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Hal's Prefab Editor


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hey i made a tower with this, but there is some graphical glitch where some of the blocks just don't exit, until you damage a block next to it. but as soon as i logout it goes right back to the way it was [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/R39ETyA.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;432065]In settings you simply place in the bottom half of the area as it asks. Save path is where on your computer the dedi server saves to.[/QUOTE] Thank you. My 7d2d server (created with steamcmd) does not have a local steam installation for playing the game. The bottom half where it says Save Path seems to be for FTP. I am not using FTP to upload on the server, as it is local on my network. I just play the game through my other machine and connect to it locally. That said, the configuration in settings seems to need a local game, I believe. Is this true? -Dino
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Update Time! Added: 14.6 support. No new features and a bit of a rush job so let me know if you have issues installing. [QUOTE=Abrondino;432100]Thank you. My 7d2d server (created with steamcmd) does not have a local steam installation for playing the game. The bottom half where it says Save Path seems to be for FTP. I am not using FTP to upload on the server, as it is local on my network. I just play the game through my other machine and connect to it locally. That said, the configuration in settings seems to need a local game, I believe. Is this true? -Dino[/QUOTE] The editor needs to be used on a computer with 7DTD installed. You'll get a message when you open the editor about needing the path to the game. Once that's sorted if you want to use the editor DLL do a manual update using the button on the main form. That will overwrite you SP DLL with the editors. If you want to use the editor DLL on a dedi then go to the folder you run the editor from and you'll see a file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll". Rename the "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" that is already there so you have a backup, copy the file from the editor over and rename it to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL". Start the server and you should be good to go.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;432369]Update Time! Added: 14.6 support. No new features and a bit of a rush job so let me know if you have issues installing. The editor needs to be used on a computer with 7DTD installed. You'll get a message when you open the editor about needing the path to the game. Once that's sorted if you want to use the editor DLL do a manual update using the button on the main form. That will overwrite you SP DLL with the editors. If you want to use the editor DLL on a dedi then go to the folder you run the editor from and you'll see a file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll". Rename the "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" that is already there so you have a backup, copy the file from the editor over and rename it to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL". Start the server and you should be good to go.[/QUOTE] hrm i got some enumerator error when trying to insert a prefab and now , when i type something in the chat box and hit enter...it won't let the chat go thru, enter does nada. First this...unknown to me then when trying to bbb ip.. [CODE]InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in GameManager:GameMessageClient (EnumGameMessages,string,string,bool,string,bool): IL_0002: call 0x06005a4c at GameManager.GameMessageServer (.ClientInfo _cInfo, EnumGameMessages _type, System.String _msg, System.String _mainName, Boolean _localizeMain, System.String _secondaryName, Boolean _localizeSecondary) [0x00000] in :0 at GameManager.GameMessage (EnumGameMessages _type, System.String _msg, .EntityAlive _mainEntity, .EntityAlive _otherEntity) [0x00000] in :0 at GameManager.GameMessage (EnumGameMessages _type, System.String _msg, .EntityAlive _entity) [0x00000] in :0 at NGuiWindowChat.OnChatInput () [0x00000] in :0 at EventDelegate.Execute () [0x00000] in :0 at EventDelegate.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 list) [0x00000] in :0 at UIInput.Submit () [0x00000] in :0 at UIInput.ProcessEvent (UnityEngine.Event ev) [0x00000] in :0 at UIInput.OnGUI () [0x00000] in :0 [/CODE] Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- numerous
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;432537]hrm i got some enumerator error when trying to insert a prefab and now , when i type something in the chat box and hit enter...it won't let the chat go thru, enter does nada. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- numerous[/QUOTE] Thanks h0tr0d, do a manual update and see if that's resolved now. Just tried it and it worked for me. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;432624]Thanks h0tr0d, do a manual update and see if that's resolved now. Just tried it and it worked for me. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] That's why I'm here and why I need your vote in the upcoming elections. It said I have to spread karma around before giving it to Hal again; too bad I'm the only one around here worth giving karma to because I can use semi-colons. I gave some to Guppycur despite that awful avatar. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- karma's a bitch
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;433691]yeppers. 0.58 Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- four teens appoint six[/QUOTE] Hmm not sure h0tr0d. Just tried a vanilla install and updated the DLL, worked ok. Are you running any other mods? SDX?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;434250]Hmm not sure h0tr0d. Just tried a vanilla install and updated the DLL, worked ok. Are you running any other mods? SDX?[/QUOTE] Well I'm not using SDX although I did download it. The Mods folder contains their mods but all the .xmls and this .dll are vanilla; I did a validate files check when I got this error and then re-placed my .xmls and your .dll. Is there something it changed that I am ignorant of? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we missed something
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;434344]Well I'm not using SDX although I did download it. The Mods folder contains their mods but all the .xmls and this .dll are vanilla; I did a validate files check when I got this error and then re-placed my .xmls and your .dll. Is there something it changed that I am ignorant of? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we missed something[/QUOTE] 14.6 changed the GameMessageServer method by adding some more parameters. I inject some code to use that method but didn't have the new stuff which is why the error was getting thrown. I've added the new stuff in and released those changes so it should work. Are you SP or dedi? I've tested SP but don't have a dedi anymore so there may be something still in that DLL that's throwing problems.
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Problem on rented server. Hello! I have the editor installed since I tried it out a little locally before, but now I would like to access my rented server and make prefabs etc. The only thing to install as far as I understood was the dedicated dll which I uploaded and renamed. I then restarted the server and joined. I eagerly type 'bbb shield' in chat but get back that I need to be an admin. Checking with 'admin list' in the console I confirm I am admin with all rights. It's probably dead simple but I cannot seem to find an answer to this problem. What am I missing? Are there other files to install? Oh, and totally unrelated...perhaps someone knows; When entering 3rd person view on the server, is there a way to freeze/lock the character so I can look around it and see the front and take a screenshot? Thanks in advance!
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