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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=TSBX;444322]Is there a detailed log for diagnosing "Prefab Error" when attempting to bbb ip a prefab?[/QUOTE] Look in the log file for the editor. It is located at %GameSaveFolder%\BlockBackup\Users\log.txt The line will start with "Load Prefab error:" and then the error report
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;444333]What's your ground level height and does the prefab exceed it in either direction?[/QUOTE] That's a great question, is ground level height the bottom-most layer? As far as exceeding the boundaries of the prefab; maybe? I ended up restarting it from scratch so I couldn't tell ya. [QUOTE=HAL9000;444396]Look in the log file for the editor. It is located at %GameSaveFolder%\BlockBackup\Users\log.txt The line will start with "Load Prefab error:" and then the error report[/QUOTE] Okay found it, thanks to you both!
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T, I've noticed if I'm almost to the sky level in elevation, inserting tall prefabs that would exceed the max sky level throw that, or a similar error. That's what I was asking for. F3 (I think) a few times will give you your coordinates, one of them being your height from your feet, I think. Going from memory, so be warned.
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No Gup, these were small prefabs that delve into underground slightly. If I ever decide to make a tower, I know it will already be trumped. Good to know what to look for in the future, because I guarantee I will stumble across a ton of newbie mistakes, just the nature of the beast. I'll pet it from time to time.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;444307]You can use the ShieldClaim command to put a shield against an area. Create a bbb claim first, define the area in the backup manager and then use the command.[/QUOTE] I can't find much documentation about your editors, but I have watched your youtube tutorials and read the in-game help on the bbb commands. I have done some testing and have a few issues still though. The shieldclaim command works, but it seems to use a much larger area than the actual claim. The claim size was about 30x30 but the shielded area was about 80x80 (I checked all sides and it was consistent in all directions). Also, the shieldclaim is temporary. It disappears when the server is restarted. Any way to make the shieldclaim stick through reboots? In the World Editor, I tried to resize the claim - move it a bit - and save the changes. Looking in the backup manager the size had been changed to something like 30x1060. Re-opening the world editor confirmed that new odd size. Changing it in the backup manager works as it should however, it is only in the world editor it is buggy. Previously there was a wipe claim command in-game, but it seems to be gone now? I have to edit the file on the server or via backup manager right? I'm not quite sure I understand how the stability test works either. I tried it on an area which is wip and got a couple of amber and red alerts. Box, which seemed extremely helpful in your tutorial, didn't work. It gave me: INF CHATHOOK SUCCESS name='SadPuppy';id='76561197961569816';msg='bbb box firsttest' ERR Argument _cInfo null on message: bbb command error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object INF CHATHOOK SUCCESS name='Server';id='Server';msg='bbb command error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object' INF Chat: '--BBB--': bbb command error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Regards, SadPuppy
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have read thru every post but I'm still unclear if its possible to flush terrain against blocks? I see it works via world gen but have yet to find a density that works via bbb ip or world editor insert. Am I missing something or is world gen/xml addition the only way to make a true seamless transition? thanks in advance :wink-new: world gen flush [attachment=732:name] world editor has gap [attachment=733:name] both have exact same settings
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[QUOTE=SadPuppy;444813] The shieldclaim command works, but it seems to use a much larger area than the actual claim. The claim size was about 30x30 but the shielded area was about 80x80 (I checked all sides and it was consistent in all directions). Also, the shieldclaim is temporary. It disappears when the server is restarted. Any way to make the shieldclaim stick through reboots? [/QUOTE] ShieldClaim was designed to protect an area while you built on it. The buffer is to stop the ranged attack and screamers from getting too close. You seem to have done your research into it so I'll see what I can do about making a permanent shield for the editor. I don't remember doing a bbb command for removing claims. Just the options though the backup manager or directly through the txt files. Makes sense to have one though, I'll add it to the to-do list. I'll check the box command but from the sound of it that error is something to do with the change in the client message method for A14. The stability test doesn't work, it was just something I was playing around with. The in-game calculation for stability doesn't know when it's getting near breaking point and the different algorithms I've tried simulating it which do know can get close but there's always edge cases where it doesn't give correct readings. [QUOTE=ElWaup;444874]have read thru every post but I'm still unclear if its possible to flush terrain against blocks? [/QUOTE] If the bbb ip command isn't working then it sounds like TFP have changed how the density information gets set again. 