks Guppy, that may give me some clues on where to dig in the code
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very good news Hal :) Iam excited about the world-editor too. Do I have to buy another 8GB ram to handle it ??? LOL - just kidding - dont anwere! btw: I have prepared (=renamed) almost all prefabs to check out the Magoli-function. I didn't do the convertion yet !!! I have just changed almost all glassShower-Bloxx to glassBuisness-Bloxx !!! Sry I didn't gave u a feedback if it works !!! But iam not sure if its really really needed. Its a big step !!! And actually i like Lit Lights !! Because it seems the performance is ok - even with Lit1-Lights in A12.5 yet !!!???!!! I hope A13 will have a better performance - so I have no more trouble with this. About the 2d-artist-thingy: I PM u tommorrow something I have made last year. Iam not sure if it is what u searching for - but we'll see. U talked also about music!?! I got music too (50 selfmade hiphop-instrumental-beats) !!! And here is something for U all: I want u to remember this: Without Hal - there would be not a single Custom-Prefab today !!! All my work is based on his work. Mag
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;322700]On the shoulders of giants we all stand :)[/QUOTE] Unless of course, you are a giant. [QUOTE=HAL9000;322629]Alas, no Awesome button but there will be zooming![/QUOTE] No awesome button means you need to step it up as the editor is useless without it. What good is zooming into non-awesomeness? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we stand up for what is right not just because we can stand.
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[QUOTE=Magoli;322675]very good news Hal :) Iam excited about the world-editor too. Do I have to buy another 8GB ram to handle it ??? LOL - just kidding - dont anwere! btw: I have prepared (=renamed) almost all prefabs to check out the Magoli-function. I didn't do the convertion yet !!! I have just changed almost all glassShower-Bloxx to glassBuisness-Bloxx !!! Sry I didn't gave u a feedback if it works !!! But iam not sure if its really really needed. Its a big step !!! And actually i like Lit Lights !! Because it seems the performance is ok - even with Lit1-Lights in A12.5 yet !!!???!!! I hope A13 will have a better performance - so I have no more trouble with this. About the 2d-artist-thingy: I PM u tommorrow something I have made last year. Iam not sure if it is what u searching for - but we'll see. U talked also about music!?! I got music too (50 selfmade hiphop-instrumental-beats) !!! And here is something for U all: I want u to remember this: Without Hal - there would be not a single Custom-Prefab today !!! All my work is based on his work. Mag[/QUOTE] Hey Mag, Cool, let me know how it goes with the prefabs. No worries if the functions not needed, it's there for the future if the requirement comes up. The world editor stores everything except the chunk data in memory. The worlds I've been testing with are around 50,000 chunks and things are fine but if you're running something that's hundreds of thousands or millions of chunks the RAM is going to fill up. It's all stuff that can be optimised later, I'm just wanted to get things running first. I shall look forward to your PM. [QUOTE=h0tr0d;322710] No awesome button means you need to step it up as the editor is useless without it. What good is zooming into non-awesomeness? [/QUOTE] Hmm good point. Problem is I don't have much awesomeness in stock. Maybe only enough to fill a cup or easter egg or two. [QUOTE=Guppycur;322791] @Hal: Did you get around to sorting those comboboxes of blocks? :)[/QUOTE] Indeed I did!
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;322834]Hmm good point. Problem is I don't have much awesomeness in stock. Maybe only enough to fill a cup or easter egg or two. [/QUOTE] A problem most people have when compared to h0tr0d; there is no shame. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- self-deprecation not withstanding.
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Good news everybody! You will be able to get rid of those gaps between blocks in the next version of the editor (like [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32866-Block-Smoothing"]here[/URL]). It's all down to the density property assigned to the space in the prefab so in the next version of the editor you'll be able to tweak these values. The bbb import commands will also use these values to provide an import that looks like it's been through the RWMixer so you can test how it looks.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;322901]Good news everybody! You will be able to get rid of those gaps between blocks in the next version of the editor (like [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32866-Block-Smoothing"]here[/URL]). It's all down to the density property assigned to the space in the prefab so in the next version of the editor you'll be able to tweak these values. The bbb import commands will also use these values to provide an import that looks like it's been through the RWMixer so you can test how it looks.[/QUOTE] Awesome hal! I knew the property was tied to the prefab somehow and not just on RWG creation. I am glad you were able to figure it out. :) This is a huge deal, this might mean we can replicate smoother terrain elevation change. I look forward to trying it out. @hotrod, this I what I meant when I stated "partially true" in that other thread :p
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;322902]Awesome hal! I knew the property was tied to the prefab somehow and not just on RWG creation. I am glad you were able to figure it out. :) This is a huge deal, this might mean we can replicate smoother terrain elevation change. I look forward to trying it out. @hotrod, this I what I meant when I stated "partially true" in that other thread :p[/QUOTE] Gotcha; good call. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we can put the "dense" in "density"
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;322902]Awesome hal! I knew the property was tied to the prefab somehow and not just on RWG creation. I am glad you were able to figure it out. :) This is a huge deal, this might mean we can replicate smoother terrain elevation change. I look forward to trying it out. @hotrod, this I what I meant when I stated "partially true" in that other thread :p[/QUOTE] Wait... it isn't possible [I]yet[/I], correct? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- making the future "tense"
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;322902]Awesome hal! I knew the property was tied to the prefab somehow and not just on RWG creation. I am glad you were able to figure it out. :) This is a huge deal, this might mean we can replicate smoother terrain elevation change. I look forward to trying it out. @hotrod, this I what I meant when I stated "partially true" in that other thread :p[/QUOTE] Yeah it looks like it gives the values to make smoother terrain. You have to be careful with it though. Setting incorrect values will give weird results like invisible terrain. I may make it so you have to enable the "advanced" function of it so new people to the editor won't inadvertently break their prefabs and not know why. [QUOTE=Magoli;322959]pls clear your INBOX Hal thx[/QUOTE] Sorry Mag, cleared now. [QUOTE=h0tr0d;323013]Wait... it isn't possible [I]yet[/I], correct? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- making the future "tense"[/QUOTE] No, not yet. Next version should have it in. Cheers, Hal
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Hi matey! I see from the dev blog that they've removed hornets' nests from A13, is there any way we can mass-process a folder of prefabs to remove all hornets nests/replace them with a different block? Seems this thread has grew a few pages recently, let me go back and read a while....
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