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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=rucky;311473]Hal, am I right that you parse blocks and items but not entityclasses? (I've created a new zombie and wanted him to show up in my custom prefab)[/QUOTE] Hi rucky, I parse the blocks yes, I don't parse items though as the editor doesn't use them. The entities are still hard-coded as the prefabs use an ID that generated from the zombie name and it was just easier for me to pull them out the game than load and parse. Plus not all entities can be added to the prefabs as they don't render (plane, minibike etc). So yes, unfortunately there's no way to add custom zombies through the editor (though it's nice to see the community is getting to a point where that's possble!) Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;311475]Hi rucky, I parse the blocks yes, I don't parse items though as the editor doesn't use them. The entities are still hard-coded as the prefabs use an ID that generated from the zombie name and it was just easier for me to pull them out the game than load and parse. Plus not all entities can be added to the prefabs as they don't render (plane, minibike etc). So yes, unfortunately there's no way to add custom zombies through the editor (though it's nice to see the community is getting to a point where that's possble!) Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] thanx; do you plan to add parsing of entities? (btw. there's a spell error you wrote enities in your editor ;-) the way I have to do it now is add a new spawn group, change the staticspawner.class in the prefab.xml, add custom zombies to the new spawn group - but sadly they spawn are AROUND the prefab not in.
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[QUOTE=rucky;311478]thanx; do you plan to add parsing of entities? (btw. there's a spell error you wrote enities in your editor ;-) the way I have to do it now is add a new spawn group, change the staticspawner.class in the prefab.xml, add custom zombies to the new spawn group - but sadly they spawn are AROUND the prefab not in.[/QUOTE] No plans for a while. The editor is on hold at the moment so only fixes are being done. But when I'm back adding things it shouldn't be too difficult to add in. You'd have to be careful who got the prefab though because if an entity is missing when the prefab loads it will probably crash the server. Enities? Really? I'm usually far more careful with the tities... I had a quick look but couldn't find the spelling mistake. Where abouts did you spot it? Cheers, Hal
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these prefabs are only available in my mod (nobody wanted them elsewhere ;-) so this shouldn't be a prob. I would appreciate when you could add updated entities in your new app when you do updates again. and enitities: [attachment=465:name]
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[QUOTE=rucky;311478]thanx; do you plan to add parsing of entities? (btw. there's a spell error you wrote enities in your editor ;-) the way I have to do it now is add a new spawn group, change the staticspawner.class in the prefab.xml, add custom zombies to the new spawn group - but sadly they spawn are AROUND the prefab not in.[/QUOTE] Do you mean the spelling error occurs when it writes to the .xml? Cuz I did some and it didn't have issues, but this was a month ago. The spelling error you refer to shouldn't affect anything in the prefab, I don't think. It's a nice catch, I missed that one.
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hi, i'm not a programmer and don't know much about coding. Anyhow, as far as i can tell, the editor for A12.4 (v0.43) works with the 12.5 client as well. At least in my case it does. Seems to me that just the dedicated version of the dll file of the editor doesn't work anymore. Because it gives out the 12.4 dedicated server version, instead of the 12.5. I hope this information is helpfull in any case. :) with best regards, sunflyer01
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[QUOTE=rucky;311645]no its only a editor gui spelling error, not much of a thing ;-)[/QUOTE] Fixed in the next version, thanks for the heads up! [QUOTE=sunflyer01;311851]hi, i'm not a programmer and don't know much about coding. Anyhow, as far as i can tell, the editor for A12.4 (v0.43) works with the 12.5 client as well. At least in my case it does. Seems to me that just the dedicated version of the dll file of the editor doesn't work anymore. Because it gives out the 12.4 dedicated server version, instead of the 12.5. I hope this information is helpfull in any case. :) with best regards, sunflyer01[/QUOTE] Hi sunflyer01, Thanks for the info. Yes the minor updates (12.x) usually work with each other but you wouldn't get the bug fixes and it can cause problems if the devs have played about with the asset packing. My advice to people is usually if it works then great, if you're having problems revert back to the version of the game the editor was written for. @all I'm working this weekend and going through the ordeal of wiping my home rig so not sure if I'm going to get time to update the editor. It's a bank holiday though so there's a chance yet! Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Akari_Tsukino;311943]after applying the manual update with the modded dll to 12.4 the game no longer starts up, instead it goes to a black screen that instantly exits if I click the close button on the window, meaning it is responding.[/QUOTE] Try this. It's important each step is done and done in order. 1) Open steam 2) Right click 7DTD 3) Click properties 4) Click "Betas" tab 5) Choose "Alpha 12.4 stable" 6) Click ok 7) Goto the download screen in Steam. 8) Wait for it to finish 9) Open the game and verify the game says "12.4" on the main menu 10) Close the game 11) Open the editor 12) Click on the "Manual Update" button 12) Click the "Update" button on the new window 13) Wait for it to ask if you want to install DLL - click yes 14) Open the game and test the editor
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;311946]Try this. It's important each step is done and done in order. 1) Open steam 2) Right click 7DTD 3) Click properties 4) Click "Betas" tab 5) Choose "Alpha 12.4 stable" 6) Click ok 7) Goto the download screen in Steam. 8) Wait for it to finish 9) Open the game and verify the game says "12.4" on the main menu 10) Close the game 11) Open the editor 12) Click on the "Manual Update" button 12) Click the "Update" button on the new window 13) Wait for it to ask if you want to install DLL - click yes 14) Open the game and test the editor[/QUOTE] I already did that. when I open the game again after doing that the game just blackscreens and won't load the main menu. Even the logo screen doesn't come up, just a black screen that changes my mouse cursor. I'll try varifying my integrety then updating again Same result after varifying game cashe. black screen, no main menu.