14.7 is out now so I'll have a dig around in the code while I'm updating the editor.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;445045]ShieldClaim was designed to protect an area while you built on it. The buffer is to stop the ranged attack and screamers from getting too close. You seem to have done your research into it so I'll see what I can do about making a permanent shield for the editor. I don't remember doing a bbb command for removing claims. Just the options though the backup manager or directly through the txt files. Makes sense to have one though, I'll add it to the to-do list. [/QUOTE] Regarding the ShieldClaim; Please also remove, or make it an option, the buffer. This makes it useful for protecting exact sizes and pathways etc. (like a nice bridge which lets players through but blocks monsters) Regarding the claim removal; In your other thread [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url] I read about the wipe command which I assumed wiped the claim ("bbb wipe "). About the bbb claim though, what's the vertical coords? Is it bedrock to sky, my position to sky, my position and size of bbbclaims up, other? This load/save claims seems very useful for building. Is it saved to the server and kept between restarts too? Thanks for all your hard work on this stuff and your quick replies! Amazing stuff to have!
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Thank you for the this tool. I'm new to using it but I've watched a few of the videos. I'm having a problem at the moment. bbb box isn't working - I get the message. bbb command error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. My claim is bbb claim test. I'm typing bbb box test and getting the above message. I'm assuming it's due to the new Alpha 14.7 or perhaps I've done something wrong?
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[QUOTE=SadPuppy;445069]Regarding the ShieldClaim; Please also remove, or make it an option, the buffer. This makes it useful for protecting exact sizes and pathways etc. (like a nice bridge which lets players through but blocks monsters) Regarding the claim removal; In your other thread [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url] I read about the wipe command which I assumed wiped the claim ("bbb wipe "). About the bbb claim though, what's the vertical coords? Is it bedrock to sky, my position to sky, my position and size of bbbclaims up, other? This load/save claims seems very useful for building. Is it saved to the server and kept between restarts too? Thanks for all your hard work on this stuff and your quick replies! Amazing stuff to have![/QUOTE] The new command will just have a start point and a width, height and depth so you'll be able to set it to whatever size you need. Ha, wow, yeah that other thread was 58 releases ago. All it did was set all the blocks to air. That was back in the days where block manipulation was still a mystery! There will be a new "remove" bbb command for releasing a claim. bbb claim is bedrock to sky (0-255). It originally started as an anti-griefing tool so anything in the claim is saved and can be reloaded (excluding items in chests as players could exploit it but there's another command that allows saving items too). The data is stored on the harddrive so will persist through reboots. [QUOTE=ElWaup;444874]have read thru every post but I'm still unclear if its possible to flush terrain against blocks? I see it works via world gen but have yet to find a density that works via bbb ip or world editor insert. Am I missing something or is world gen/xml addition the only way to make a true seamless transition? thanks in advance :wink-new: world gen flush [ATTACH=CONFIG]15398[/ATTACH] world editor has gap [ATTACH=CONFIG]15399[/ATTACH] both have exact same settings[/QUOTE] I've had a look at the code and it seems to be a problem with the MP way of setting block data. It goes through some checks and one of them changes the density values of solid cube blocks so it's ignoring the setting in the prefab file. I've sent a message to one of the Pimps to see if this is intended behaviour or not. If it is then I'll have to change the way prefabs are loaded which will have the downside of you having to leave the area and return to see the changes if you're on a dedicated server. SP should work as it did (and actually be a lot quicker to load prefabs in).
