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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Hello. After spending hours trying to figure out a way to convert Minecraft .schematic files to 7DTD prefabs (involving searching for Qubicle 1.6, which no longer has a free trial available), I have come up empty handed. So I have come here to ask: Would it be possible to add an import tool for Minecraft .schematic files, similar to the Qubicle .xml importer? EDIT: I mean, I don't expect you to come up with conversions of [I]every[/I] block, but it would be nice if I could choose which type translates to what.
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[QUOTE=Magoli;317238]Hey hal nope - it also dont works in 12.5 (new fresh installed). Got the same error as before - when i click start, the game quits immediately !!! I used the mixer from my pack8. The seedname hasn't any impact to that. Because it happens with every seed u choose. But FYO: This is the seedname i used for the first try: swe1221122 Mag[/QUOTE] That's very strange. I've tested them in the vanilla game and running my mod and the world loads fine. Went to the central city and your custom prefabs were spawning in fine. Can you get it to crash and post the log file? [QUOTE=GreenGhost21;317458]Hello. After spending hours trying to figure out a way to convert Minecraft .schematic files to 7DTD prefabs (involving searching for Qubicle 1.6, which no longer has a free trial available), I have come up empty handed. So I have come here to ask: Would it be possible to add an import tool for Minecraft .schematic files, similar to the Qubicle .xml importer? EDIT: I mean, I don't expect you to come up with conversions of [I]every[/I] block, but it would be nice if I could choose which type translates to what.[/QUOTE] Hello GreenGhost21, It's an interesting idea. There's plenty of code out there for reading the schematic files already so a conversion should be possible. I'm not doing any development on the editor at the moment but when I'm back at it then it's something I can look at. Cheers, Hal
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Hal, Could you add the launch button to the main editor startup application? Another idea using shield. Is it possible to put the bbb shield to the center of the claim while working on the claim? This would keep them off the claim while working but still allow for a few resources to be gathered, without running all over killing mobs in instant hits while getting additional resources. :0) I prefer to get my resources while building my prefab, instead of completely relying on the creative mode for items. Just thoughts. The editor still looks sharp bro. :0) Cheers
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[QUOTE=DarkNightsComing;317662]Hal, Could you add the launch button to the main editor startup application? Another idea using shield. Is it possible to put the bbb shield to the center of the claim while working on the claim? This would keep them off the claim while working but still allow for a few resources to be gathered, without running all over killing mobs in instant hits while getting additional resources. :0) I prefer to get my resources while building my prefab, instead of completely relying on the creative mode for items. Just thoughts. The editor still looks sharp bro. :0) Cheers[/QUOTE] Hey DNC, I've got rid of the "install mini-game" button on the main menu and replaced it with a launch game button. Nice idea with the claim shield. I will add it to the next release. [QUOTE=Magoli;317676]thats really strange. I have to run a view more tests - if its just my fault. Curious: All i can say: With the modified Prefabs =Crash / Without modified Prefabs (=Pack8) everything is fine !!! Are u sure u sent me the right files back ??? Mag[/QUOTE] Hey Mag, Yeah pretty sure I sent you the correct files. I'll try and do a quick video to make sure we're on the same page. Did you manage to get the logs from the crash? [QUOTE=bigc90210;317759]cant seem to update to 44 from 43 on windows 10, get a I cant do that error :/ (im pinching a copy of Slaans 44 in the meantime)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Pacco;317760]couldn´t update, too :sorrow:[/QUOTE] The server is down at the moment guys. I've got them looking into it so should be back up soon. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;317767]Hey DNC, I've got rid of the "install mini-game" button on the main menu and replaced it with a launch game button. Nice idea with the claim shield. I will add it to the next release. [/QUOTE] Hal, I deeply appreciate both features being added. That mini game location is great for launching. Makes jumping back in and hand editing in game easier. Then if I'm working in the editor itself, I launch the game from there. Just makes it easier to do either style a bit easier. *Regretfully, I haven't played the mini game since A7, I really enjoyed testing it. [B]Can you make the shield +1 block outside the claim box so they are not hitting just the outside block by standing outside the claim / shield area?[/B] Every time I work on one side of the house the Z's attack the opposing side, which is just out of my shield reach haha. That was why I thought about it. Was having to stand dead center when the horde came, just so they'd leave it alone. lol I noticed that they've added my weapon reload and hatches to the game. Also, your prefab to world command is working far better than my old mod. Besides just getting acclimated again, I'm trying to come up with new ideas for mods. Suggestions are welcome. :0)
