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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Guppycur;309186]If I recall, go to the console and type lp ... I believe that's another method for getting your coordinates. ...I could be wrong, I often am.[/QUOTE] Pfffttt you could but F3 is persistent! Learn it. Love it. use it.
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I'm also trying to figure a way to rotate prefabs in the editor and have all the blocks rotate with them. If not possible, a way to replace block ids with a rotation with other blocks with a certain rotation. I understand you can rotate prefabs in-game as you place them, I believe? Does "bbb ip barn_01 x y z rotation" where rotation is a value of 0-3. rotate it west first? or to, our left if you were facing the same direction as the prefAB?
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Magoli so needs to change his name to Mangoli! I'm a go back to the Dev13 thread so I can watch people with 12 posts and 1 month subscribed time claim about threads going off-topic a month after the upteenth build we have been thru.
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;309588]Magoli so needs to change his name to Mangoli! I'm a go back to the Dev13 thread so I can watch people with 12 posts and 1 month subscribed time claim about threads going off-topic a month after the upteenth build we have been thru.[/QUOTE] [attachment=458:name] Is it odd I have this image of you as emperor palpatine, sitting in a red leather chair holding a wine glass with your palm and looking at the Alpha 13 thread going "yes...let the hate flow through you", while you read the off topic complaints?
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lol. I was gonna be snarky with them, but then I thought... "I welcome new players who are eager to play, and look forward to every piece of news. I don't want to tamper their enthusiasm." So I let them enjoy the honeymoon stage. Before long they will be dying to go off-topic though, give it 10 builds or so. Despite my knowing I shouldn't be angry I can't help but be a little...how do you say...irked when someone who has had to sit through 1 seed makes remarks about "woe is me for the off-topic remarks really bother me" only [I]after[/I] madmole says something. Play a few builds, kill a few zombies, and then you will understand why we get antsy or off-topic after a month goes by with us waiting for a plethora of things. We [I]should[/I] stay on-topic though it's hard to stay that way when you see the same posts over and over about why spawning with a purple sniper rifle is realistic... or how we need jedi powers to drunk juice from a cactus with a craftable straw so that realistic hornets make no buzzing sounds as we drive our car we found on day 1 to the store with realistic medicine. As for the off-topic remarks, do you notice how all one has to do is toss a witty/snarky remark out and they're the ones who take it off-topic? lol. Like "we all know girls don't play video games." BOOM headshot! P.S. I wanted to be Darth Vader growing up, not Emperor Palpatine.
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;309593]or how we need jedi powers to drunk juice from a cactus with a craftable straw.[/QUOTE] I was apparently absent from the jedi academy the day they taught straw making and cactus survival skills...Did you come up with this randomly, or did someone actually pitch this idea, cause I wouldn't put it past someone...
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;309597]Hey buddy, this is the Prefab Editor thread, stay OT or get out. :)[/QUOTE] but...but Guppy...I have nowhere else to go. Is this to be the start of my adventure as a lonely raptor on the streets? Do you think we can pitch the idea to ABC Family? Maybe a 2 season series that gets canceled in the middle of the second season and gets a sub standard film to finish it off?
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Put it on Fox; that way you know it'd be a great show. Downside is, it'll get cancelled early for no reason. SPEAKING OF, so apparently, there was a second season of Dollhouse I never knew about! (Netflix carries it). Who knew? ...oh wait, this isn't the super hidden super secret offtopic thread, is it.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;309597]Hey buddy, this is the Prefab Editor thread, stay OT or get out. :)[/QUOTE] LOL i was thinking that as I headed out, figurd if Hal saw this and made that same comment how perfect it would be. Is talking about people who talk about 7dtd off-topic? Cuz this wouldn't fit in the off-topic section. Madmole: watch the off-topic remarks guys, muddies up the thread User01 06 posts join date 24 Aug 2015 : Oh yes, off-topic remarks are soooo passe. user02 12 posts join date August 25 2015: oh yes, it really frustrates us who are trying to follow the thread when they made "OT" remarks. I should qualify that post count doesn't mean squat; I was envisioning someone whose totality of 7dtd included a12.4 and the dev diary a13. But they could be playing for months without registering, and just don't comment much regardless. They're just regular people enjoying a game...jaded is the word I was looking for. I'm bored, and want the next release so I can mod!
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With our little test (you were the first, btw) Dec and I did, the whole goal was to watch as newbies joined the channel. I do that test like, every build, and I can say with certainty there are a LOT of users who read the forums, but that don't even have accounts. I'd say 10:1 ratio, but I'm just talking out of my butt. Bottom line? Tons of unregistered people read the dev forum. Anyway (goes to check topic of this thread) I've started using the editor again, but I don't like that "Insert Prefab" is missing from the World menu, was this eliminated entirely for bbb ip or is it somewhere else and I don't see it?
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Ha, have you guys been using my thread as a hideout from your trollish crimes?? Got some stuff done on the editor over the weekend. Re-enabled some features, fixed some bugs and did a couple of videos (installation and in-game bbb commands). Still not sure how to tackle the editor one. I think I'll just go over the features and controls. Afterwards if you want something specific just ask. Now 12.5 has dropped I'll have to have a look at how much work it will be to update the editor.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;310260]Ha, have you guys been using my thread as a hideout from your trollish crimes?? Got some stuff done on the editor over the weekend. Re-enabled some features, fixed some bugs and did a couple of videos (installation and in-game bbb commands). Still not sure how to tackle the editor one. I think I'll just go over the features and controls. Afterwards if you want something specific just ask. Now 12.5 has dropped I'll have to have a look at how much work it will be to update the editor.[/QUOTE] Everytime it launches it says I need an update, make it stop!
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[QUOTE=Pacco;311252]Hey Hal :loyal: could you tell us when we could expect the update???? just started to play with your real amazing tool, GREAT work!!![/QUOTE] Not sure Pacco. I'm working this weekend but if I can find some time I'll look at making it compatible with 12.5
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