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[QUOTE=Volar;445238]Thank you for the this tool. I'm new to using it but I've watched a few of the videos. I'm having a problem at the moment. bbb box isn't working - I get the message. bbb command error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. My claim is bbb claim test. I'm typing bbb box test and getting the above message. I'm assuming it's due to the new Alpha 14.7 or perhaps I've done something wrong?[/QUOTE] There will be an update out soon (ish) for 14.7. Wait for that and see if the problem is resolved. Post back if it isn't and I'll have a look.
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Update time! Removed: Wilderness Zoning Updated: World viewer chunk reset no longer causes lines in the map Updated: FillArea block can be specified with a block ID Updated: Shield/ShieldClaim/ShieldArea now works against zombie bears and animals Updated: World Editor server no longer tries to bind to IPv6 addresses Added: Random Damage tool for prefab editor Fixed: Typo in ShieldClaim description Added: ShieldArea bbb command Added: Remove bbb command (remove claim) Removed: StabilityCheck bbb command Because of the density issue mentioned above I've changed the way the prefabs are inserted into the world. If you're on a dedi you'll now always have to teleport away and back again (making sure you're far away enough so the chunks unload) to see the changes. Bit of a ballache but the only way to get seamless joins at the moment. More bad news is the save/load bbb commands use the MP functions too so they will reload saves without the seamless joins if used. Good news is if you're on a local game things should work as they did before. This is a brand new way of inserting prefabs so as usual expect/report the bugs and I'll check them out. I've spoken with a Pimp and there will be a code change in A15 which may mean we can have the seamless joins back in both versions (remind me if I forget!) Random damage tool is now on the prefab editor screen. The box next to it is the max percentage damage. i.e if you wanted a group of blocks to be at most 60% damaged you'd put "60" in the box. It will apply 0-60% damage to each block (individually, not all the same damage).
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Hi Hal, So I finally got around to giving the world editor another go. I got it all working ok but the one issue I'm having is that when I have a prefab I'm trying to insert I don't see the red/blue box at all. In the editor I can choose the insert prefab option and it appears when I tele away and back, but without the boxes I can't tell where exactly it is going to go. I also had the reset chunks and all that working ok, but on first try it didnt do anything until I told the editor to reset local data (same issue with the insert prefab). After doing that first reset local al went a lot better and did resets and inserts without having to do it again. This was with running the dedi (a14.7 with latest editor version) on the same machine as I play on, and in game I see messages related to the blue/red boxes but just no visible box. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the new a14 code you mention or something I've not done right.
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;445737]Hi Hal, So I finally got around to giving the world editor another go. I got it all working ok but the one issue I'm having is that when I have a prefab I'm trying to insert I don't see the red/blue box at all. In the editor I can choose the insert prefab option and it appears when I tele away and back, but without the boxes I can't tell where exactly it is going to go. I also had the reset chunks and all that working ok, but on first try it didnt do anything until I told the editor to reset local data (same issue with the insert prefab). After doing that first reset local al went a lot better and did resets and inserts without having to do it again. This was with running the dedi (a14.7 with latest editor version) on the same machine as I play on, and in game I see messages related to the blue/red boxes but just no visible box. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the new a14 code you mention or something I've not done right.[/QUOTE] Hi Stompy, It sounds like you don't have the SP DLL installed on the client install. The box drawing is handled on the client side so you need both DLL installed to use it. It will also filter out the background messages from the chat window. I'll have a play with the editor and see if I can get the same error as I didn't have that problem when testing (but then again I reset the local data a lot when testing so may have missed it) [QUOTE=Guppycur;445752]While you're in the blue/red box code, a request... :) ...can you make a side green? Like, say south?[/QUOTE] South side of what? The world? Or the prefab's rotation to north?