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If your Assemblysharp whatever .dll is the one modified by Hal's editor, you will get a black screen launching it as normal. If you have the modified .dll you have to launch the game [I]through[/I] the editor, there is a tab in the top that says Launch Game. [attachment=466:name]
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;311951]If your Assemblysharp whatever .dll is the one modified by Hal's editor, you will get a black screen launching it as normal. If you have the modified .dll you have to launch the game [I]through[/I] the editor, there is a tab in the top that says Launch Game. [ATTACH=CONFIG]10624[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Thank you, it's working now. Now to try to export my library prefab Ok, I try to export with "bbb ex " and it keeps saying "can not find player with name silver aura" which is my name, minus the capital letters.
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[QUOTE=Akari_Tsukino;311955]Thank you, it's working now. Now to try to export my library prefab Ok, I try to export with "bbb ex " and it keeps saying "can not find player with name silver aura" which is my name, minus the capital letters.[/QUOTE] The editor can't handle spaces in player names but you don't need to put your name if it's your claim. Just "bbb ex "
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It was down on the search feature some but... [attachment=467:name] [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?31995-Using-Hal-s-prefab-editor-to-claim-export-modify-areas&highlight=export"]it was there[/URL] Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we put the "export" in "search".
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Is there any documentation for all possible bbb commands btw.? I'm just curious cause i didn't know about the "shield" and "fillarea" commands untill i saw hal's latest youtube video. Still couldn't figure out what the "bbb shield" command exactly does. xD
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;311960]It was down on the search feature some but... [ATTACH=CONFIG]10625[/ATTACH] [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?31995-Using-Hal-s-prefab-editor-to-claim-export-modify-areas&highlight=export"]it was there[/URL] Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we put the "export" in "search".[/QUOTE] Thanks h0tr0I've added your video in a link on the first post. I'll add the videos I've done there too once I upload them. [QUOTE=Akari_Tsukino;311963]I've got another issue. I got the prefab in the editor now, but when I try to place it at me in the game now it won't place it, and clear all regions doesn't do anything either.[/QUOTE] You need to be more descriptive. What have you tried? What error messages? Try using the specific location on the InsertPrefab command. I think the one that doesn't use the exact co-ords was broken in the A12 update. bbb InsertPrefab [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=sunflyer01;311964]Is there any documentation for all possible bbb commands btw.? I'm just curious cause i didn't know about the "shield" and "fillarea" commands untill i saw hal's latest youtube video. Still couldn't figure out what the "bbb shield" command exactly does. xD[/QUOTE] I've made a couple of videos but they're not uploaded yet. Waiting for the 12.5 update because some of the features in the video are broken in the version of the editor you have access too and don't want to muddy the waters. With the next release comes the vids. Shield kills all the zombies around you in a given radius. Handy for when you want the zombies in the game but temporarily don't want the hassle ^^
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;311965]Thanks h0tr0I've added your video in a link on the first post. I'll add the videos I've done there too once I upload them. You need to be more descriptive. What have you tried? What error messages? Try using the specific location on the InsertPrefab command. I think the one that doesn't use the exact co-ords was broken in the A12 update. bbb InsertPrefab [/QUOTE] there is no error message, it acts like it placed the prefab just fine, but when I go into the world the prefab isn't there. clear all regions does work though. How do I find my x y z?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;311965]Thanks h0tr0I've added your video in a link on the first post. I'll add the videos I've done there too once I upload them. You need to be more descriptive. What have you tried? What error messages? Try using the specific location on the InsertPrefab command. I think the one that doesn't use the exact co-ords was broken in the A12 update. bbb InsertPrefab [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] I've made a couple of videos but they're not uploaded yet. Waiting for the 12.5 update because some of the features in the video are broken in the version of the editor you have access too and don't want to muddy the waters. With the next release comes the vids. Shield kills all the zombies around you in a given radius. Handy for when you want the zombies in the game but temporarily don't want the hassle ^^[/QUOTE] Didn't know that there where other commands then they for the prefabing. This shield thing sounds very nice. Would be funny for an anti zd Grenade I'm planning since ages ...... [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Akari_Tsukino;311966]there is no error message, it acts like it placed the prefab just fine, but when I go into the world the prefab isn't there. clear all regions does work though. How do I find my x y z?[/QUOTE] Just type lp in the console while you where admin. Should Show youre position.
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[QUOTE=sunflyer01;311964]Is there any documentation for all possible bbb commands btw.? I'm just curious cause i didn't know about the "shield" and "fillarea" commands untill i saw hal's latest youtube video. Still couldn't figure out what the "bbb shield" command exactly does. xD[/QUOTE] This is harder to find but here is where I found it. [attachment=469:name]
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