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Hal's Prefab Editor


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HAL9000 I am new to this but want to use your application, tried all 3 download links starting with the first one. Each one gives me this error: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: sdtdeditor.exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 55bcd1ec Problem Signature 04: mscorlib Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 53b4fc1e Problem Signature 07: 1205 Problem Signature 08: 9f Problem Signature 09: System.TypeLoadException OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: b957 Additional Information 2: b957cfefd38b0c1570b7c92ba02e6602 Additional Information 3: 560d Additional Information 4: 560d6b3aca7768b685f8d73e6f714265 When it crashes as i run the .exe I am running windows 7 and game is currently patched to 12.5a, Is there anything i can do to get this working? Any and all input would be appreciated, Thank you
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;320647]Just tried it an worked ok. Remember it only fills air with the block specified. It won't replace other blocks/grass etc. Which I suppose leads to the question do you guys want a "Fill Area" and a "Fill Space" command? I have done it on a flat ground and it still 10 X 11. What is the difference between "Fill area" and "Fill Space", sorry for the dump question.
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[QUOTE=kimila;322006][QUOTE=HAL9000;320647]Just tried it an worked ok. Remember it only fills air with the block specified. It won't replace other blocks/grass etc. Which I suppose leads to the question do you guys want a "Fill Area" and a "Fill Space" command? I have done it on a flat ground and it still 10 X 11. What is the difference between "Fill area" and "Fill Space", sorry for the dump question.[/QUOTE] I will take another look, it might be a rounding error because the player position is in floats but the block co-ords are ints. I will add another command and update the current one in the next version. Fill Area - Fills the area specified. If there's already a block there it will be replaced with what you input Fill Space - Replaces any air block in the area with the specified block. Make sense? [QUOTE=kimila;322007]Another question. Have a server pc and a gamer pc with two difference connection. Is it possible to run the editor on my gamer pc and then edit the game on my server pc, insert prefabs and stuff. How to if this is possible.[/QUOTE] As long as you replace the server's DLL with the dedicated version of the editor DLL then you can run all the bbb commands on the server.
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What's really annoying is that there is no solid list of commands. Just a video, and a link to another thread that has some of them. No real explanation of anything without a LOT of searching. Please, for the love of all sane people, include a text file with a list of commands and what they do. I started, but playing with getting the commands, then the instructions in-game and manually typing it all out in another window, while alt-tabbing back and forth just took my frustration level too far and I only got 2 commands done. We shouldn't have to do this to get basic instructions. Here's a list of the commands themselves. [I](At least, what's listed when you type the non-intuitive command to find them in-game)[/I] Box CanCreate Claim Debug ExportClaim FIllArea InsertPrefab KeyKill Load LoadItems ModMode ReloadPlayers Save SaveItems Shield SpawnEntities Teleport This is as far as I got before the sheer frustration of doing the work that should have been done already from the beginning.... bbb Box (Admin Only) Alias: unbox Usage: bbb box Usage: bbb box Usage: bbb unbox Usage: bbb unbox bbb Claim ~ Claim the area with the given name Usage: bbb claim wall ~ Claim the area and add a gravel wall showing the boundary I mean, who the hell wants to watch a video for a list of commands and what they do?
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[QUOTE=SylenThunder;322197]What's really annoying is that there is no solid list of commands. Just a video, and a link to another thread that has some of them. No real explanation of anything without a LOT of searching. Please, for the love of all sane people, include a text file with a list of commands and what they do. I started, but playing with getting the commands, then the instructions in-game and manually typing it all out in another window, while alt-tabbing back and forth just took my frustration level too far and I only got 2 commands done. We shouldn't have to do this to get basic instructions. Here's a list of the commands themselves. [I](At least, what's listed when you type the non-intuitive command to find them in-game)[/I] Box CanCreate Claim Debug ExportClaim FIllArea InsertPrefab KeyKill Load LoadItems ModMode ReloadPlayers Save SaveItems Shield SpawnEntities Teleport This is as far as I got before the sheer frustration of doing the work that should have been done already from the beginning.... bbb Box (Admin Only) Alias: unbox Usage: bbb box Usage: bbb box Usage: bbb unbox Usage: bbb unbox bbb Claim ~ Claim the area with the given name Usage: bbb claim wall ~ Claim the area and add a gravel wall showing the boundary I mean, who the hell wants to watch a video for a list of commands and what they do?[/QUOTE] I know your frustrated but remember hal works on this editor in his spare time so please keep that in mind. Not to mention its the only prefab editor available since Aussies stopped developing his.