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I have a question since I didn't see it mentioned anywhere. I only ask this since I plan to move my Prefabs to a private server my friend runs that I have FTP access to and I'd prefer not to have these ''missing'' blocks spawn in. Some of my Prefabs when spawning in have blocks missing. I'll check the Editor and the blocks are there but on the map they are missing. Now the areas that are ''missing'' I can walk through but if I try to place a block there to fill it in it acts as if a block is already there. The only way I've found to fix these ''missing blocks'' is by using Hals Editor to bbb fa air (number) (number). After doing so I am able to place blocks in the proper place. It's Cube Blocks. Usually a part of the wall, I haven't seen floor yet. Air Blocks show 127 Density while all my Brick walls are showing Density 0. Don't know if that makes a difference. Only a few blocks are going ''missing''(about 6 or 7 at most). I do a weird Mix of the Editor for Walls, Floors and Roof layout then I set it to spawn in game, find it and then build it to look the way I want before bbb claiming it and naming it the same thing then overwriting. I make it spawn since if I use bbb ip (name) the Prefab walls and such will spawn but if I place anything on them they all start falling though now that I'm typing this I'm guessing it's a Density issue.
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[QUOTE=Volar;446292]I have a question since I didn't see it mentioned anywhere. I only ask this since I plan to move my Prefabs to a private server my friend runs that I have FTP access to and I'd prefer not to have these ''missing'' blocks spawn in. Some of my Prefabs when spawning in have blocks missing. I'll check the Editor and the blocks are there but on the map they are missing. Now the areas that are ''missing'' I can walk through but if I try to place a block there to fill it in it acts as if a block is already there. The only way I've found to fix these ''missing blocks'' is by using Hals Editor to bbb fa air (number) (number). After doing so I am able to place blocks in the proper place. It's Cube Blocks. Usually a part of the wall, I haven't seen floor yet. Air Blocks show 127 Density while all my Brick walls are showing Density 0. Don't know if that makes a difference. Only a few blocks are going ''missing''(about 6 or 7 at most). I do a weird Mix of the Editor for Walls, Floors and Roof layout then I set it to spawn in game, find it and then build it to look the way I want before bbb claiming it and naming it the same thing then overwriting. I make it spawn since if I use bbb ip (name) the Prefab walls and such will spawn but if I place anything on them they all start falling though now that I'm typing this I'm guessing it's a Density issue.[/QUOTE] Which type of cube blocks are missing? I think there's a limit on how many of blocks can be displayed if they're a model based block. For example if you tried building a large area out of the Air Conditioner block it would eventually hit the limit and stop rendering that block. Density doesn't affect stability, they are different calculations. If you set solid blocks to be greater than 1 then it can cause an issue but I'm pretty sure I've put checks into the editor so it won't let you do that. If you're still having trouble PM me the prefab and I'll take a look. @all I've been able to patch the A14 DLL with the change the Pimps are making for A15 so it may be able to go back to the old method of inserting prefabs. This should also help with the instability when inserting prefabs but as usual check it out and let me know of any problems.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;446485]Which type of cube blocks are missing? I think there's a limit on how many of blocks can be displayed if they're a model based block. For example if you tried building a large area out of the Air Conditioner block it would eventually hit the limit and stop rendering that block. Density doesn't affect stability, they are different calculations. If you set solid blocks to be greater than 1 then it can cause an issue but I'm pretty sure I've put checks into the editor so it won't let you do that. If you're still having trouble PM me the prefab and I'll take a look. @all I've been able to patch the A14 DLL with the change the Pimps are making for A15 so it may be able to go back to the old method of inserting prefabs. This should also help with the instability when inserting prefabs but as usual check it out and let me know of any problems.[/QUOTE] The main blocks that are not appearing but still being there for placing purposes on this specific Prefab is the Brick block and the Brick Paver Block. I haven't tried respawning it in yet after working on it for 10 hours yesterday. I have some final touch ups to do before seeing if some of this persists. When I mainly saw the problem it was when I did the ''shell''. Shell being supporting walls and ceiling/floors then doing all the rest by placing blocks in game. However I have a Prefab I did before this one called CountyJail and sometimes not always(Since I've found this building probably 30+ times now through all the resets) some of the Reinforced Concrete Blocks do the same thing. It's not a huge issue but it is weird seeing a building with 6-20 randomly missing blocks, normally in clumps. Edit - If this is still persisting today after my changes I'll PM the Prefab to you. On a note about Density I've noticed most my blocks above ground are all at Density 127 with my blocks below ground seem to be at Density -128(Asphalt). Should I be using the Reset Density button after saving and Exporting the Prefab then opening in the Editor? Edit 2 - Tried it out after making all my changes and the same spots are doing it. [attachment=746:name] In the above pictures as you can see sorta the blocks that are disappearing but still there are rather random. I had 2 RNG spawn near eachother since I was testing and the back fire escape area on one is gone while the other is there. The back corner of both is messed up but in different ways and as I said I can't place blocks there. I will PM you the Prefab Shortly after I fix the Block Rotation of my Round Corner blocks all being backwards.
