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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;419681]Sorry if this was covered; I forgot...generate...maze...copy to clipboard. Then...? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- then what?[/QUOTE] Hi h0tr0d, It's just like when you're using the editor in copy mode. Right-click on the top left most part of where you want to add the prefab. @all 14.5 is out so I'll be looking at updating either tonight or tomorrow.
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Update Time! Added: 14.5 support Added: Settings checkbox to choose if when loading a prefab you say at layer 0 or jump to the top of the terrain. Default is to jump. Updated: World Editor Chunk retrieval optimisations Added: World Editor chunk generation options checkbox Added: Bugs, probably. 14.5 is now supported and there's an option to choose whether when opening a prefab it jumps to the top of the blocks or stays at layer 0. When using it I usually prefer it to jump to the terrain level so the default is to jump but now you can disable it in the settings menu. A long needed update to the world editor's chunk retrieval code has been finished. This means a lot less resource use to get each chunk and far less errors in the data when returning. This means you should see a significant jump in the time it takes to get chunks back from the game if they've already been created. Generating new chunks still takes longer but you should see some improvement there too. Chunk retrieval is now also no longer tied to the game's update loop so while there's still a performance cost for the editors work it shouldn't impact your FPS nearly as much. I've been getting 60 FPS but with the usual stuttering that can occur. There's now multiple options for how you generate chunks in the editor. There's a dropdown box on the left to choose from the options: None - Don't get chunks from the game. ExistingChunks - Only return chunks that have been created by the game already FollowRoad - Start looking for a road at the current position, once found then it will just follow the roads. If the chunk hasn't been created yet the editor will create it so you can explore the area. GenerateNew - Starts at the current position and works its way out, generating new chunks if they don't exist yet. I'm enjoying the FollowRoad option at the moment as I'm way past the point finding random wandering much fun. This option lets me find the local towns in the editor while playing the game. Once I'm ready to strike out I know where to go. I figure it's the same as if you grew up in the area, you'd know where to head. Kinyajuu has worked on a map preview tool and until that's available this will have to do. I also think I've finally fixed the minimap update so it should display all of the explored world now. You should also be able to click on a point on the minimap and jump to that position. It also saves a copy of the map to the editor folder if you need a copy while the editor isn't running. As usual with big code changes there's probably some new bugs in there somewhere so let me know if you have problems. Guppy, I've paid special attention to the dedi version and I've been in game using all the commands. I've added a prefab through the editor and seen the red/blue guide box so see how you go on with this version.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;420888]Update Time! Added: 14.5 support Added: Settings checkbox to choose if when loading a prefab you say at layer 0 or jump to the top of the terrain. Default is to jump. Updated: World Editor Chunk retrieval optimisations Added: World Editor chunk generation options checkbox Added: Bugs, probably. 14.5 is now supported and there's an option to choose whether when opening a prefab it jumps to the top of the blocks or stays at layer 0. When using it I usually prefer it to jump to the terrain level so the default is to jump but now you can disable it in the settings menu. A long needed update to the world editor's chunk retrieval code has been finished. This means a lot less resource use to get each chunk and far less errors in the data when returning. This means you should see a significant jump in the time it takes to get chunks back from the game if they've already been created. Generating new chunks still takes longer but you should see some improvement there too. Chunk retrieval is now also no longer tied to the game's update loop so while there's still a performance cost for the editors work it shouldn't impact your FPS nearly as much. I've been getting 60 FPS but with the usual stuttering that can occur. There's now multiple options for how you generate chunks in the editor. There's a dropdown box on the left to choose from the options: None - Don't get chunks from the game. ExistingChunks - Only return chunks that have been created by the game already FollowRoad - Start looking for a road at the current position, once found then it will just follow the roads. If the chunk hasn't been created yet the editor will create it so you can explore the area. GenerateNew - Starts at the current position and works its way out, generating new chunks if they don't exist yet. I'm enjoying the FollowRoad option at the moment as I'm way past the point finding random wandering much fun. This option lets me find the local towns in the editor while playing the game. Once I'm ready to strike out I know where to go. I figure it's the same as if you grew up in the area, you'd know where to head. Kinyajuu has worked on a map preview tool and until that's available this will have to do. I also think I've finally fixed the minimap update so it should display all of the explored world now. You should also be able to click on a point on the minimap and jump to that position. It also saves a copy of the map to the editor folder if you need a copy while the editor isn't running. As usual with big code changes there's probably some new bugs in there somewhere so let me know if you have problems. Guppy, I've paid special attention to the dedi version and I've been in game using all the commands. I've added a prefab through the editor and seen the red/blue guide box so see how you go on with this version.[/QUOTE] Can you please explain more in lamens terms at all lol - Like what do you mean by this - [COLOR="#FF0000"]when opening a prefab it jumps to the top of the blocks or stays at layer 0.[/COLOR] - [COLOR="#FF0000"]I'm enjoying the FollowRoad option at the moment as I'm way past the point finding random wandering much fun. [/COLOR] Again thanks for this great tool :-)
