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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Hi Hal The Magoli-function does not work! I had a so bad error after converting all Prefabs with the Magoli-function - that the sound for all steam-games was gone!!! before 7d-Console was full of red messages: Something with the Entity-Cars. I had to reinstall Steam to have sound again :( Could u throw an eye of that? It should only change all Lights with Lit1 to Lit2 (just to remember) Nice day Mag
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hi Hal I played a littlebit around with the metas - and made good progress manually. U can remove the Magoli-function - rather than repair it. I think i fixed the Light-Issue manually. Need a few more tests - but I think iam famedrop-free now :) cheers Mag
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If I may suggest something with the Magoli function: A short explanation: I've used it and it worked as far as I can tell. But I've only one prefab file more than the vanilla 7dtd and from many crashes with my windows explorer when I open the 7dtd prefab folder I've noticed that the prefab files are somewhat "difficult" to handle. More so when they come in big numbers. I've no crashes anymore (browsing the prefab folder in windows) when I type the first letters of the file I'm looking for very fast into the search tab after opening the folder... that way only very few files are present with most of them hidden and windows doesn't have to handle all prefab files at once (which resulted in crashes nearly every time for me before all the files thumbnails showed up). I guess magoli has a lot additional prefabs in the prefab folder and because of that the magoli function errored out for him while it worked for me. My suggestion: Make it so the function doesn't convert all the prefabs in the folder at once, but only one prefab of the users choosing. That should keep the load bearable for the editor and the function could be of use for other people who don't know about the performance issues with the lit1 metatag. A small explanation what the function does and why would also be nessecary of course. Just my 2 cents :) @h0tr0d: It seems artificial lights that are "on" with the "lit1" metatag have a greater performance hit than lights that are "on" with the "lit2" metatag. I've not looked into the issue myself in great detail but when I first lit up my prefab it was a lag nightmare and I had to make it dark again to continue building on it. Since I've read about the difference between lit1 and lit2 I've carefully lit more and more lights with "lit2" over time while building. So far I've not noticed a performance hit at all, but I'm also more carefully now, lighting only a few spots and keeping some distance between different lightsources, so it's hard to say how great the difference between lit1 and lit2 is exactly.
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Yes when building a prefab and placing turned on lights in the prefab. Using LIT1 will cause problems. lag issues and freezing and even in some circumstances your computer crashing. You need to use always LIT2 only. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] i also believe with some update of tfp the lit2 meta switched to lit1 thus causing the lit1 issue on some prefabs as one of my bases i had in a10.4 had changed to lit1 when i specifically used lit2 in that alpha stage. weird bug but
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[QUOTE=Magoli;314589]hi Hal I played a littlebit around with the metas - and made good progress manually. U can remove the Magoli-function - rather than repair it. I think i fixed the Light-Issue manually. Need a few more tests - but I think iam famedrop-free now :) cheers Mag[/QUOTE] Hi Mag, Did you use the Replace Block function to change the meta? It uses the same code as the Magoli Function (I like the term "Magoli Function". Sounds cool ^^) just looking for any Light class instead of a block. If you still have them can you send me the orginal prefabs that didn't work? Could be a bug with the conversion process so I want to take a look. [QUOTE=h0tr0d;314603]What does the "meta" do anyway? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we're so meta we put the "meta" in "Metallica"[/QUOTE] It just stores extra information about the block. If it's a door then the meta tracks if it's open, closed or locked. If it's a light then if it's on or off. Stuff like that. I get the feeling that the block stucture will change quite a lot in A13 though so how long they're around I'm not sure. [QUOTE=Krash;314646]If I may suggest something with the Magoli function: A short explanation: I've used it and it worked as far as I can tell. But I've only one prefab file more than the vanilla 7dtd and from many crashes with my windows explorer when I open the 7dtd prefab folder I've noticed that the prefab files are somewhat "difficult" to handle. More so when they come in big numbers. I've no crashes anymore (browsing the prefab folder in windows) when I type the first letters of the file I'm looking for very fast into the search tab after opening the folder... that way only very few files are present with most of them hidden and windows doesn't have to handle all prefab files at once (which resulted in crashes nearly every time for me before all the files thumbnails showed up). [/QUOTE] Ah ok, good to know it worked for someone else too. The number of prefabs shouldn't make a difference as the editor opens them one at a time so unless there's a hugh prefab that eats all your RAM when you open it things should be fine. The Magoli Function was done just for Mag as he specifically requested it. The same thing can be achieved using the Replace Block ID window to get the meta or any block value to whatever you want and there's a checkbox "Replace in ALL prefabs" that will target the entire directory. [QUOTE=stallionsden;314672]Yes when building a prefab and placing turned on lights in the prefab. Using LIT1 will cause problems. lag issues and freezing and even in some circumstances your computer crashing. You need to use always LIT2 only. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] i also believe with some update of tfp the lit2 meta switched to lit1 thus causing the lit1 issue on some prefabs as one of my bases i had in a10.4 had changed to lit1 when i specifically used lit2 in that alpha stage. weird bug but[/QUOTE] There was a lot of changes to how the data gets stored when prefabs got re-written A10-A11 and one of the changes was how meta was calculated, that's probably why you saw a change in values. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;314680] The Magoli Function was done just for Mag as he specifically requested it. The same thing can be achieved using the Replace Block ID window to get the meta or any block value to whatever you want and there's a checkbox "Replace in ALL prefabs" that will target the entire directory. [/QUOTE] Haha I get it^^ It's named the magoli function after all^^ In german theres a phrase "Steht nicht dein Name drauf!" meaning "it hasn't your name written on it" you say to someone who is holding on to something that isn't his own and is supposed to be shared, preferably with you and now. Well, and the magoli function very obviously has a name written on it... so I will of course respectfully withdraw my suggestion and accept all implications associated with a clearly defined ownership :) I did not notice the change in the replace block ID function at all, I think I used it last shortly after the A12 update hit. Just took a short look at it. That is really a very nice and handy addition to the editor! For example I had suddenly a lot of flu newspaper decals all oriented east not top all over the road and it took some time to find and clear them all by hand... There are a lot of possible uses if I can now target not only specific IDs, but specific IDs with a specific meta configuration to replace with an ID or configuration of my choosing. For someone who doesn't really "play" with the editor himself you are for sure putting a lot of work into it. It's very much appreciated and a great help! The editor here in 7dtd is like what Mcedit was for me in Minecraft, it opens up possibilitys simply too timeconsuming to achieve ingame or just not possible.
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Hi Hal Now I tried to change the metas for all prefabs in all layers with "ReplaceBlockID"-function. I changed ceilinglight01 to ceilinglight01 with all meta set to "off" !!! But i get the same error in console like with the magolifunction. Look: [ATTACH=CONFIG]10750[/ATTACH] Could you take a look at it ? There is something wrong with the cars after convertion. Mag
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;314792]Why is called "meta"? because it has a function? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we put the "fun" in "function"[/QUOTE] Meta just means information about an object that helps describe itself. It's greek or latin or something. Greek I think. Or I suppose it could be an acronym for Meaningful Entities That Ascertain but I think it's a long shot.... [QUOTE=Krash;314813]Haha I get it^^ It's named the magoli function after all^^ In german theres a phrase "Steht nicht dein Name drauf!" meaning "it hasn't your name written on it" you say to someone who is holding on to something that isn't his own and is supposed to be shared, preferably with you and now. Well, and the magoli function very obviously has a name written on it... so I will of course respectfully withdraw my suggestion and accept all implications associated with a clearly defined ownership :) I did not notice the change in the replace block ID function at all, I think I used it last shortly after the A12 update hit. Just took a short look at it. That is really a very nice and handy addition to the editor! For example I had suddenly a lot of flu newspaper decals all oriented east not top all over the road and it took some time to find and clear them all by hand... There are a lot of possible uses if I can now target not only specific IDs, but specific IDs with a specific meta configuration to replace with an ID or configuration of my choosing. For someone who doesn't really "play" with the editor himself you are for sure putting a lot of work into it. It's very much appreciated and a great help! The editor here in 7dtd is like what Mcedit was for me in Minecraft, it opens up possibilitys simply too timeconsuming to achieve ingame or just not possible.