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[QUOTE=SylenThunder;322197]This is as far as I got before the sheer frustration of doing the [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]work[/COLOR][/B] that should have been done already from the beginning....[/QUOTE] Let me just highlight the key word there. Hal doesn't get paid for the huge amount of time he puts into this project (as far I know know). He's not one of the staff. Maybe you could actually do the work that you demand and offer it back to the community as a way of helping out rather than giving what comes off as a pretty rude post to the creator of such a good tool.
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[QUOTE=SylenThunder;322197]What's really annoying is that there is no solid list of commands. Just a video, and a link to another thread that has some of them. No real explanation of anything without a LOT of searching. Please, for the love of all sane people, include a text file with a list of commands and what they do. I started, but playing with getting the commands, then the instructions in-game and manually typing it all out in another window, while alt-tabbing back and forth just took my frustration level too far and I only got 2 commands done. We shouldn't have to do this to get basic instructions. Here's a list of the commands themselves. [I](At least, what's listed when you type the non-intuitive command to find them in-game)[/I] Box CanCreate Claim Debug ExportClaim FIllArea InsertPrefab KeyKill Load LoadItems ModMode ReloadPlayers Save SaveItems Shield SpawnEntities Teleport This is as far as I got before the sheer frustration of doing the work that should have been done already from the beginning.... bbb Box (Admin Only) Alias: unbox Usage: bbb box Usage: bbb box Usage: bbb unbox Usage: bbb unbox bbb Claim ~ Claim the area with the given name Usage: bbb claim wall ~ Claim the area and add a gravel wall showing the boundary I mean, who the hell wants to watch a video for a list of commands and what they do?[/QUOTE] Wait, wait, wait... Let me get this right. First you watched the 20 minute video I made showing you each of the commands and what they do. Then you got as far as typing bbb box ? and bbb claim ? Before the sense of frustration and sheer hopelessness overwhelmed you in such amount that you stopped what you were doing and came here to complain? Let me swap some stats with you. I actually can't count the hours I've put into the editor but at times it's like having a second job that you don't get paid for. Your tally so far is 2 lines and 6 words. Mine is 66295 lines of code and 349092 words. Imagine writing that essay. That doesn't include the TFP code I hook into, that doesn't include all the exploratory code I've had to do to make the game do what I want, that doesn't include all the code I've had to throw away because a new Alpha came out and the rules changed. That's just where we are today. Your inability to concentrate really doesn't interest me. Your chosen method of learning is different to the teaching material I've provided? Fine. But if you'd rather spend the time b!tching and moaning how hard it is to use the editor rather than taking the initiative and pitching in I have zero incentive to help you. How long would it have taken to run the commands and write them down? Or even just look in your log file where all the chat gets entered anyway. 2 lines and 6 words. Here's a top tip: Leave. Leave and don't come back. Hal
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No, I didn't watch the 20 minute video. I won't learn anything by listening/watching a vid with voice audio that I can barely hear. What's amazing is that one would go through the effort of making a 20 minute video, and not take a few minutes to jot down the commands. The editor is one thing, and though it's missing some instruction as well. I didn't bitch about the editor being hard to use. I'm just amazed that after 138 pages, there isn't a full detailed list of commands in text form provided anywhere. It's something so basic, and so common with practically every other similar tool ever released. It's been asked about several times, and the answers are just redirects. Yeah, I was extremely frustrated when I posted that, and was probably a bit harsher than I should have been. Really though, how much harder would it be? Not to help me, but to help the community who is trying to use your creation. I didn't think of checking the logs. I'll take a poke at that later and then post the detailed list for you. Maybe you can take it and include it in the tool download to make it easier for those using your mod.
