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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;439090] I could never find a way to remove those lines. There's no physical difference in the chunk once it's reset to the original so looks like a bug in the map image generator. The game hasn't been designed to allow resetting of chunks so it's probably never come up as an issue before. You're the second person to ask about it in a couple of days though so when I update the code next I'll have a poke around and see if I can spot what's causing it. For blocks with spaces in the name use the block name from the XML rather than the localisation name. Or try the ID, I can't remember if I put ID as an option.[/QUOTE] Sounds good. Would be nice to get rid of the ugly lines. Reset chunk always resets to original map, or can you make it reset to something you have built later on? I tried ID before and it didn't work. But I didn't think to check if the name in blocks.xml was different than the name in-game (creative menu). I should have thought of that. That works though. Thanks!
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Masel has discovered if you reset the chunks again after the lines appear they will be removed. I'll have a look if I can build that into the editor when I next update the code. Thanks Masel! No, resetting always goes back to the original. To save something you've built later you'd need to use the bbb claims to save/load. I'll also add being able to use the ID for the FillArea command.
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Shield needs more love. OK, I was minding my own business in the middle of the night...with shield activated. Everything was peachy. But...THEN...this HUGE horde comes knocking. Plenty of everything, so I put on my superman cape and made a quick patrol around the area to get rid of them so I can have my peace and tranquility while working. Flying low I suddenly get hit by something really hard, stunned, infected, bam, BAM...wtf? Then I realize I had got a nightly visit from a pack (or two) of zombie bears. See attached screamshots. So I hereby request, for the safety of scared admins, that the shield is given more love - so it eliminates the pesky zombie bears as well. Oh, and is it normal to get 10-20 zombie bears alongside 100+ other zombies? :grumpy: [img]http://i.imgur.com/KIHqk0H.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/I2ux4lo.jpg[/img] TLDR; Shield doesn't work on zombie bears.
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try changing this: [COLOR="#B22222"] [/COLOR] to: [COLOR="#B22222"] [/COLOR] in entityclasses.xml zombie bears from last time i tested ping on claim blocks so cant damage a base, and its because of that setting. probably the same reason the shield doesn't work on them
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[QUOTE=SadPuppy;440211] TLDR; Shield doesn't work on zombie bears.[/QUOTE] Hmm it looks like all animals have an EntityType of "Unknown" rather than "Animal". As the zombie bear is considered an animal rather than a zombie it was getting ignored. Downside is the shield will now kill all animals too but it's fixed in the next version. [QUOTE=StompyNZ;440229]try changing this: [COLOR="#B22222"] [/COLOR] to: [COLOR="#B22222"] [/COLOR] in entityclasses.xml zombie bears from last time i tested ping on claim blocks so cant damage a base, and its because of that setting. probably the same reason the shield doesn't work on them[/QUOTE] Hey Stompy, If you're familiar with Unity those Parent fields are just transforms that child gameobjects go under. I don't think it does much at the minute but may in future.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;439405]Masel has discovered if you reset the chunks again after the lines appear they will be removed. I'll have a look if I can build that into the editor when I next update the code. Thanks Masel! No, resetting always goes back to the original. To save something you've built later you'd need to use the bbb claims to save/load. I'll also add being able to use the ID for the FillArea command.[/QUOTE] You mean the gaps between the block blocks and terrain blocks? Deleting the redions doesn't work for me; does he mean to literally delete the chunks within those regions? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- We truffle shuffle
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;440838]You mean the gaps between the block blocks and terrain blocks? Deleting the redions doesn't work for me; does he mean to literally delete the chunks within those regions? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- We truffle shuffle[/QUOTE] No, Masel is talking about the [URL="http://imgur.com/RMnVY0S"]lines produced by the world editor[/URL] when resetting the chunks through that. Resetting them again will remove those lines and the next version of the editor does it for you. To get the smooth transition from blocky blocks to terrain you have to change the density values of the blocks. Can't remember off the top of my head what those values are but there's a post on the forum somewhere.
