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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Guppycur;402387]Does the dedicated server have whatever resources the editor needs to use it as a "game setting"? Right now I have to install the game AND the dedi on my dedi machine in order to run the editor on it (for quick fixes). ...in that vein, what's the best method for editing prefabs over a network? Right now I edit locally then copy over to the dedi, is there a feature I'm not taking advantage of?[/QUOTE] Not sure what you mean. If you install the editor on the dedi then you should just be able to point it at the dedi folder. There's nothing I can think of that relies on the SP only version. Do you get an error if you do that? At the moment you're doing it the only way possible but I suppose I can expand the new feature of pulling the data into the prefab editor so you can pull a remote prefab in, edit it and then upload the prefab back to the server. Maybe right clicking on the list of prefabs in the world editor to get edit access?
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[quote]Not sure what you mean.[/quote] Me neither most of the time, my thoughts are pretty scattered. :) Yeh, I guess I can at least point to the dedi under settings because it's on my lan, but if I ever moved the server off site I'd need some other method. Could the ftp section be used for this? I'm just not as familiar with your product as I'd like to be. Also, what's the "I'm sorry dave" error msg refer to when I'm trying to update?
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Okay, I couldn't update unless I pointed it to the game folder; if I had it pointing to the dedi folder it wouldn't update. I'm assuming you're doing a check for the dll location, and since it's in a different dll location on the dedi than it is the game, your update throws the error.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;402405]Okay, I couldn't update unless I pointed it to the game folder; if I had it pointing to the dedi folder it wouldn't update. I'm assuming you're doing a check for the dll location, and since it's in a different dll location on the dedi than it is the game, your update throws the error.[/QUOTE] Ahh yes, they renamed the Managed folder on the dedi stuff didn't they? I'll have a look at that. The Dave line is just my [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qnd-hdmgfk&ab_channel=JoeDoniach"]general "something went wrong"[/URL] error message when an error occurs that I haven't coded for.
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yeh I get a kick out of some of your error messages. :) You should include the .wav and make it REALLY LOUD. :) Don't forget to remove the "er, something ain't right mate" message when updating air values, while you're in there. World Editor: If I could be allowed to select which folder I want to pull the prefabs in from, it would give me a little bit more flexibility over a remote computer, or does the remote absolutely need to have the prefab locally in order to place? If not, I could then point to MY prefab folder while updating a REMOTE game. I think this may be what you've been talking about, perhaps open a quick FTP connection to the remote computer to upload it, then be able to place it? I like to play God, and the more seamless the better. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;402410]yeh I get a kick out of some of your error messages. :) You should include the .wav and make it REALLY LOUD. :) Don't forget to remove the "er, something ain't right mate" message when updating air values, while you're in there. World Editor: If I could be allowed to select which folder I want to pull the prefabs in from, it would give me a little bit more flexibility over a remote computer, or does the remote absolutely need to have the prefab locally in order to place? If not, I could then point to MY prefab folder while updating a REMOTE game. I think this may be what you've been talking about, perhaps open a quick FTP connection to the remote computer to upload it, then be able to place it? I like to play God, and the more seamless the better. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah the prefabs have to be in it's local prefab folder, that's hard-coded into the game. Once being able to edit the prefabs remotely through the world editor is in have a play with it. It should do what you need. [QUOTE=Impenitent;402451]sweeeet! thx Hal[/QUOTE] No worries ^^
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;402214]Stompy, your XML file generation has been added to the global functions menu. Click on it and it will create a subfolder in the prefab folder and put a file in for each prefab entry. [/QUOTE] Hi Hal, this is working great, cheers heaps for that. A small extra when you have a minute to look at it that would be handy is if you could also add the blocks ids as an attribute as well. Just thinking ahead a bit I realize by only using the block name it will break what I'm working on when someone renames or changes the id of a block that has been used. With the ID I can do a lookup by id, then also check the block names and report any mismatches or potential NRE's, especially handy for prefabs from older versions something like: [code] etc [/code] Cheers :)
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[QUOTE=StompyNZ;403111]Hi Hal, this is working great, cheers heaps for that. A small extra when you have a minute to look at it that would be handy is if you could also add the blocks ids as an attribute as well. Just thinking ahead a bit I realize by only using the block name it will break what I'm working on when someone renames or changes the id of a block that has been used. With the ID I can do a lookup by id, then also check the block names and report any mismatches or potential NRE's, especially handy for prefabs from older versions something like: [code] etc [/code] Cheers :)[/QUOTE] Hi Stompy, Do a manual update in the editor and the ID should get exported too.
