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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;308885] You've got my mod loaded message so the DLL is working. Does the world load? The commands need to go into the chat window and not the console panel. Does it give an error or just nothing happens?[/QUOTE] I can see "normal chat messages" from server processing and showing up in chat window. bbb commands just go into console, like this: 2015-08-31T11:02:23 113.836 INF GMSG: Hector666 joined the game 2015-08-31T11:02:27 117.988 INF GMSG: Hector666: bbb bp Think i just get a step closer: 2015-08-31T11:14:03 814.478 INF GMSG: --BBB--: This command can only be run by admins. :-) will check the serverconfig for my admin rights
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[QUOTE=HectorNr666;312684]I can see "normal chat messages" from server processing and showing up in chat window. bbb commands just go into console, like this: 2015-08-31T11:02:23 113.836 INF GMSG: Hector666 joined the game 2015-08-31T11:02:27 117.988 INF GMSG: Hector666: bbb bp Think i just get a step closer: 2015-08-31T11:14:03 814.478 INF GMSG: --BBB--: This command can only be run by admins. :-) will check the serverconfig for my admin rights[/QUOTE] --> FOUND [QUOTE]Find the info.txt file for the folder with your steamID and change admin=0 to admin=1. That might work as a manual change until I get an update out. Hal [/QUOTE] Restarted the dedicated server and now --> DONE Thanks HAL! :redface-new:
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Hi Hal I have a question. It belongs to the Spawner in the prefab's own .xml's When i open any vanilla-farmshed or any vanilla-garage i get this box before the prefab appears. [ATTACH=CONFIG]10658[/ATTACH] (U can test this by your own. Just open a vanilla-garage in the editor!) What does this means ??? Are this Spawner is deactived by the game. Or has it still a function - and just the editor dont knows it (editor-bug) ??? btw: I run Alpha 12.4 with editor 0.43 (tommorow i change to 12.5 and will check and use the new converting-function. Will give feedback then.) thx ahead for your answere Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;312889]Hi Hal I have a question. It belongs to the Spawner in the prefab's own .xml's When i open any vanilla-farmshed or any vanilla-garage i get this box before the prefab appears. [ATTACH=CONFIG]10658[/ATTACH] (U can test this by your own. Just open a vanilla-garage in the editor!) What does this means ??? Are this Spawner is deactived by the game. Or has it still a function - and just the editor dont knows it (editor-bug) ??? btw: I run Alpha 12.4 with editor 0.43 (tommorow i change to 12.5 and will check and use the new converting-function. Will give feedback then.) thx ahead for your answere Mag[/QUOTE] It means the editor doesn't know about that kind of spawner. I'll add it in to the next released. I've also just noticed a bug in the Prefab XML loader meaning most of it won't get loaded. I'll have a look at that later too.
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Yes i know. I mentioned it before too. The editor always screwsup my xmls. But no problem to me. I simply open the xml in texteditor. And after i saved my work in the prefabeditor, i just save the textfile with the old unchanged xml seperatly. I do this because i have another sequence for the lines as the editor. And i also have the lines for Zoning and MaxPerHub still added (i hope they will reactivated soon) And finally i always doublecheck the xmls after saving. Its the standardprocedure for me meanwhile. Just want to mention that.
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[QUOTE=Magoli;313023]Yes i know. I mentioned it before too. The editor always screwsup my xmls. But no problem to me. I simply open the xml in texteditor. And after i saved my work in the prefabeditor, i just save the textfile with the old unchanged xml seperatly. I do this because i have another sequence for the lines as the editor. And i also have the lines for Zoning and MaxPerHub still added (i hope they will reactivated soon) And finally i always doublecheck the xmls after saving. Its the standardprocedure for me meanwhile. Just want to mention that.[/QUOTE] Yeah I knew it was screwed but I thought I'd fixed it for 12.3 or 12.5. I've just released a mini update that should sort the XML for 12.5. i've also added in the new spawner types. Do a manual update and check it out. If there's still issues let me know what they are. Cheers, Hal
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Hi hal Finally i have installed now Alpha12.5 :) And i also removed the old editor and reinstalled the new editor-version i downloaded 30mins ago from ur 1st page. I did an auto-update and then a manual update - to make sure i got the latest version. But I can't find the new converter-function !!! The "Helper"-menu is bright-gray and I can't click it !!! [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/roaq0op8jci8iuw/helper-error.jpg?dl=0"]This is a Picture of it.[/URL] Do I something wrong ??? btw: The Issue with the unknown Spawner is gone now - ty for that ! Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;313112]Hi hal Finally i have installed now Alpha12.5 :) And i also removed the old editor and reinstalled the new editor-version i downloaded 30mins ago from ur 1st page. I did an auto-update and then a manual update - to make sure i got the latest version. But I can't find the new converter-function !!! The "Helper"-menu is bright-gray and I can't click it !!! [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/roaq0op8jci8iuw/helper-error.jpg?dl=0"]This is a Picture of it.[/URL] Do I something wrong ??? btw: The Issue with the unknown Spawner is gone now - ty for that ! Mag[/QUOTE] Hey Mag, Do another manual update. I've moved it to the "Prefab" menu rather than the Helper one. I'd forgotten I lock that down. Cheers, Hal
