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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;306805]Sorry I meant rows/ columns, not layers/columns I'd love to know how you remove multiple rows/columns at one command![/QUOTE] AFAIK, you can only remove columns/rows one at a time via the F5-F8 keys. If you need to remove a large amount of rows/columns, your better off just reducing your claim size.
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;307138]The ability to place prefabs like blocks would be nifty[/QUOTE] Yeah it would be handy. I've worked on a couple of solutions in the background but development on the prefab/world editor is paused at the moment. I'm fixing bugs and tweaking things but there's no new features being added until I have more free time or the game goes beta/gold where the source code isn't going to change much anymore.
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Hal is it possible when inserting a prefab using bbb insertprefab, is it possible to set copyairblocks to as a parameter? It seems when inserting prefabs this value isnt inherited from the xml file and is false by default. Also is it possible to rotate prefabs at the point of bbb insertprefab? Cheers dude, getting back into the swing of things with the editor :D
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[QUOTE=bigc90210;307253]the ability to "find in files" / replace (ie batch process a bunch of files) would be amazing. for stuff like turning out the lights in a folder full of prefabs, or replacing a block ID in a bunch etc (such as turning gunsafes to air to remove them).[/QUOTE] Should be do-able but I'm not coding new stuff for the editor at the moment. I will add it to my "bored on a sunday afternoon" list. Don't get many boring sundays any more though.... [QUOTE=bigc90210;307301]Hal is it possible when inserting a prefab using bbb insertprefab, is it possible to set copyairblocks to as a parameter? It seems when inserting prefabs this value isnt inherited from the xml file and is false by default. Also is it possible to rotate prefabs at the point of bbb insertprefab? Cheers dude, getting back into the swing of things with the editor :D[/QUOTE] You sure? I've just checked and loaded barn_01 into the world and it replaced the inner area with air. Unticked the box and tried again and nothing got changed so I think it's working as it should. If you have a prefab where it's not working send it me in a PM and I'll run some tests. You can set the rotation of a prefab already too. Use "bbb ip barn_01 x y z rotation" where rotation is a value of 0-3. You can see the different parameters of each command by typing "bbb ?" e.g. "bbb ip ?" will give you all the different options you can use.
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I feel stupid trying to make this work also. I create prefabs, and try and insert them but I want my air blocks to overwrite whatever is there already ion-game. But it never overwrites anything, no matter what sfkjfhbs box I check. I wonder if we need to go into the .xml and add this
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;307645]I feel stupid trying to make this work also. I create prefabs, and try and insert them but I want my air blocks to overwrite whatever is there already ion-game. But it never overwrites anything, no matter what sfkjfhbs box I check. I wonder if we need to go into the .xml and add this [/QUOTE] I think that is why. If you create a prefab you have to manually edit the .xmls to include what you wish.
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;307670]I think that is why. If you create a prefab you have to manually edit the .xmls to include what you wish.[/QUOTE] Placing a check mark on the copy air blocks check box in the editor should be the same as editing the XML property you mentioned. You can test this by creating and saving a new prefab. When u check the prefabs XMLfile it will have that property set to true.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;307675]Placing a check mark on the copy air blocks check box in the editor should be the same as editing the XML property you mentioned. You can test this by creating and saving a new prefab. When u check the prefabs XMLfile it will have that property set to true.[/QUOTE] I did this, and it didn't work for me. Could there be user error? Sure. However... ...my statement still rings true. You have to have that line in your .xml for air blocks to "replace" preexisting blocks. If it isn't replacing those blocks the .xml needs to be checked. If that line is not there it will need to be added in order for the air blocks to replace blocks. All this "should" is making my head hurt. Should doesn't always translate to "does every time without fail." It didn't, so I added this line. Should it automatically be written? Perhaps. Maybe. Yes. All of the "shoulds" still didn't translate to that line being in my .xml. Adding it in did.
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;307680]I did this, and it didn't work for me. My statement still rings true. You have to have that line in your .xml for air blocks to "replace" preexisting blocks. If it isn't replacing those blocks the .xml needs to be checked. If that line is not there it will need to be added in order for the air blocks to replace blocks. All this "should" is making my head hurt. Should doesn't always translate to "does every time without fail." It didn't, so I added this line. Should it automatically be written? Perhaps. Maybe. Yes. It still didn't translate to that line being in my .xml. Adding it in did.[/QUOTE] Hopefully hal can follow your steps to reproduce the problem. It sounded like he couldn't from his previous post. Funny thing about coding is its usually black or white. Its just a matter of finding out the replication steps so bugs can be fixed. It sounds like hal used one of the barns for his test. What prefab did you use in yours?