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[QUOTE=Pacco;317785]works again :biggrin-new: thanks again Hal, did you maybe plan to support custom entities in the future???[/QUOTE] Hey Pacco, Maybe, I still need to look into what it would take to make it work but it's on the the to-do list. [QUOTE=DarkNightsComing;317849]Hal, I deeply appreciate both features being added. That mini game location is great for launching. Makes jumping back in and hand editing in game easier. Then if I'm working in the editor itself, I launch the game from there. Just makes it easier to do either style a bit easier. *Regretfully, I haven't played the mini game since A7, I really enjoyed testing it. [B]Can you make the shield +1 block outside the claim box so they are not hitting just the outside block by standing outside the claim / shield area?[/B] Every time I work on one side of the house the Z's attack the opposing side, which is just out of my shield reach haha. That was why I thought about it. Was having to stand dead center when the horde came, just so they'd leave it alone. lol I noticed that they've added my weapon reload and hatches to the game. Also, your prefab to world command is working far better than my old mod. Besides just getting acclimated again, I'm trying to come up with new ideas for mods. Suggestions are welcome. :0)[/QUOTE] Hey DNC, I don't think the mini-game as been included since A7-8. I still have the code but it needs hooking back up to the new systems. Maybe when NPCs make it in I will look at it again. But for now the button was just taking up room. The claim shield will have a 25 block buffer on all sides. That should stop the cops from doing their range attack and being able to hit the building. If it needs tweaking just let me know. If you're looking to get back into the DLL mods there's good news and bad. Good news is pretty much all of the game classes aren't obfuscated any more so it's a lot easier to tell what things are doing. There's still some methods that are but no more unicode characters to get rid of. Bad news is there's lots of padding code in there that makes it harder to read. Lots of un-necessary switch statements all over the place (which you'd think would lead to at least some kind of performance penalty, depending on the method). So easier to do but more faffing around to get there. If you're looking to add something brand new to the game I'd definitely recommend checking out the DLL mod support they added. It's very cool. You can write your own DLLs and include them in the mod folder. When the game loads it checks the folder and loads in the DLLs there. Also means it's EAC compatible. I wish I could use it for the editor but I have to access private variables from the game classes so need to change their access modifiers which means a custom Assembly-CSharp dll. Oh and if you haven't already check out Derpopo's work on [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor"]asset bundle editing[/URL] and Domonix's [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?30100-Sd2dx-v4-1"]SDTDX[/URL]. They're both great new ways of modding the game.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;317898]Hey DNC, I don't think the mini-game as been included since A7-8. I still have the code but it needs hooking back up to the new systems. Maybe when NPCs make it in I will look at it again. But for now the button was just taking up room. The claim shield will have a 25 block buffer on all sides. That should stop the cops from doing their range attack and being able to hit the building. If it needs tweaking just let me know. If you're looking to get back into the DLL mods there's good news and bad. Good news is pretty much all of the game classes aren't obfuscated any more so it's a lot easier to tell what things are doing. There's still some methods that are but no more unicode characters to get rid of. Bad news is there's lots of padding code in there that makes it harder to read. Lots of un-necessary switch statements all over the place (which you'd think would lead to at least some kind of performance penalty, depending on the method). So easier to do but more faffing around to get there. If you're looking to add something brand new to the game I'd definitely recommend checking out the DLL mod support they added. It's very cool. You can write your own DLLs and include them in the mod folder. When the game loads it checks the folder and loads in the DLLs there. Also means it's EAC compatible. I wish I could use it for the editor but I have to access private variables from the game classes so need to change their access modifiers which means a custom Assembly-CSharp dll. Oh and if you haven't already check out Derpopo's work on [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor"]asset bundle editing[/URL] and Domonix's [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?30100-Sd2dx-v4-1"]SDTDX[/URL]. They're both great new ways of modding the game.