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[QUOTE=SylenThunder;322315]No, I didn't watch the 20 minute video. I won't learn anything by listening/watching a vid with voice audio that I can barely hear. What's amazing is that one would go through the effort of making a 20 minute video, and not take a few minutes to jot down the commands. The editor is one thing, and though it's missing some instruction as well. I didn't bitch about the editor being hard to use. I'm just amazed that after 138 pages, there isn't a full detailed list of commands in text form provided anywhere. It's something so basic, and so common with practically every other similar tool ever released. It's been asked about several times, and the answers are just redirects. [COLOR="#800000"]Yeah, I was extremely frustrated when I posted that, and was probably a bit harsher than I should have been.[/COLOR] Really though, how much harder would it be? Not to help me, but to help the community who is trying to use your creation. I didn't think of checking the logs. I'll take a poke at that later and then post the detailed list for you. Maybe you can take it and include it in the tool download to make it easier for those using your mod.[/QUOTE] Ok, so you complain that there is no instructions then tell us you didn't watch the instructions. You can get all the info you need in the game, why would you need a text file with the same info? Let me again highlight the important line in your reply. You were not a bit harsher, you were completely rude and if I was Hal I would expect a decent apology rather than more complaining if you expect anyone at all to give you help.
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[QUOTE=SylenThunder;322315]No, I didn't watch the 20 minute video. I won't learn anything by listening/watching a vid with voice audio that I can barely hear. What's amazing is that one would go through the effort of making a 20 minute video, and not take a few minutes to jot down the commands. The editor is one thing, and though it's missing some instruction as well. I didn't bitch about the editor being hard to use. I'm just amazed that after 138 pages, there isn't a full detailed list of commands in text form provided anywhere. It's something so basic, and so common with practically every other similar tool ever released. It's been asked about several times, and the answers are just redirects. Yeah, I was extremely frustrated when I posted that, and was probably a bit harsher than I should have been. Really though, how much harder would it be? Not to help me, but to help the community who is trying to use your creation. I didn't think of checking the logs. I'll take a poke at that later and then post the detailed list for you. Maybe you can take it and include it in the tool download to make it easier for those using your mod.[/QUOTE] Whether you learn or don't learn something from the video is not my concern. I'm not here to cater to your educational needs. I did however provide a video and also write a way of querying what the commands are in game and explained how to access it. I also made it so as and when new commands come into the editor they're automatically added to the list of queries. Your frustration is also no concern of mine. I'm not your family. I'm not your buddy you can blow off steam to. I am a complete stranger who doesn't want to hear some whiny little runt moan about how things aren't the way they want them. Those "practically every other similar tools' probably had a bigger dev team than one guy doing it in his free time. And when he already works at least a 50 hour week then yes, the time it would take to write and maintain full and proper documentation is too much. You're using my ever-changing pet project. If you don't like it, don't use it. It doesn't phase me one way or the other. But if you do use it then how about while I'm doing the things no one else is doing building the tools to make the communities lives easier, give them access to new toys to play with and make new content with YOU step up and provide something for the community you are so quick to use as a leverage tool. WSiegel, Ekk0, BigC90210, hotr0d, Magoli and many others. They've all seen a way to help the community and add value to the project. They have gone ahead and done something about it and I greatly appreciate their help. How much better would it have been to arrive and say "I wanted to have the documentation in text cause that's the way I like it so I took an hour out of my day and here's a link for people" instead of "No, I don't want video, it's not how I learn. Yes I know there are descriptions in the game but I don't want to type! I typed 6 words and had to give up cause it was all too much for me. I want it all in one place all in one time. You don't do things the way I want whaaahhh" I have no interest in helping people that refuse to help themselves. Got a genuine problem you can't solve? I will sort it, or at least I'll try my best. What I'm not here for is to spoon-feed morons or take ♥♥♥♥♥ from faceless internet dwellers. [QUOTE=Treachery;322322]is there a way of editing the materials and wall- and walk width for the maze generator? or is there any chance that that might be added later on?[/QUOTE] Yes, changing the block could be possible but you can use the "Replace Block ID" function in the prefab menu to change it when you load the maze into the editor. Unfortunately the algorithm used to generate the maze requires a 1 block width walkway so no way to change that.
