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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;409541]Update time! Updated: A14 Support Added: World editor checkbox to disable missing chunk generation Added: Custom spawner object in world editor Added: bbb command FindBlock Added: bbb command Test Added: bbb command StopChunkGen Not sure Krash, I got a list from Mag of the changes he'd logged but if there's anything missing the editor will flag it when you open the file. If there's lots of things missing let me know and I'll update the converter. Yeah you'd be stretching it to the limits there. Maybe if you used the disc-loaded option it could be done but unless you're running a beast it would be way too slow to be usable. --update-- Link to the converter is in the OP[/QUOTE] wtf took so long Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- he gets me
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All Blocks that have the "Isdeveloper" tag don't get loaded in the editor and show up as Nullblocks, also the converter resets all densityvalues. But with the Nullblocks showing the ID they have/had, it is easy to look up the A13 blocks xml to check what the Nullblock was and replace it with the most fitting new block (keeping the metavalues and hoping the new block has similar rotations^^) or its new ID. I'll have to look if my base loads ingame at all after I messed with it, but it should work. The "Isdeveloper" tag resulting in Blocks like the cendletable labeled as Nullblocks was something I thought is worth mentioning here :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;409601]Hal is awesome. Hey Hal, does opening an A13 prefab and saving it in this version "convert" it? If not, can you make it so? If not, can you add a "Convert to" option within the editor? :)[/QUOTE] Unfortunately not. The prefab file has a type version but that version can span multiple alphas so there's no way to know which blocks XML to put against which file as you open it so it needs to know from the user which conversion it's doing. I'm going to keep the converter separate from the editor as they use multiple versions of the same class and it will just cause confusion down the line. [QUOTE=h0tr0d;409605]wtf took so long Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- he gets me[/QUOTE] I wanted to see if I could do it with my eyes closed [QUOTE=Maztex;409666]Terrain Filler shows up as NullBlock826. Is this no longer a valid block?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Krash;409768]All Blocks that have the "Isdeveloper" tag don't get loaded in the editor and show up as Nullblocks, also the converter resets all densityvalues. But with the Nullblocks showing the ID they have/had, it is easy to look up the A13 blocks xml to check what the Nullblock was and replace it with the most fitting new block (keeping the metavalues and hoping the new block has similar rotations^^) or its new ID. I'll have to look if my base loads ingame at all after I messed with it, but it should work. The "Isdeveloper" tag resulting in Blocks like the cendletable labeled as Nullblocks was something I thought is worth mentioning here :)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the info guys. For some reason I thought dev blocks weren't spawnable but now looking at the XML they're everywhere. I'll add them back into the list and maybe do some custom filters for non-spawnable master blocks. I'll update the converter to move the densities across too. [QUOTE=Sorrowthief;409769]I did the update but when I push start 7days button it just stays on loading game data screen forever with the music in the background? Any advice?[/QUOTE] Yeah as Stallionsden said, make sure you start the game without EAC or by using the buttons in the editor. There's one on the main menu and one in the prefab editor screen on the top menu Looks like 14.1 is out so I'll update this after work.
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Update Time! Updated: A14.1 Support Added: Find free block IDs in the Global Prefab Functions menu Updated: Dev blocks back in the editor Just fixing the problems you guys have mentioned and adding 14.1 support. I've also added a quick function for you modders that need to find free block IDs. Look in "Global Prefab Functions" and there's an option to display all the remaining IDs in a list. Obviously, it only works for the XML file you have on your local machine.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;410700]...NOT sure if anyone else has this problem, but I installed this on my dedi (and used the correct dedi dll) and got stuck at "Starting Game" for like, ever. Just me?[/QUOTE] I've not had it but 14.2 is out so try when the update gets released. Been hearing a lot on the forums that clearing your cache can be needed to sort out some issues.
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In the prefab pack there is the zoo with the zeds in cages. First question, how do u place them with the editor and in an exact location? Second, once they are killed will it respawn back in the cage? Third, can u make doors always locked with the editor and how? Also if I place a password on a door can it always stay? Sorry for so many questions and thanks!