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[QUOTE=TSBX;404408]There's no way for a claim to be non square right? It's hard coded that way into the base game?[/QUOTE] Do you mean the bbb claims? It doesn't need to be square but it has to be rectangular. The default is 33x33 but you can specify a start point and an end point in the Backup Manager area
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You can also set multiple claims (that don't overlap) so that you could theoretically claim "L" shapes and what-not. Not sure your purpose, I find it easier to claim like 50x50 and go from there. Once you remove the unnecessary layers via the editor the F5-F8 functions go pretty quickly. But, I also don't mind doing it each and every time I pull the claim back into the editor. A bajillion ways to play with Hal's awesome tool. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;404805]You can also set multiple claims (that don't overlap) so that you could theoretically claim "L" shapes and what-not. Not sure your purpose, I find it easier to claim like 50x50 and go from there. Once you remove the unnecessary layers via the editor the F5-F8 functions go pretty quickly. But, I also don't mind doing it each and every time I pull the claim back into the editor. A bajillion ways to play with Hal's awesome tool. :)[/QUOTE] Good point, you could use multiple claims to create a specific shape. The only limitation is prefab files have to be square/rectangular. Welcome back, Guppy :)
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Hi guys o/ Hal, thank you very much for these awesome tools, especially love the World Editor :) Got a question though, is there a way to limit the number of chunks the editor forces the server to generate? If i use Debug->Stop Caching is stops generating but then i can't insert Prefabs anymore until i reconnect the Editor. I'm asking because it starts to generate at 0.0 and doesn't stop until my server runs out of RAM :D
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[QUOTE=Norskrig;405164]Hi guys o/ Hal, thank you very much for these awesome tools, especially love the World Editor :) Got a question though, is there a way to limit the number of chunks the editor forces the server to generate? If i use Debug->Stop Caching is stops generating but then i can't insert Prefabs anymore until i reconnect the Editor. I'm asking because it starts to generate at 0.0 and doesn't stop until my server runs out of RAM :D[/QUOTE] Funny you should mention that as I had a similar problem yesterday when running some tests. The FPS was tanking because the editor was forcing all those chunks to be created constantly so I've added a checkbox on the left hand side to enable/disable generating chunks that don't exist. It'll be in the next release.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;405168]Funny you should mention that as I had a similar problem yesterday when running some tests. The FPS was tanking because the editor was forcing all those chunks to be created constantly so I've added a checkbox on the left hand side to enable/disable generating chunks that don't exist. It'll be in the next release.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the quick reply. Looking forward to the next release :)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;408754]They rewrote some of the block code, SP looks like it's up and running, still need to do dedicated. Probably out today or tomorrow. The prefab converter is updated for A13-A14 too.[/QUOTE] Great news!! I stay in the old game version every time until your editor is updated, too. Quick question: I took a short look into A14, noticed a lot of new blocks and shapes but forgot to take a look at old blocks and their rotations.... do the old somewhat "odd" rotations of for example lights still exist? I think I read somewhere they don't.
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Update time! Updated: A14 Support Added: World editor checkbox to disable missing chunk generation Added: Custom spawner object in world editor Added: bbb command FindBlock Added: bbb command Test Added: bbb command StopChunkGen [QUOTE=Krash;409260]Great news!! I stay in the old game version every time until your editor is updated, too. Quick question: I took a short look into A14, noticed a lot of new blocks and shapes but forgot to take a look at old blocks and their rotations.... do the old somewhat "odd" rotations of for example lights still exist? I think I read somewhere they don't.[/QUOTE] Not sure Krash, I got a list from Mag of the changes he'd logged but if there's anything missing the editor will flag it when you open the file. If there's lots of things missing let me know and I'll update the converter. [QUOTE=Guppycur;409315]...what would it take to open an entire region file in the editor? Is it too big? I'm looking for a quicker solution to blend the new NAV inside an RWG seed.[/QUOTE] Yeah you'd be stretching it to the limits there. Maybe if you used the disc-loaded option it could be done but unless you're running a beast it would be way too slow to be usable. --update-- Link to the converter is in the OP
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