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When h0tr0d tells people to chill it can lend perspective. I recall saying much the same to someone who was complaining and being told to relax. Sylen, you weren't "probably" harsher; you [I]were[/I] too reactive and need to chill. Not watching the videos people put up to try and help and then attacking that work is asinine...that has been said before. I believe that you understand this and instead of just apologizing you dug in and are being recalcitrant which is a fault I have perfected. The easiest way out of those situations is to just back down, apologize, and learn from it. That being said people who imply that you need a page-long disclaimer kissing people's feet because they work on their own need to go back to their sensitivity training. I have expressed appreciation for what Hal and others do and am not going to devote a paragraph every time I make a reply for the sake of placating others.I loathe the obligatory overacting people tend to do; you can offer criticism without disclaimers. It is best if you ask questions, seek to understand, and once you have an understanding [I]then[/I] offer suggestions versus overt criticism. Just because someone is an ass about how they present something does not mean their point is not valid; this is another logical fallacy with arguments. Choosing to disregard it is one thing because of how they presented it; saying what they said wrong because of how they presented it is fallacious. I have done my share of research, sought understanding, eaten my share of crow, showed appreciation, copiously credited people and yet I would also appreciate a list of bbb commands consolidated in one location (unless it exists and my senility is showing). Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
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[QUOTE=SylenThunder;322315]No, I didn't watch the 20 minute video. I won't learn anything by listening/watching a vid with voice audio that I can barely hear. What's amazing is that one would go through the effort of making a 20 minute video, and not take a few minutes to jot down the commands. The editor is one thing, and though it's missing some instruction as well. I didn't bitch about the editor being hard to use. I'm just amazed that after 138 pages, there isn't a full detailed list of commands in text form provided anywhere. It's something so basic, and so common with practically every other similar tool ever released. It's been asked about several times, and the answers are just redirects. Yeah, I was extremely frustrated when I posted that, and was probably a bit harsher than I should have been. Really though, how much harder would it be? Not to help me, but to help the community who is trying to use your creation. I didn't think of checking the logs. I'll take a poke at that later and then post the detailed list for you. Maybe you can take it and include it in the tool download to make it easier for those using your mod.[/QUOTE] I wont reiterate what has already been said about your attitude. You really are rude. 1. If you can't even use your index finger to turn up the volume on your computer / television (depending on what is connected to your PC)... why are you wasting the energy to complain by typing? 2. No one in the YEARS this tool has been available has complained about not being able to find the information. Lets look at it this way... You could use GOOGLE to search for (wait for it) "hal's prefab editor".... S.H.!.T, the first hit is this forum thread. Then there are 3 youtube links that show up next (so, if one has crap volume... TURN UP THE VOLUME [U]OR[/U] USE ANOTHER VIDEO)... a) 7DTD Prefab Editor - YouTube b) 7 Days To Die Beginners How To Make A Prefab Complete ... c) How to use Hal9000's prefab editor - YouTube Here is a list of the commands. [code] Here's the list: "bbb claim " - Where is whatever you want to call your area. Claims the area around the player. The radius of which is set by the server admin. [B]e.g.[/B] bbb claim base If you want a small gravel wall at the edges of your area you can add "wall" at the end of the request. Helps to define your build area. [B]e.g.[/B] bbb claim base wall "bbb save " - re-saves the area that's already been claimed. [B]e.g.[/B] bbb save base "bbb load " - loads the last save for the area [B]e.g.[/B] bbb load base "bbb tp " - Admin only. Teleport to the given co-ordinates. The "Y" value is height not depth. [B]e.g.[/B] bbb tp 400 71 -800 "bbb tp " - Admin only. Teleport yourself to the person specified. "bbb rp" - Admin only. Reloads player data (for when you've made changes using the Backup Manager program) [/code] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]The rest without their definitions... you fill them in.[/COLOR][/B] [code] Box CanCreate Debug ExportClaim FillArea InsertPrefab KeyKill Kill LoadItems ModMode SaveItems Shield SpawnEntities [/code] Even if you can not hear the video, you can SEE the commands being TYPED.... You fill in the rest of the list by watching the video or GTFO. Sorry you had to go through this grief Hal
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[QUOTE=DarkNightsComing;322416]Even if you can not hear the video, you can SEE the commands being TYPED.... You fill in the rest of the list by watching the video or GTFO.[/QUOTE] As I said, the fact the commands are typed in a video should not invalidate the request for a list of commands in one location which can easily be perused at a glance. I would agree with the point that the watcher could take initiative and do it themselves for the sake of everyone as opposed to asking someone else to do it; I disagree with the fallacy of your argument. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- vote or GTFO