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;411693]In the prefab pack there is the zoo with the zeds in cages. First question, how do u place them with the editor and in an exact location? Second, once they are killed will it respawn back in the cage? Third, can u make doors always locked with the editor and how? Also if I place a password on a door can it always stay? Sorry for so many questions and thanks![/QUOTE] 1) In the prefab editor on the left hand side there's an options for Entities. Click it and you'll see the options. Choose which one you want and click on the block to place it. 2) No, they don't respawn. First time the chunk loads the entities get added but that's it 3) Go into Info mode and click on a door. In the meta tag for the block there is an option to have it open/closed/locked. There are no passwords for locked doors as they don't belong to a player.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;411624]Update Time! Added: A14.2 Support You were right Guppy, there was a hang in the dedicated version. Stupid obfuscated method names. I've fixed it in this update.[/QUOTE] Woo hoo! Once again Hal validates my sanity... you should be a therapist. :)
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Might be a case of user error here, but when I try to use the Replace Blocks function to switch the Meta for all the different lights to Off it doesn't seem to do it for all of them. I am trying to do it as follows: Replace = Name of light block Rotation = Any With = Name of light block Only this layer = Unchecked Meta Data = Custom Meta = Off All others = Keep Original Replace in ALL prefabs = Checked Some of the lights switch to Off and some of them switch to Undefined_Fifteen.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;412040]Woo hoo! Once again Hal validates my sanity... you should be a therapist. :)[/QUOTE] Last person I tried to get to lie on a couch ran away screaming. To be fair I probably shouldn't have been in that house anyway... [QUOTE=Curmudgeon;412045]Might be a case of user error here, but when I try to use the Replace Blocks function to switch the Meta for all the different lights to Off it doesn't seem to do it for all of them. I am trying to do it as follows: Replace = Name of light block Rotation = Any With = Name of light block Only this layer = Unchecked Meta Data = Custom Meta = Off All others = Keep Original Replace in ALL prefabs = Checked Some of the lights switch to Off and some of them switch to Undefined_Fifteen.[/QUOTE] Hi Curmudgeon, Can you give some example filenames of ones that had the undefined_Fifteen? And the blockname you were trying to update? The Prefab Editor turned 2 years old today, so start expecting tantrums and it drawing on the walls from now on.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;412319]Hi Curmudgeon, Can you give some example filenames of ones that had the undefined_Fifteen? And the blockname you were trying to update? The Prefab Editor turned 2 years old today, so start expecting tantrums and it drawing on the walls from now on.[/QUOTE] Okay, I tried to in vain to reproduce the undefined_Fifteen problem a was having. To start off I installed a clean 14.2 and did a manual update of your awesome editor to v.54. I wasn't able to recreate the issue after multiple attempts using any combination of lights and prefabs. Then I realized that I wasn't using the 'Reopen Form After Replace' function as I had previously. As soon as I began using this function I started getting the undefined_Fifteen issues again with any combination of light blocks or prefabs. After some trial and error I [I]might[/I] have figured out what is causing the issue. When the form reopens and you change the 'Meta Data' field from 'Do not change' to 'Custom' it remembers your previous selection in the 'Meta' field. However, unless I changed my selection to something else (Lit1 or Lit2) and then reselected 'Off' I would always get the undefined_Fifteen issue in the next pass of any light block. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this editor, it is much appreciated!
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[QUOTE=Curmudgeon;412595]Okay, I tried to in vain to reproduce the undefined_Fifteen problem a was having. To start off I installed a clean 14.2 and did a manual update of your awesome editor to v.54. I wasn't able to recreate the issue after multiple attempts using any combination of lights and prefabs. Then I realized that I wasn't using the 'Reopen Form After Replace' function as I had previously. As soon as I began using this function I started getting the undefined_Fifteen issues again with any combination of light blocks or prefabs. After some trial and error I [I]might[/I] have figured out what is causing the issue. When the form reopens and you change the 'Meta Data' field from 'Do not change' to 'Custom' it remembers your previous selection in the 'Meta' field. However, unless I changed my selection to something else (Lit1 or Lit2) and then reselected 'Off' I would always get the undefined_Fifteen issue in the next pass of any light block. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this editor, it is much appreciated![/QUOTE] Ha, that doesn't surprise me. That bloody checkbox has caused me no end of bugs. I'll have a look into it. Thanks for the good instructions on how to replicate.
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