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World Editor For Dummies? Howdy Hal, So I am running into a problem and I finally submit to defeat. I was wondering if I could get a little help with troubleshooting the world editor? I'm going to try to dig though the 181 tabs of this fourm, but I'm not super savvy so I'm going to post this. I've put in about 4 hours of solid configurations. Playing with ports, different addresses (internal / external), passwords, no passwords ect. I followed your video on setting up the editor making the general assumptions like the port you used (55555) was port forwarded and the Hal text document you edit is your server login and network location. I'm currently using the current version of the game right now hosting a dedicated server though steamCMD which is being managed by FrongTunnerTek's Server managerV2 version connected via telnet. Below is a screenshot showing the results I get for every configuration that I have tried. [IMG]https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=World+Editor+Setup.png[/IMG] I feel like the picture in the preview mode leaves more to be desired lol so the link from my dropbox is [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/sr9fxw5d7iba04r/World%20Editor%20Setup.png?dl=0"]HERE[/URL]. Any help with this would be awesome. I feel like I'm overlooking something simple (I hope) SDK
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The IP in connection settings doesn't match the IP in the txt file. You have 1[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]6[/COLOR][/B]2.x.x.x instead of 1[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]9[/COLOR][/B]2.x.x.x in the text file, I will safely assume that's a 3am typo. I make lots of those. May be something else in addition to that, but THAT pic seems to be due to that issue.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;441012]The IP in connection settings doesn't match the IP in the txt file. You have 1[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]6[/COLOR][/B]2.x.x.x instead of 1[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]9[/COLOR][/B]2.x.x.x in the text file, I will safely assume that's a 3am typo. I make lots of those. May be something else in addition to that, but THAT pic seems to be due to that issue.[/QUOTE] Yep, after I posted I realized that I did that. Sad thing is that didn't resolve the issue. That typo was probably after attempt 40 of different configs. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Guppycur;441013]...also, are you running it from your local machine to your local machine? That's what it looks like. If so, it's REALLY better to do it on a dedi server. Find a spare laptop, beef it up, enjoy. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah, I might use my old laptop someday here soon but for now I have way more then enough resources to run one dedicated server on the local. I had 4 dedicated on here at one point 60 FPS in SteamCMD.
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Hello Shadow Doctor K, Make sure the DLL is installed for the dedi. Start the server and check the output_log.txt file (for the server, not the client) for the line "Hals Mod Loaded v2". If that's there then the DLL is installed. If it is installed then go to the save directory for the world you've loaded and in the "BlockBackup\Users" folder there's a file called log.txt. Open that and you'll see more information about the editor. You should see the following lines: Trying to listen... Listen loop on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port: xxxxx If you don't have this information then the world editor isn't installed/setup correctly. If you do have this information then the editor is running in game but something is stopping you from talking to it. Make sure you're using the same IP/Port combo in the GUI for the world editor that's in the log file. If you're running the server on the same computer as the client then you don't need to forward any ports. That happens on a router but check your Firewall/AV rules.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;440857]No, Masel is talking about the [URL="http://imgur.com/RMnVY0S"]lines produced by the world editor[/URL] when resetting the chunks through that. Resetting them again will remove those lines and the next version of the editor does it for you. To get the smooth transition from blocky blocks to terrain you have to change the density values of the blocks. Can't remember off the top of my head what those values are but there's a post on the forum somewhere.[/QUOTE] Ah. Never used the world editor, didn' know that. Thanks. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we aren't [I]too[/I] dense.
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Wow that was it. I'm still playing around with the settings to get it to work. I have to figure out why I'm getting this... [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Trying to listen... HAL Init Complete Tried to bind to but no NIC with that IP could be found. Auto-binding to host name 'Unknown-Desktop' instead. Listen loop on [COLOR="#FF0000"]fe80::e401:d288:1daa:770 port: 55555[/COLOR] Server Error: An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.[/COLOR] I'll try to change the to my 192.168.x.x as soon as i figure out how. Thank you for helping me this far. Update: So I found that the server manager was somehow the cause. When I started the server with the loopback set as it was trying to listen on which resulted in auto-binding to my host name. I fixed that so now i'm listening on the 192.168.x.x address and the correct port as explained above. I guess my last minor little thing will be how to connect to the server when i have a password set. That results in a crash. For now my simple solution is going to be to remove the password. Thank you very much for the help Hal. I wish I would have just asked the question sooner. Around hour one or two instead of day 3 lol.