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PS The FULL list of commands was found in the video at 35 seconds in. [video=youtube;0cNvW0nLfbQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cNvW0nLfbQ&feature=youtu.be[/video] Afterwards, watch the Full video for definitions. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=h0tr0d;322417]As I said, the fact the commands are typed in a video should not invalidate the request for a list of commands in one location which can easily be perused at a glance. I would agree with the point that the watcher could take initiative and do it themselves for the sake of everyone as opposed to asking someone else to do it; I disagree with the fallacy of your argument. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- vote or GTFO[/QUOTE] Well bro. It took me 20 seconds to open google - type the google search - get youtube to open the video, another 2 minutes to write down the list from the Paused video, and another few minutes to transcribe that here. Refer to my Previous post for the the two part list. First part has definitions, second part does not. Part of the list has definitions, you can all fill in the blanks and post a Reply with the Full Definitions and BAM... Resolved. Wont Vote h0tr0d 2016 Anyone that wont take the time to do this for themselves, doesn't deserve the help in the first place. People that offer to create Mods such as those of us in this thread, Do have lives. Those that Use the Mods, shouldn't whine... He certainly could had "requested Nicely" a listing with definitions. But Hal already has done 99.999% of the work. Why don't you all write up the little definition list and save him the effort. Hmm?
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You still fail to make a valid argument. My previous statement stands and I have neither the time nor inclination to validate my contributions to anyone; it speaks for itself. I amusingly and facetiously appreciate how you do not recognize the videos done for the editor are also done by me or perhaps you are so caught up in your righteous anger that you have become blind to the truth. The fact that the list is in the video does not invalidate the request/necessity/argument for a list outside of a video. The argument "why don't you make one hmmm?" is asinine because the same could be applied to you, or anyone, for that matter. Trying to somehow shift the blame to me for there not being a list is another logical fallacy of argument and only serves to inflame and drive us further from the goal or a proper resolution. Using "CAPS" is antagonistic and amounts to online shouting; underlining or italicizing is more appropriate for emphasis and less provocative. Unless of course, your purpose was to inflame apurpose. The statement "It took me x amount of time with x steps" is likewise irrelevant. "Use Google" is not helpful; nor is it a valid argument. Rather, it is typical of the things that frustrated and angered me with the modding "gurus"; when I was trying to learn all I would get is dismissive responses which amounted to "Search the forums, use google, I don't have the time, figure it out." I started figuring "it" out and contributing back what I have learned and still I find the same elitist behavior. "little definition list" is another passive-aggressive remark chosen to inflame through an insulting implication. "bro" "GTFO "PS" remarks are also decidedly unhelpful and serve only to exacerbate. "Bandwagoning" is another fallacy of argument and amounts to cowards choosing to bully SylenThunder. Hal has a right to be angry and respond accordingly; however, the piling on and parroting of what he said is pathetic. I see the same when one of the staff or developers says something and sheep all jump into the threads "oh you are so right, so wise and we are immensely grateful because you have done more to help these ingrates than Jesus Christ did for the persecuted." "Sorry you had to go thru this Hal" ? You can show your appreciation and respect by helping to contribute to someone's work and acknowledging it through the use of/insight/creation of your own work to help the community or the developers. It is not done by condescendingly posting some half-ass list and dismissively saying "Do the rest yourself". I do not condone how SylenThunder acted; however, I do not tolerate people piling on him after the fact; Hal offered rebuke and Sylen was chastised appropriately. Instead of someone speaking reason I saw people responding emotionally and attacking SylenThunder with fallacious arguments as opposed to helping to resolve things positively. How he presented his point does not invalidate the legitimacy of his request; if you fail to acknowledge this you fail to see reason. Get off your high horses and quit bullying others; who are you to offer judgement on who deserves what? If you really want to bully someone try me on for size; I will disabuse you. Hitting edit a few times just to aggravate you...ha Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- Come correct