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LOL - Iam the true Magoli - and I found it ;) U are the best Hal !!! Thx for the function. I will use it tommorow. Today I take some Prefabs and notice their fps-drop-values !!! I do this to ensure the Convertion had a impact - and how much ! btw: I also love the new functions in "ReplaceBlockID" As I said - U are the best !!! Another quick question: Should the editor-intern function "ImportPrefab" work ??? If yes: then I didn't figure out how yet ! I always get a errorbox (Not tried in the newest version - but in all earlier ones !) Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;313141]LOL - Iam the true Magoli - and I found it ;) U are the best Hal !!! Thx for the function. I will use it tommorow. Today I take some Prefabs and notice their fps-drop-values !!! I do this to ensure the Convertion had a impact - and how much ! btw: I also love the new functions in "ReplaceBlockID" As I said - U are the best !!! Another quick question: Should the editor-intern function "ImportPrefab" work ??? If yes: then I didn't figure out how yet ! I always get a errorbox (Not tried in the newest version - but in all earlier ones !) Mag[/QUOTE] Glad you like it Mag ^^ Yeah the Import Prefab should work. I showed a demo of it in the editor video in the first link. If it's not working for you let me know the error message and the prefab you're running it against. Cheers, Hal
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Got some weird [URL="http://youtu.be/po7wtphU-X4"]issues[/URL] going on Hal. First, I cannot replace entities with blocks. Somehow it placed entities in several layers in a prefab foundation. I remove the layers, but it sends the entities to other layers. pls halp. Vote h0tr0d 2016 - big bada boom
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;314008]Got some weird [URL="http://youtu.be/po7wtphU-X4"]issues[/URL] going on Hal. First, I cannot replace entities with blocks. Somehow it placed entities in several layers in a prefab foundation. I remove the layers, but it sends the entities to other layers. pls halp. Vote h0tr0d 2016 - big bada boom[/QUOTE] Chick-en-good Entities can't be replaced by blocks. The prefab has a list of blocks and a list of entities and never the twain shall meet. If you have the entities tab selected (where you can choose which entity to add) right click on an entity to remove it. The Stag icon is used to represent any animal entity btw. --edit-- I've added some code to the next editor so when you remove a layer it should remove any entities on that layer too.
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How does one remove the entities? I can't just click on it with the same entity, or use a block to replace it. I closed editor and restart, no dice. I'm gonna try editing in-game and exporting without the cars... ergh Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we put the "expert" in "export"
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;314048]Would it classify as a bug if I select the entities tab but click on a block and it inserts the entity instead of the selected block? And should it only show the entities in that layer if entities are selected, and the same with blocks?[/QUOTE] No that would be expected behaviour. When you have the entities tab selected it's expected you'll be working with the entities and vise versa. [QUOTE=h0tr0d;314051]I removed the layers and saved the prefab. Loaded the prefab anew, added layers underneath. It generated the cars without me doing anything. [url]http://youtu.be/qHziZwPxYoE[/url] Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we put the "car" in "Kardashian"[/QUOTE] I think I know what's happening, there's cars above in the prefab and when you add layers it's not changing the entity positions so they stay at the same level where the prefab has grown. Sorted in the next version. [QUOTE=Guppycur;314073]I'll verify later but I think when you remove an entity then add it back in it keeps the count and you get two spawns. Also please sort the combo boxes by name, thanks! /wishlist[/QUOTE] That shouldn't happen as the icons are tried to the position of the entities so if there's no icon there's no position for it go to but if you can give an example I will take a look [QUOTE=h0tr0d;314099]How does one remove the entities? I can't just click on it with the same entity, or use a block to replace it. I closed editor and restart, no dice. I'm gonna try editing in-game and exporting without the cars... ergh Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we put the "expert" in "export"[/QUOTE] Have the entities tab show and right click entity you want to remove. The icon disappears.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;314133] That shouldn't happen as the icons are tried to the position of the entities so if there's no icon there's no position for it go to but if you can give an example I will take a look[/QUOTE] Yeh, it was a working theory I couldn't duplicate. I sometimes get two spawns and it seemed it was only when I removed/readded them, but it wasn't consistent, so no clue.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;314177]Yeh, it was a working theory I couldn't duplicate. I sometimes get two spawns and it seemed it was only when I removed/readded them, but it wasn't consistent, so no clue.[/QUOTE] It's probably linked to the entities not moving when new layers are added or removed. So if you had 2 zombies on ground level and you added 2 layers below the 2 zombies would now spawn underground. If you added 2 more zombies at ground level because the original were "missing" you'd end up with 4 zombies. Should be fixed in the next version. But if you can reproduce it another way let me know and I'll have a look.
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