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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Oh, and you know what's neat? If the world editor is logged in doing its thing zombies spawn all OVER the place... had 162 at one point, despite my cap being at 80. If there's a way to turn THAT off, it'll speed things up when no one is logged in. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] ...although I admit it was cool looking at the map, watching them teleport in all over the place. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;424812]Oh, and you know what's neat? If the world editor is logged in doing its thing zombies spawn all OVER the place... had 162 at one point, despite my cap being at 80. If there's a way to turn THAT off, it'll speed things up when no one is logged in. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] ...although I admit it was cool looking at the map, watching them teleport in all over the place. :)[/QUOTE] Hmm, I'm not sure that's anything I'm doing. I think that's just the way the game handles the chunks being created. Try doing "bbb test kill" and see if they come back or not.
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My prefab Hello everyone Unfortunatly i cant get this program to work... when i go to Backup manager.. type in the stuff i get this message: Could not find the command folder. Can not au.............. etc. so well i made a prefab in navezgane thats 31x31 what i need help with is the make the prefab file and posible a xml file with it its an underground cellar/bunker with a moat i want it to be used on random gen maps and only located in forest biome the coords for the building is 569 1120 my save game file is attached [URL="http://www.filedropper.com/saves"]http://www.filedropper.com/saves[/URL] really hope someone can help me
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[QUOTE=wendi;428041]Hello everyone Unfortunatly i cant get this program to work... when i go to Backup manager.. type in the stuff i get this message: Could not find the command folder. Can not au.............. etc. so well i made a prefab in navezgane thats 31x31 what i need help with is the make the prefab file and posible a xml file with it its an underground cellar/bunker with a moat the coords for the building is 569 1120 my save game file is attached [URL="http://www.filedropper.com/saves"]http://www.filedropper.com/saves[/URL] really hope someone can help me[/QUOTE] Hello Wendi, Sounds like you haven't installed the DLL. Try going through the installation video for the editor, it shows you how to install the DLL by updating the prefab editor. You can see the video [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltoCV8bHnHs&ab_channel=HAL9000"]here[/URL].
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;428046]Hello Wendi, Sounds like you haven't installed the DLL. Try going through the installation video for the editor, it shows you how to install the DLL by updating the prefab editor. You can see the video [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltoCV8bHnHs&ab_channel=HAL9000"]here[/URL].[/QUOTE] hi HAL well i just did the update that put in the dll... it still comes up with the [I]Could not find the command folder.[/I] did everything in the vid... untill that comes up...
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[QUOTE=wendi;428064]hi HAL well i just did the update that put in the dll... it still comes up with the [I]Could not find the command folder.[/I] did everything in the vid... untill that comes up...[/QUOTE] What happens if you enter "bbb rp" in the game's chat window?
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As in the message is never displayed? Or it says something like: Wendi: bbb rp Can you upload your log files? One is called output_log.txt and is in %7dtd%\7DaysToDie_Data\ folder and the other is called log.txt and is in %SaveGameDir%\BlockBackup\Users\ If the BlockBackup directory doesn't exist that means the modded DLL isn't running but the output_log.txt file should always exist.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;428094]As in the message is never displayed? Or it says something like: Wendi: bbb rp Can you upload your log files? One is called output_log.txt and is in %7dtd%\7DaysToDie_Data\ folder and the other is called log.txt and is in %SaveGameDir%\BlockBackup\Users\ If the BlockBackup directory doesn't exist that means the modded DLL isn't running but the output_log.txt file should always exist.[/QUOTE] well i just reinstalled everyting and this time i got the prompt when i typed bbb rp ..... YAY finally got it edited and made an xml now the 1000 dollor question..... do i just ad them to prefab folder or is there another file that needs editing? like rwgmixer.xml ?
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[QUOTE=wendi;428110]well i just reinstalled everyting and this time i got the prompt when i typed bbb rp ..... YAY finally got it edited and made an xml now the 1000 dollor question..... do i just ad them to prefab folder or is there another file that needs editing? like rwgmixer.xml ?[/QUOTE] Glad to hear you sorted it Wendi. It depends on what you want to do with the prefab. You can put it in the prefab folder and add it using the bbb command "bbb ip " or you can use the world editor if you have that set up to drag and drop it where you want it. If you want it to spawn in Random Gen naturally then yes, XML edits are needed. I think you need to add it to the list of prefabs the biome you want can spawn in and that is a prefab_rule in the mixer. I don't mess with the mixer much so probably best asking one of the XML gurus.
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I have tried to find something about custom blocks i the thread but can't find anything more then they can't be used i the editor. As they will become null blocks. I don't know how the vanilla blocks are added to the editor. Is it possible to add custom blocks to the editor in any way?
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[QUOTE=blackaciddevil;430388]I have tried to find something about custom blocks i the thread but can't find anything more then they can't be used i the editor. As they will become null blocks. I don't know how the vanilla blocks are added to the editor. Is it possible to add custom blocks to the editor in any way?[/QUOTE] The editor reads the block XML file from the game so any custom blocks you do will automatically get added. However, if you share the prefab with someone that doesn't have the XML and they load it in the editor then they will see the null block reference.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;430404]The editor reads the block XML file from the game so any custom blocks you do will automatically get added. However, if you share the prefab with someone that doesn't have the XML and they load it in the editor then they will see the null block reference.[/QUOTE] Great! It works! But it seems to be a null block reference with my custom terrain blocks.
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[QUOTE=blackaciddevil;430569]Great! It works! But it seems to be a null block reference with my custom terrain blocks.[/QUOTE] Null reference in the game? Or a NullBlock_X thing in the editor? If it's in the game you need to fix it, if it's in the editor (and works in game) post your XML and I'll run it through the editor and see what pops up.
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