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;322441]You still fail to make a valid argument. My previous statement stands and I have neither the time nor inclination to validate my contributions to anyone; it speaks for itself. I amusingly and facetiously appreciate how you do not recognize the videos done for the editor are also done by me or perhaps you are so caught up in your righteous anger that you have become blind to the truth. The fact that the list is in the video does not invalidate the request/necessity/argument for a list outside of a video. The argument "why don't you make one hmmm?" is asinine because the same could be applied to you, or anyone, for that matter. Trying to somehow shift the blame to me for there not being a list is another logical fallacy of argument and only serves to inflame and drive us further from the goal or a proper resolution. Using "CAPS" is antagonistic and amounts to online shouting; underlining or italicizing is more appropriate for emphasis and less provocative. Unless of course, your purpose was to inflame apurpose. The statement "It took me x amount of time with x steps" is likewise irrelevant. "Use Google" is not helpful; nor is it a valid argument. Rather, it is typical of the things that frustrated and angered me with the modding "gurus"; when I was trying to learn all I would get is dismissive responses which amounted to "Search the forums, use google, I don't have the time, figure it out." I started figuring "it" out and contributing back what I have learned and still I find the same elitist behavior. "little definition list" is another passive-aggressive remark chosen to inflame through an insulting implication. "bro" "GTFO "PS" remarks are also decidedly unhelpful and serve only to exacerbate. "Bandwagoning" is another fallacy of argument and amounts to cowards choosing to bully SylenThunder. Hal has a right to be angry and respond accordingly; however, the piling on and parroting of what he said is pathetic. I see the same when one of the staff or developers says something and sheep all jump into the threads "oh you are so right, so wise and we are immensely grateful because you have done more to help these ingrates than Jesus Christ did for the persecuted." "Sorry you had to go thru this Hal" ? You can show your appreciation and respect by helping to contribute to someone's work and acknowledging it through the use of/insight/creation of your own work to help the community or the developers. It is not done by condescendingly posting some half-ass list and dismissively saying "Do the rest yourself". I do not condone how SylenThunder acted; however, I do not tolerate people piling on him after the fact; Hal offered rebuke and Sylen was chastised appropriately. Instead of someone speaking reason I saw people responding emotionally and attacking SylenThunder with fallacious arguments as opposed to helping to resolve things positively. How he presented his point does not invalidate the legitimacy of his request; if you fail to acknowledge this you fail to see reason. Get off your high horses and quit bullying others; who are you to offer judgement on who deserves what? If you really want to bully someone try me on for size; I will disabuse you. Hitting edit a few times just to aggravate you...ha Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- Come correct[/QUOTE] No the list in the video did not invalidate it. [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]My post did have the full listing of commands and some of them were already defined...[/COLOR][/B] (Notice I didn't reference the video without a list. I posted a list in 2 code blocks. 1 with part of the list With definitions and other commands that need filling in. Fill it in yourself and stop this bull. [B]My post was a start to fulfilling the request by having SOME of the commands defined, but I wont do all the work.[/B] So WTH do you get off coming at me? You don't. Instead of wasting your energy on replying with dribble, especially dribble that you aren't even talking the same topic as myself.... Put it to finishing off the list of definitions. [B]I was not attacking you, but obviously since an attack is all you can come to the table with. My reply is thus: [/B] Again.... YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!! Look at the video Link I posted. Then quit with your smug comments. Title: 7DTD Prefab Editor In-Game Commands Author of Video: HAL9000 Quit assuming you know more than I do, you are not even on the same playing field. Not that I need to prove anything, nor do I care what you wrote. Especially since you cannot figure out that YOU DID NOT CREATE THE VIDEO I REFERENCED!!! Also note....... My ORIGINAL POST was Directed to: SylenThunder Again, whom is assuming what now? [QUOTE=h0tr0d;322441]"Bandwagoning" is another fallacy of argument and amounts to cowards choosing to bully SylenThunder. Hal has a right to be angry and respond accordingly; however, the piling on and parroting of what he said is pathetic. [/QUOTE] Whom is "Bandwagoning" whom here? I wasn't even talking to you. So your coming at me like some raven mad dog is quite hilarious. SylenThunder was wrong, I did post a reply with a partial list, where were you even SLIGHTLY contributing to the conversation? You weren't. Caps? I'll CAPS it all I want. Bullying? The only one that did so was you coming at me and trying to cover it up with your comment about hating people attacking SylenThunder when I hadn't. But I can go there if you'd like to take this to PM instead of the thread?