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[QUOTE=Shadow Doctor K;441334]Wow that was it. I'm still playing around with the settings to get it to work. I have to figure out why I'm getting this... [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Trying to listen... HAL Init Complete Tried to bind to but no NIC with that IP could be found. Auto-binding to host name 'Unknown-Desktop' instead. Listen loop on [COLOR="#FF0000"]fe80::e401:d288:1daa:770 port: 55555[/COLOR] Server Error: An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.[/COLOR] I'll try to change the to my 192.168.x.x as soon as i figure out how. Thank you for helping me this far.[/QUOTE] The setting the editor uses is "halserverip" in the HalGlobal.txt file. From your logs it looks like that is set to the 127 address. You could also try disabling IPv6 on your NIC. Unless you know of a specific reason to use IPv6 it's unlikely you'll need it. I've updated the editor so it will ignore IPv6 addresses in the future when trying to auto-bind.
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[QUOTE=Jimmy__G;412752]Hal, Just got into using your tool. Very nice. I was just wondering if you considered adding a random damage option that would update all blocks with a random damage value. I have been working on a little tower which i would like to appear weathered. So rather than select every block and then grab a damage value it would be nice to have this done auto-magically :). I assume this would have to be block specific (as the maximum damage varies per block type). But anything like this would be useful. Thanks, JG[/QUOTE] Hello Jimmy__G, Wow, I never even saw this suggestion. I've just stumbled across it while looking for something else. To make up for it I'll make sure this is in the next version of the editor.
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[QUOTE=Shadow Doctor K;441334] Update: So I found that the server manager was somehow the cause. When I started the server with the loopback set as it was trying to listen on which resulted in auto-binding to my host name. I fixed that so now i'm listening on the 192.168.x.x address and the correct port as explained above. I guess my last minor little thing will be how to connect to the server when i have a password set. That results in a crash. For now my simple solution is going to be to remove the password. Thank you very much for the help Hal. I wish I would have just asked the question sooner. Around hour one or two instead of day 3 lol.[/QUOTE] PM the password you tried (or something else that causes the crash) and I'll see what's happening in the code. Sounds like there's a special character causing the problem.
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off topic; does anyone know the density required for block terrain to mesh with blocks seamlessly if generated into a city block? I'm asking b/c I'm pretty damn busy and if someone provided the info it would help me alot. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- pls halp
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;442363]off topic; does anyone know the density required for block terrain to mesh with blocks seamlessly if generated into a city block? I'm asking b/c I'm pretty damn busy and if someone provided the info it would help me alot. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- pls halp[/QUOTE] My weakness for Leeloo strikes again. There's an example in store_hardware_lg_01. Check at position 0,0,12 and 1,0,12 to see how the sidewalk and asphalt are made to play together nicely. Lazman made a whole post about it somewhere but the search function seems to have eaten it
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;442398]My weakness for Leeloo strikes again. There's an example in store_hardware_lg_01. Check at position 0,0,12 and 1,0,12 to see how the sidewalk and asphalt are made to play together nicely. Lazman made a whole post about it somewhere but the search function seems to have eaten it[/QUOTE] Thanks will do...accelerated (10 months) graduate program; intense. add it with rehab...I'm finally off physical therapy so [URL="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsdhACdZUCH5C8ff4D0B2XpUKSGoZ0w2q"]here[/URL] I begin. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- up the hill we go
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Is there a way to bind a shield permanently to an area instead of following an admin around? If not, would you consider adding that functionality to the next version? Either as a square or as a rectangle would be great. That way we could have a safe area for players, like a church. =)
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[QUOTE=SadPuppy;444269]Is there a way to bind a shield permanently to an area instead of following an admin around? If not, would you consider adding that functionality to the next version? Either as a square or as a rectangle would be great. That way we could have a safe area for players, like a church. =)[/QUOTE] You can use the ShieldClaim command to put a shield against an area. Create a bbb claim first, define the area in the backup manager and then use the command.
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