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A custom. This is why i checked the .xmls. I had claimed an area, exported it. The .xml had no entries in it. I believe when creating or saving the prefab it "should" enter the line, but if it is not, you need to enter it and it works. I think what some issues arise from is when creating the .xml the "should" only applies if you check the box upon creation/saving? [QUOTE=Laz Man;307685]Hopefully hal can follow your steps to reproduce the problem. It sounded like he couldn't from his previous post. Funny thing about coding is its usually black or white. Its just a matter of finding out the replication steps so bugs can be fixed. It sounds like hal used one of the barns for his test. What prefab did you use in yours?[/QUOTE] The barn has the line, as do almost all other vanilla prefabs. So using those to test will not always lead to the same results as a custom one or exported one.
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;307645]I feel stupid trying to make this work also. I create prefabs, and try and insert them but I want my air blocks to overwrite whatever is there already ion-game. But it never overwrites anything, no matter what sfkjfhbs box I check. I wonder if we need to go into the .xml and add this [/QUOTE] You did me a video so I guess it's only fair I return the favour. I did a quick [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHdfueP08c"]demo[/URL] of importing with and without air. Is this the way you're doing it?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;307709]You did me a video so I guess it's only fair I return the favour. I did a quick [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHdfueP08c"]demo[/URL] of importing with and without air. Is this the way you're doing it?[/QUOTE] [url]http://youtu.be/fzZAbOb1mF0[/url] If it ever processes The reason I believe is that the box has to be checked, the prefab re-saved. What I and others may have done/be doing is loads the prefab, check the box, and then try inserting it in. This does not work, as the .xml has not been rewritten to reflect the air blocks change. You have to re-save the prefab with the box checked for the .xml to reflect and for it all to work like everyone wants it to.
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Yep, you got it. When you export a prefab the default is to not have the Copy Air ticked. If you want it then load the prefab, tick the box and save the prefab. Just have to remember to save the file before loading it back into the editor. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;307763]Yep, you got it. When you export a prefab the default is to not have the Copy Air ticked. If you want it then load the prefab, tick the box and save the prefab. Just have to remember to save the file before loading it back into the editor. Hal[/QUOTE] Yup. The issue for me was everyone kept saying "check the box and it should work."it only "works" if u check the box, then save! The box check alone does nothing. Saving once checked writes to the .xml, that is the key. You can check that box all freaking day and try inserting the prefab, it won't work.
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interresting error !!! It must have something to do with the Prefabs size. Even when the editor is able to handle such a big prefab. The Game don't - especially in RWG !!! If i had the 5 Big Prefabs in my Pack for testingreason - very strange things happend to the map !!! Iam sure such big prefabs causes some kind of overflow to whatever (mem,chunks,arrays - i dont know!) Just wanted to mention that. Mag
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;307767]Yup. The issue for me was everyone kept saying "check the box and it should work."it only "works" if u check the box, then save! The box check alone does nothing. Saving once checked writes to the .xml, that is the key. You can check that box all freaking day and try inserting the prefab, it won't work.[/QUOTE] For most people, saving is a given. Sorry for leaving that out. :)
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[QUOTE=Magoli;307801]interresting error !!! It must have something to do with the Prefabs size. Even when the editor is able to handle such a big prefab. The Game don't - especially in RWG !!! If i had the 5 Big Prefabs in my Pack for testingreason - very strange things happend to the map !!! Iam sure such big prefabs causes some kind of overflow to whatever (mem,chunks,arrays - i dont know!) Just wanted to mention that. Mag[/QUOTE] Yes I have noticed odd things with large prefabs also. [QUOTE=Laz Man;307805]For most people, saving is a given. Sorry for leaving that out. :)[/QUOTE] And most people assume too often.
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HAL9000 Its been a long time since I worked on prefab's so I have some old stuff I want to convert. But I don't know which version it was made in so I get the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." message for the blocks that where changed. And I don't know how to get around the message so I can fix them up. If there is no way to get around it can you at least set it up so null black block's can be edited to something else? :)
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;307794]Another issue I am dealing with is doors. Damn if exporting saving reloading doesn't mean my doors disappear. Anyone else had this?[/QUOTE] Time for another video? [QUOTE=h0tr0d;307832] And most people assume too often.[/QUOTE] To be fair to LazMan we have to make assumptions about what people are doing when they come with questions. I have to assume they're on a PC, I have to assume they have a mouse and keyboard, I have to assume they're not trying to create the prefab only through staring at the screen and willing the mental image of the prefab they want to build at the screen. Saving is a basic part of computer use. You wouldn't write a letter in Word and expect it to still be there next time if you didn't save it. This is why the videos are so handy. They take away the assumptions and show us what people are actually doing. [QUOTE=DJBREIT;307872]HAL9000 Its been a long time since I worked on prefab's so I have some old stuff I want to convert. But I don't know which version it was made in so I get the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." message for the blocks that where changed. And I don't know how to get around the message so I can fix them up. If there is no way to get around it can you at least set it up so null black block's can be edited to something else? :)[/QUOTE] Hi DJBREIT, That error message is the bane of my life. It could mean one of a million causes. Have you run the prefab through the converters? They're in the tools section of the modding area. Black boxes should be changable if the prefab version is correct. Sounds like a very old prefab if it's not. Hal
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