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[QUOTE=Volar;446497]The main blocks that are not appearing but still being there for placing purposes on this specific Prefab is the Brick block and the Brick Paver Block. I haven't tried respawning it in yet after working on it for 10 hours yesterday. I have some final touch ups to do before seeing if some of this persists. When I mainly saw the problem it was when I did the ''shell''. Shell being supporting walls and ceiling/floors then doing all the rest by placing blocks in game. However I have a Prefab I did before this one called CountyJail and sometimes not always(Since I've found this building probably 30+ times now through all the resets) some of the Reinforced Concrete Blocks do the same thing. It's not a huge issue but it is weird seeing a building with 6-20 randomly missing blocks, normally in clumps. Edit - If this is still persisting today after my changes I'll PM the Prefab to you. On a note about Density I've noticed most my blocks above ground are all at Density 127 with my blocks below ground seem to be at Density -128(Asphalt). Should I be using the Reset Density button after saving and Exporting the Prefab then opening in the Editor? Edit 2 - Tried it out after making all my changes and the same spots are doing it. [ATTACH=CONFIG]15442[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]15443[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]15444[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]15445[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]15446[/ATTACH] In the above pictures as you can see sorta the blocks that are disappearing but still there are rather random. I had 2 RNG spawn near eachother since I was testing and the back fire escape area on one is gone while the other is there. The back corner of both is messed up but in different ways and as I said I can't place blocks there. I will PM you the Prefab Shortly after I fix the Block Rotation of my Round Corner blocks all being backwards.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the pics (ignore the request in the PM, I hadn't read this yet). I've had a look and make some changes. Yes, some of the densities were 127 which means invisible for solid blocks. I've reset the all densities to 0 and added the densities to merge the asphalt and brick together. If you're ever in doubt about density just set it to "0" which means the game will look up the default value the block should be. You only need to change density for terrain types or when getting the smooth transition from cube to terrain. I couldn't get the invisible blocks when spawning the prefab through the mixer or bbb but see if that makes a difference.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;446695]Thanks for the pics (ignore the request in the PM, I hadn't read this yet). I've had a look and make some changes. Yes, some of the densities were 127 which means invisible for solid blocks. I've reset the all densities to 0 and added the densities to merge the asphalt and brick together. If you're ever in doubt about density just set it to "0" which means the game will look up the default value the block should be. You only need to change density for terrain types or when getting the smooth transition from cube to terrain. I couldn't get the invisible blocks when spawning the prefab through the mixer or bbb but see if that makes a difference.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the help and tips. My only question then would be how do you know the smooth transition numbers? I see in the version you sent me the Cubes are -118 while the Asphalt is -128 but it's only on the blocks touching the terrain. I see exactly what you did just not understanding the numbering. - Would using "Reset All Density to Zero" have the same effect or would I have to Do what you did after and Smooth it? I'll test with your version shortly and see if I'm still getting the ''missing'' blocks or not. Edit - Another dumb question. Is there a Faster way to do the Transition effect than clicking on each square individually and changing the Density to the desired number?
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