[/QUOTE] The addition was only included in the last release. You have Magoli to thank for it. He need a function for transforming the meta data and it was easier to write it as a function built into the editor than anything else. So thanks to him you have a nice new way of manipulating the data. [QUOTE=Magoli;314819]Hi Hal Now I tried to change the metas for all prefabs in all layers with "ReplaceBlockID"-function. I changed ceilinglight01 to ceilinglight01 with all meta set to "off" !!! But i get the same error in console like with the magolifunction. Look: [ATTACH=CONFIG]10750[/ATTACH] Could you take a look at it ? There is something wrong with the cars after convertion. Mag[/QUOTE] Can you send me the prefabs this is happening with please Mag? I will run it through the editor and see if I get the same results. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=DarkNightsComing;315669]Glad to see you're still here and active. Nice job with the xml editor as well.[/QUOTE] Welcome back DNC :D I hope you're well. Not as active as I was but still here knocking around. Are you just dropping by or back for a while? @Mag Looked into the red console errors in your function. What a mess that was. Looks like there's a new version level for entities. Some of the entities saved into the prefabs are version 17 but when the prefab gets saved they're saved as version 19. There's obviously some missing data from the version 17 ones that was causing the errors. I've updated the function to replace all car entities with the entities I create in the editor and they seem to be saving correctly now. Also as per your PM I've changed the function to set the lights to undefined_4 so they're off but marked differently for later. Do a manual update and try again. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;315732]Welcome back DNC :D I hope you're well. Not as active as I was but still here knocking around. Are you just dropping by or back for a while? [/QUOTE] I've not caught up with all the changes, but I've played for a couple days now. A lot to take in yet, based on these patch notes and information from resemblelife. Wont be as active as I was previously, I just don't have that kind of energy. Stopped all my other projects and relaxing for a bit longer. Playing this and Ark Survival. When I get comfy again, I'll be hitting you up for information I'm sure. ;0) Good to see you and the things you've done since I left. Still need to look at your xmleditor. :0) Cheers bro
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;315732] @Mag Looked into the red console errors in your function. What a mess that was. Looks like there's a new version level for entities. Some of the entities saved into the prefabs are version 17 but when the prefab gets saved they're saved as version 19. There's obviously some missing data from the version 17 ones that was causing the errors. I've updated the function to replace all car entities with the entities I create in the editor and they seem to be saving correctly now. Also as per your PM I've changed the function to set the lights to undefined_4 so they're off but marked differently for later. Do a manual update and try again. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hello Hal I've checked the updated "Magoli's function" sry to say - but it is also not working !!! This is the new error: when I fillin a new seedname and click start - THE GAMEWINDOW CLOSES IMMEDIATLY !!! (no warning, no errorbox, no nothing. Just closed suddenly !!!) When I then delete the config-folder and and the prefabs-folder - and replace that folders with the default ones, then everything works fine again !!! btw: [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ly05ou6fd7r2ftp/changelog%20von%20converting.txt?dl=0"]This[/URL] is the converting-changelog i got after converting in the messegebox. Is it possible to document all changes that are done by the Converting-function ??? (I mean which lights in detail) ^^Just a idea^^
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[QUOTE=Magoli;315858]Hello Hal I've checked the updated "Magoli's function" sry to say - but it is also not working !!! This is the new error: when I fillin a new seedname and click start - THE GAMEWINDOW CLOSES IMMEDIATLY !!! (no warning, no errorbox, no nothing. Just closed suddenly !!!) When I then delete the config-folder and and the prefabs-folder - and replace that folders with the default ones, then everything works fine again !!! btw: [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ly05ou6fd7r2ftp/changelog%20von%20converting.txt?dl=0"]This[/URL] is the converting-changelog i got after converting in the messegebox. Is it possible to document all changes that are done by the Converting-function ??? (I mean which lights in detail) ^^Just a idea^^[/QUOTE] Hey Mag, Can you try [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/prefabs.rar"]this[/URL] prefab pack and see if you get the black screen. What seed name are you using? I will try the same and see if I get the crash. Yeah I can add in which lights get changed. Cheers, Hal
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yeah - will do that soon. But right now iam on a new prefab - in 11.4 OFC :) Will test it very soon - and give u feedback and the choosen seed. A little question here: What means and does "Reopen from after Replace" in the "ReplaceBlockID"-function ???? cheers Mag
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Hey hal nope - it also dont works in 12.5 (new fresh installed). Got the same error as before - when i click start, the game quits immediately !!! I used the mixer from my pack8. The seedname hasn't any impact to that. Because it happens with every seed u choose. But FYO: This is the seedname i used for the first try: swe1221122 Mag
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