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;421255]Can you please explain more in lamens terms at all lol - Like what do you mean by this - [COLOR="#FF0000"]when opening a prefab it jumps to the top of the blocks or stays at layer 0.[/COLOR] - [COLOR="#FF0000"]I'm enjoying the FollowRoad option at the moment as I'm way past the point finding random wandering much fun. [/COLOR] Again thanks for this great tool :-)[/QUOTE] Hi stallionsden [QUOTE]when opening a prefab it jumps to the top of the blocks or stays at layer 0.[/QUOTE] This just means when you opened a prefab it would normally just starts displaying at layer 0 - i.e. bedrock if you're looking at a chunk. Then you need to scroll through the layers looking for where the terrain starts, usually between layer 70-140. What the editor now does is look at the prefab and search for where the blocks stop. So if you loaded a chunk and it had a house in it then it would start displaying the prefab at the level of the chimney. That way it's just a few scrolls down to find the terrain level. But if you're always looking at prefabs then you may prefer it just start at layer 0 as that's the bottom of the prefab so now you can choose which one you want in the settings form. [QUOTE]I'm enjoying the FollowRoad option at the moment as I'm way past the point finding random wandering much fun. [/QUOTE] The FollowRoad option loads in the chunks from the game and looks for a road (asphalt) once it finds it then it will follow the path and load the chunks in so it displays the routes on your minimap in the editor. I usually have the editor open on another screen so I can use it as a way of deciding where to go to find materials/books etc when playing the game.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;421264]Hi stallionsden This just means when you opened a prefab it would normally just starts displaying at layer 0 - i.e. bedrock if you're looking at a chunk. Then you need to scroll through the layers looking for where the terrain starts, usually between layer 70-140. What the editor now does is look at the prefab and search for where the blocks stop. So if you loaded a chunk and it had a house in it then it would start displaying the prefab at the level of the chimney. That way it's just a few scrolls down to find the terrain level. But if you're always looking at prefabs then you may prefer it just start at layer 0 as that's the bottom of the prefab so now you can choose which one you want in the settings form. The FollowRoad option loads in the chunks from the game and looks for a road (asphalt) once it finds it then it will follow the path and load the chunks in so it displays the routes on your minimap in the editor. I usually have the editor open on another screen so I can use it as a way of deciding where to go to find materials/books etc when playing the game.[/QUOTE] Argh awesome explanation. And cool thankyou i totally understand now :-)
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;422175]Man, I'm gonna need someone to get me up to speed on this world editor and it uncovering areas and all that; been a while. Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- It's been a while[/QUOTE] Hi h0tr0d, Yeah there's been a few new additions since the last editor video, I will look to doing an update but for the mean time the [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UWYxHMbmWQ"]old one[/URL] will get it installed and go over most of the features. For chunk reveals just use the dropdown on the left hand side of the editor. It will show "ExistingChunks" by default I think.
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Quickie: I have a prefab that's 78x112, I can insert it via bbb ip [I]only if I don't use coordinates[/I]. What's different between using coordinates and just inserting it? ...I'm having a hell of a time using "usexml", because I stand in the same place (x, y and z) trying different y-offsets and it doesn't correspond with what I have in the XML. Sometimes it's too high by like 10 blocks, sometimes too low by 3, and that's by only changing the y-offset in the xml by 1! Weird stuff, but it won't be needed if I can get the coordinates to insert a prefab that large...
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;422777]Ignore me, I'm a tard. ...for others, bbb ip with coordinates does NOT like it when you try to insert a prefab below bedrock. :) (My math was all wrong)[/QUOTE] At least you didn't divide by [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=443B6f_4n6k&ab_channel=MultiGlizda"]zero[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;422858]I stand by my usexml statement though, although if I could get the world editor to work on the local host I wouldn't care.[/QUOTE] So if you insert a prefab using the co-ords and change the values in the XML by 1 you get different results back in the game? World editor works find for me on SP, that's how I usually use it. What problems are you getting?
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;422997]Won't connect, I get that nice generic no connection pop up... I'll figure it out, I've set hal.txt, etc, but worst case I'm setting up a second dedi anyway for prefabs, so I ain't worried.[/QUOTE] Have a look in the log file for the editor in %save folder%\BlockBackup\Users\log.txt Search for a lines that start: HAL Init Complete Trying to listen... Listen loop on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port xxxx That will tell you the IP and port it is listening on. Make sure that matches what you have set up in the editor. If it matches then it sounds like a firewall issue, just make sure the port is unblocked. Also make sure you're using your assigned local IP and not a loop back address or your public IP. So don't use I'll be updating the editor video again at some point so I'll do another setup guide in the video.