[/QUOTE] Ha, forgot about vomiting cops. I wasn't near the city hub so it hadn't crossed my mind. Soon as its available I'll test out the cops vs claim shield. I plan on getting something in the works soon. I need something to do anyhow. :0) Glad the unicode chars are gone, but ouch with the unnecessary switch statements. Not a real big deal since I usually break the code down both into disassembled dll in the form of MSIL and (non-compilable) C#. Hopefully I wont need to access any private variables like the weapon reload mod required. I'll dig around for the dll support information later this morning. Just checked out DerPopo's and Pacco's threads. Both will be handy to have. Glad to see everyone has been keeping themselves occupied. :0) Any additional tidbits, please be sure to let me know. Looking forward to digging back into this. Cheers and as always, much appreciated bro
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Hey Hal sry it tooks so long. But i was creating in 11.4 the last few days. OK - [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/f0goahgo2n53m4c/output_log.txt?dl=0"]HERE[/URL] is the output.log of the crash. This time i even dont used another mixer. Just copied the files in the games prefabfolder and started game. Its also the default vanilla ACsharp.dll !!! Let us just only take the Vanilla-Prefabs as Testing-reference-pack in future !!!! I believe it has nothing to do with the bonus xcostum_ ones !!! But i will test this now !!! Mag btw: It was a fresh new installed game - as always !!! (First time started purely without any modifications - so eac can take full work!!!)
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NEWS:NEWS:NEWS:NEWS OK - i tested it: The crash belongs to if game is started WITH EAC - or WITHOUT !!! This means: The modifications are NOT eac-friendly !!! But it seems it only belongs the vanilla-prefabs !!! When i just exchange the custom ones - then i got no crash !!! IMO the Issue comes NOT from the Converter. Rather its a normal eac-block - because the game detects that the vanilla-prefabs have block-changed. But I dont know how the heck the game can know that some lightnings has changed ??? Do the eac check the metas too ??? Or did the eac took notice of the entity-cars change you have made !!! NEWS:NEWS:NEWS:NEWS :)
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[QUOTE=DarkNightsComing;317909]Ha, forgot about vomiting cops. I wasn't near the city hub so it hadn't crossed my mind. Soon as its available I'll test out the cops vs claim shield. I plan on getting something in the works soon. I need something to do anyhow. :0) Glad the unicode chars are gone, but ouch with the unnecessary switch statements. Not a real big deal since I usually break the code down both into disassembled dll in the form of MSIL and (non-compilable) C#. Hopefully I wont need to access any private variables like the weapon reload mod required. I'll dig around for the dll support information later this morning. Just checked out DerPopo's and Pacco's threads. Both will be handy to have. Glad to see everyone has been keeping themselves occupied. :0) Any additional tidbits, please be sure to let me know. Looking forward to digging back into this. Cheers and as always, much appreciated bro[/QUOTE] If you're going down the MSIL route I highly recommend getting into [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/671259/Reweaving-IL-code-with-Mono-Cecil"]CECIL[/URL] to do the changes. Makes rebuilding after a patch a hell of a lot easier and you can use lamba functions to hunt down variables. Got a bit of a learning curve but a huge time saver in the long run. [QUOTE=Magoli;317923]NEWS:NEWS:NEWS:NEWS OK - i tested it: The crash belongs to if game is started WITH EAC - or WITHOUT !!! This means: The modifications are NOT eac-friendly !!! But it seems it only belongs the vanilla-prefabs !!! When i just exchange the custom ones - then i got no crash !!! IMO the Issue comes NOT from the Converter. Rather its a normal eac-block - because the game detects that the vanilla-prefabs have block-changed. But I dont know how the heck the game can know that some lightnings has changed ??? Do the eac check the metas too ??? Or did the eac took notice of the entity-cars change you have made !!! NEWS:NEWS:NEWS:NEWS :)[/QUOTE] Ah yes, just tried the EAC version and got the crash! It's probably checking to see if a file has any change at all. Not sure why prefabs are included in the EAC checks. As far as I know the world is loaded on the server and pushed to the client so there's no way to change them to exploit an advantage. May be worth a bug report to the devs. Setting the meta to undefined_3 doesn't seem to be turning them off but I only did a quick test. Also candles are not included in the turning off as they're a different class. If you want them removing too just let me know. Cheers, Hal