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;322441]You can show your appreciation and respect by helping to contribute to someone's work and acknowledging it through the use of/insight/creation of your own work to help the community or the developers. It is not done by condescendingly posting some half-ass list and dismissively saying "Do the rest yourself". [/QUOTE] I have contributed to this section before you ever stepped foot onto this forum. Should actually search the forum before posting nonsense, prior to attacking someone that has already contributed a great deal to this section from the onset of the game.
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;322448]Deep breath guys. Let's end this before Roland has to close it down please[/QUOTE] I apologize to the community, even reported his post and referenced removal of my own. But I will not tolerate smug attitudes with assumptions I have not contributed, when I've done more than he has.
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;322448]Deep breath guys. Let's end this before Roland has to close it down please[/QUOTE] Let's all follow Stompy's advice. Hal has created something wonderful for the community and this is the place to discuss that and have questions asked and answered. I've read through the last several exchanges and see no reason to delete anything as long as everyone can back down and realize we are all fans of the game and of Hal's work and each of us have varying degrees of skill and desire within this awesome hobby. People have bad days and get frustrated and type stuff they regret later. So lets just bury this business in some constructive discussion and not look back. The only request I have going forward is to treat each other with respect and to stop circumventing the profanity filters. That is the only actual forum rules that were broken. You are all intelligent folk and can select words to convey your thoughts much more creatively than using an exclamation point for an i or leaving out a u. Now hug it out!
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@hotr0d It isn't what he is requesting that's the problem, it's the manner in which he's requesting it. I don't expect people to kiss my feet or earn their dues, the editor is available to anyone that wants it and advice on how to get what they want out of the editor is available here for all. What I do expect is civility and common curtisy. That is non-negotiable. If the discussion isn't civil there will be no discussion. I wasn't dismissing what he was asking for, in fact I can see a good use for it. Can I do it? Sure. Had anyone asked me to do it before yesterday? No. Will I do it for a random guy on the internet having a temper tantrum insulting me and my work? No. I'm busy in other areas of the code tracking things down and working out how they work. And why is this task down to me? It's a task anyone that can read and write can do. I'm happy to help distribute the knowledge, your own videos are in the first post to help others learn. The editor has been downloaded by thousands of people but very few decide to add anything. You get out what you put in. No, I suppose that's not true. You get out way more than you put in, so if everyone put a little bit in it would help every one out. Urg, that sounded a lot less chessy in my head... To all, let me be very clear on this: The editor is my hobby. Nothing more. It's not a product or service I'm provding, it's what I do to relax and have fun. I do it because I enjoy pulling systems apart, seeing what makes them tick, and then seeing if I can stick all the pieces back together with maybe a couple of new parts. It beats the hell out of crosswords and I have long term plans for modding 7DTD if the game progresses in the way I hope it will. I continue to release it to the community because no one else is doing it any more and I get a real kick out of what people are able to build with my stuff, things I haven't a hope of building myself, it's great to see. But don't ever come at me like I owe you something for releasing it. It wasn't, isn't and never shall be the case. Anyway... To lighten the mood and move on I will tell you about what I've been doing. A couple of weeks ago I got bored with my other pet projects (although if any of you out there are 2D artists with a flare for cartoony art styles PM me. We could make wonderful music together) and wanted to scratch the 7DTD modding itch. I was tempted to ask the Devs if I could have a sneak peek at A13 to prepare the editor for the next version but wanted to get some of the older code updated so when A13 does drop there's less work to do. That left only one thing: The world editor. So a couple of weeks and much swearing later I think it's time to let you guys have a play with it. Fair warning, it will be a broken, buggy mess and if you can't accept that don't use it. It may crash the editor a lot and eat up all your RAM but your worlds and builds are safe (I think). So in the next version of the editor (maybe this weekend) that "World Editor" button on the main menu will finally do something. Cheers, Hal
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