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Feature Request: Coordinate Highlight: I select this than click a block, and it adds a glow or some distinguishing feature to that block in [I]every layer[/I] in the editor, so I can have a point of reference other than counting x/y. :) A copy/paste that also selects all of the [I]layers[/I] in the move, so that I could say, move a 10 story building over a few blocks and not have to copy/paste each layer. :) Please allow a right-click of each menu option that displays a msgbox so I can know what the function actually does, first by definition, then by example (ex: Magoli's Function: Use: ) Maze Generation: Add fields for "Wall block to use" and "Floor block to use" and "Ceiling block to use", then rename "Height" to "Length", then add an actual "Height" to determine the number of layers (5 would be, 1 floor, 3 walls, 1 ceiling). Minor Inconveniences: My imagination or are air blocks unchecked by default again? On "Replace Blocks" ...when I type in say "air", it doesn't actually select air unless I interact with the dropdown. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] p.s. I love you.
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[QUOTE] Coordinate Highlight: I select this than click a block, and it adds a glow or some distinguishing feature to that block in every layer in the editor, so I can have a point of reference other than counting x/y. [/QUOTE] Hmm. should be doable if I reuse the entity placement code [QUOTE] A copy/paste that also selects all of the layers in the move, so that I could say, move a 10 story building over a few blocks and not have to copy/paste each layer. [/QUOTE] You can already do that, next to the copy option is a textbox you can put the height you want to copy in [QUOTE] Please allow a right-click of each menu option that displays a msgbox so I can know what the function actually does, first by definition, then by example (ex: Magoli's Function: Use: ) [/QUOTE] Request denied. That's too much work to implement and maintain. Options should be self-explanatory for basic functions (copy layer, insert etc). Things that aren't are usually things I've added for a specific person or problem that's been happening at the time. [QUOTE] Maze Generation: Add fields for "Wall block to use" and "Floor block to use" and "Ceiling block to use", then rename "Height" to "Length", then add an actual "Height" to determine the number of layers (5 would be, 1 floor, 3 walls, 1 ceiling). [/QUOTE] Blocks to use is doable, Multi-story mazes aren't. The algorithm used to generate them can't handle multiple layers so you'd need to generate them separately and copy them into the prefab [QUOTE] My imagination or are air blocks unchecked by default again? On "Replace Blocks" ...when I type in say "air", it doesn't actually select air unless I interact with the dropdown. [/QUOTE] Not sure, maybe pulling the data out through the world editor it may not set the flag. I'll have a look at the code. Yep, that can be enabled in the next version of the editor.
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Got my curiosity, how does it work? Is it linked to how far the pimps can zoom their map? I had assumed it was more akin to how alloc's map worked. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] ooh, ooh, how about arrows to move around the minimap? Right now we have to click the bottom of the minimap, then drag the main map lower, to get the minimap to move. ...at least, that's how I know how to do it. I find myself very unknowledgeable about how to use your programs functions, despite my time in them. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;424598]Got my curiosity, how does it work? Is it linked to how far the pimps can zoom their map? I had assumed it was more akin to how alloc's map worked. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] ooh, ooh, how about arrows to move around the minimap? Right now we have to click the bottom of the minimap, then drag the main map lower, to get the minimap to move. ...at least, that's how I know how to do it. I find myself very unknowledgeable about how to use your programs functions, despite my time in them. :)[/QUOTE] The problem isn't zooming out, it's being able to do anything with the map once it's zoomed out. The lowest resolution is 1 pixel so that's where I cap the zoom level or you'd have 2 or more blocks occupying the same pixel and there's no way to tell what position things are at or where you want them to be without manually specifying the position. i.e. no more dragging things around. The minimap should (I say should because it's never really worked right) display all of the available data in one image. There should be no reason to have to move it.
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Ah. I find myself moving the minimap to make it generate, so that makes sense now. I'd click to the bottom of the minimap, drag the main map to show more minimap, which then seems to generate. It's likely already generating/expanding the minimap, I just don't realize it. Cool stuff. ...as far as being able to work the map zoomed out too far, my two cents is once it reaches past the zoom point of one pixel, the map seamlessly becomes non manipulatable and is just for viewability. Thanks for the info, I'd love to see how it all works one day. :) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Oh, and so theoretically, a monitor with a higher resolution can zoom out farther, then? Neat.
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Ah ok, no that wouldn't cause it to update. It auto-updates when it's got 30-60 new chunks to display (it's variable over the amount of data it has currently but basically it's "when there's a noticeable difference"). You can force an update by right clicking on the minimap and choosing "update" Yeah I considered locking the map after a certain zoom level. Maybe it'll make it in at some point as it'd be a nice feature but trying to deal with images that portray something that could be any size at any time is a real PITA.
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