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my masterplan is to make xvanilla-version of all Vanilla-Prefabs i use in my pack. I already to started that with the important ones. So the eac-check-problem should not be problem soon. Next I try the Magoli-function again - but let just the custom ones be converted !!! This should work IMO !!! If not: I will give feedback!!! IMO candles don't have to be changed. But I got a very good info: Its the Glassshower-Blocks that have an negative Impact to the performance too !!! I have to exchange them with glassbuisness-blocks. bbb magout :)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;317942]If you're going down the MSIL route I highly recommend getting into [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/671259/Reweaving-IL-code-with-Mono-Cecil"]CECIL[/URL] to do the changes. Makes rebuilding after a patch a hell of a lot easier and you can use lamba functions to hunt down variables. Got a bit of a learning curve but a huge time saver in the long run. [/QUOTE] Already familiar with Cecil and was using it after A8. Still have my repos / etc from A7 upwards to A10, found them on a backup drive after I thought I lost it all. ;0)
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[QUOTE=Magoli;317949]my masterplan is to make xvanilla-version of all Vanilla-Prefabs i use in my pack. I already to started that with the important ones. So the eac-check-problem should not be problem soon. Next I try the Magoli-function again - but let just the custom ones be converted !!! This should work IMO !!! If not: I will give feedback!!! IMO candles don't have to be changed. But I got a very good info: Its the Glassshower-Blocks that have an negative Impact to the performance too !!! I have to exchange them with glassbuisness-blocks. bbb magout :)[/QUOTE] Ok Mag thanks, good to know! If you want me to add the glass change into the Magoli function just let me know, it's easy enough to do. [QUOTE=kimila;317974]A simple question. Hope it is ok to post it here and not making a new tread. Is there a limitation to how big i can make a fill area with air. Try to bbb fa air 512 but only get 400 x 400.[/QUOTE] Hello Kimila, There's no limit set by the editor but that's quite a large area you're trying to update. Over a million blocks per layer so you're probably hitting a limit on the game. I will change the code to break up the change requests in the next version, see if that helps. [QUOTE=DarkNightsComing;317978]Already familiar with Cecil and was using it after A8. Still have my repos / etc from A7 upwards to A10, found them on a backup drive after I thought I lost it all. ;0)[/QUOTE] Ah well then we should expect another DNC classic soon! ^^ Cheers, Hal
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Hi. This is the one i would like to insert but it seems to be too big. [attachment=486:name] Looking forward to the new release and hope this will solve the problem. The area i am talking about is 341 X 341 with asphalt around it, 5 block. Then i have made a small one 51 X 51 and place that inside so i get 32 small area that players can build on and they place there claimblock in the middle of that block so the are protected just to the road, if you know what i mean. Have a nice day.
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[QUOTE=bigc90210;307301]Hal is it possible when inserting a prefab using bbb insertprefab, is it possible to set copyairblocks to as a parameter? It seems when inserting prefabs this value isnt inherited from the xml file and is false by default. Also is it possible to rotate prefabs at the point of bbb insertprefab? Cheers dude, getting back into the swing of things with the editor :D[/QUOTE] I know thats and old one, but I just had an idea about that! (actually I had it 2pages later for whatever reason) Lets say you have a prefab where copyairblocks IS NOT ticked + rotation is 1(whatever direction that is). Change the stuff,while the game is running, u want to change(tick copyairblocks) make sure u SAVE it and then insert it again, aint that working?
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Got another problem. Found some old house and claim them. Put it into you editor and it seems ok. When i move mouse cursor over a block that should be stairsSmallRichwood i get this error "value of 23 is not valid for 'selectedindex'" There is the same block on the same layer in another place and here it is ok, but the block is not pointing the same direction maybe thats why it is ok. I can replace the block with woodframe but still get the error on the same block. Have a nice day.
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