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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Hello Hal and friends I just started using your editor and I am loving it. I do have a few small problems I could not figure out after reading the forums and watching the video's. My server is hosted on bluefang. I have the editor setup (as best as I can tell) and I am able to export, import prefabs and edit them. Quite a handy program :) here's my problem. 1. I think my ftp settings are goofy. I have a link i will post below with pictures of my ftp structure and the settings (-passwords and IPs ) I have in the backup manager. For some reason when i click on the world name and settings my user/player name does not appear, I have clicked the + at the bottom and tried to manually add my steam ID and Name, Nether have worked. This in itself is no big deal i promoted myself in game with the BBB RP command but I think it may be the problem that's leading to problem 2 2. My mini map will not update, the main map continues to draw new areas as i pan over them but the mini map never changes. it shows one or 2 spots that appeared when I first connected to the server. I have tried right clicking and picking update in mini map to no avail. I'm wondering if it may be caused by my ftp settings. can one of you check my link/pictures and tell me if the syntax is incorrect. 3. Is there any way to add custom blocks at this time? I have many on my server but they do not show in the list in world editor. do I need to copy the blocks.xml from my server to a local directory or are custom blocks just not available so far? These problems are minuscule but just thought i would ask.. Also I have found that increasing the density of blocks to 127 makes the texture glitch disappear for me and also makes the prefabs stronger. I can jump on roofs now without cave ins even multistory buildings. Can you enlighten me on the pros and cons of messing with block densities? Pictures are at [URL="http://imgur.com/a/boxQ4"]http://imgur.com/a/boxQ4[/URL] Thank you
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;396348]In this one, the in-game built roofs withstood me jumping, and even falling from flying height (I'm not even sure that makes you land harder and do damage to a block, but whatever, it's fun!). This prefab however, once inserted, well... roof collapses were common. [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/gx88fuly96hmr2q/medieval_town_fishingtown%28by_Guppycur%29a13.zip?dl=0[/url] In this one, again, when I built it in game everything held up to me jumping on it, etc, but after insertion it pretty much falls apart when you fart near it. :) [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/4u2mpds57pzsp8r/medieval_house_cityhome2%28by_Guppycur%29a13.zip?dl=0[/url][/QUOTE] Confirmed. Looks like they've changed the SI calculation. It now relies on a stability value that wasn't there before. The TTS files haven't changed but there now needs to be an extra step when using the ip command. Good news is I've found what needs changing, the bad news is I'm still not sure what value to set it at. I can get rid of the problem by setting max stability but that means you can attach extra blocks without failing SI. I'll need to look into it more but it will probably be A14 when it all gets sorted out. I'll look at getting a patch out for 13.8 even if it's just with the max stability set. [QUOTE=Impenitent;396404]Hello Hal and friends I just started using your editor and I am loving it. I do have a few small problems I could not figure out after reading the forums and watching the video's. My server is hosted on bluefang. I have the editor setup (as best as I can tell) and I am able to export, import prefabs and edit them. Quite a handy program :) here's my problem. 1. I think my ftp settings are goofy. I have a link i will post below with pictures of my ftp structure and the settings (-passwords and IPs ) I have in the backup manager. For some reason when i click on the world name and settings my user/player name does not appear, I have clicked the + at the bottom and tried to manually add my steam ID and Name, Nether have worked. This in itself is no big deal i promoted myself in game with the BBB RP command but I think it may be the problem that's leading to problem 2 2. My mini map will not update, the main map continues to draw new areas as i pan over them but the mini map never changes. it shows one or 2 spots that appeared when I first connected to the server. I have tried right clicking and picking update in mini map to no avail. I'm wondering if it may be caused by my ftp settings. can one of you check my link/pictures and tell me if the syntax is incorrect. 3. Is there any way to add custom blocks at this time? I have many on my server but they do not show in the list in world editor. do I need to copy the blocks.xml from my server to a local directory or are custom blocks just not available so far? These problems are minuscule but just thought i would ask.. Also I have found that increasing the density of blocks to 127 makes the texture glitch disappear for me and also makes the prefabs stronger. I can jump on roofs now without cave ins even multistory buildings. Can you enlighten me on the pros and cons of messing with block densities? Pictures are at [URL="http://imgur.com/a/boxQ4"]http://imgur.com/a/boxQ4[/URL] Thank you[/QUOTE] 1) FTP servers can be finicky. They don't always respond in the same manner to the same command. I can't tell from the photo what is wrong, try changing the "\" to a "/" in the root textbox. If that doesn't work and you'd like me to look into it more send me a PM with your FTP details (IP, port, username, password) and I'll run it through the editor in debug mode. 2) Hmm not sure with that one. If the main area is loading chunks then the minimap should work too as they use the same method of communicating. Have a look in the save folder for the world, in the BlockBackup folder there's a log file for the editor. There may be some error messages in there. 3) Yes custom blocks can be loaded. Copy the XML file from the server and put it in your local game (wherever you pointed the editor too). This may be why your minimap isn't updating as it needs the block IDs when processing the chunk data from the server.
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Thank you both for your quick response. I will mess with the ftp settings more and if that does not yield positive results I will PM you Hal with the FTP information so you can peek at it if time permits. thank you so much. I did find out that if i connect to a different server (still bluefang) the mini map is working fine with it so far and I have not even changed the FTP info to that server so the mini map glitch must not be FTP related. Maybe I should just check the logs and if that shows nothing delete the blocksbackup and clear the map.. restart again. Any advice on reading material or videos that explain block density? On a side note I was pleasantly surprised that my servers run fine with server side EAC and client side anticheat enabled even with your dedicated server Assembly-CSharp.dll installed on the server. I did not install the dll locally Thank you all
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So the instability only happens when using "bbb ip", right? Question... if say, I built in game, then exported, changed a few things, then imported, changed a few things in game, then exported again, are THOSE prefabs fubared or does your fix change the values to the appropriate ones? -Gups
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;397319]So the instability only happens when using "bbb ip", right? Question... if say, I built in game, then exported, changed a few things, then imported, changed a few things in game, then exported again, are THOSE prefabs fubared or does your fix change the values to the appropriate ones? -Gups[/QUOTE] Yes they should be fine. The editor has no knowledge of stability because there's no data in the prefab files for that, stability details all comes from the XML when the game is loaded and applied to the chunk rather than a prefab. TFP have changed the SI calculations (probably for performance reasons) and my code wasn't doing the new stuff. The patch should add that in but there's no manual for the changes so until people test it out we won't know for sure. Commands like "bbb fa" or anything that changes blocks will also be affected/broken but only bbb ip has been updated for now. With A14 being an optimisation build I'm expecting the code to change quite a bit so best waiting for the new stuff before updating it all.
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You're in the credits, I had hopes you had access to the testing branch. Word on the street is that this is going to be a big one as far as block changes go. Man, I still can't believe you write this amazing game-changing tool and don't even use it. :) As usual, "Mad Props". (Are the kids still saying that? Did they ever?)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;397392]You're in the credits, I had hopes you had access to the testing branch. Word on the street is that this is going to be a big one as far as block changes go. Man, I still can't believe you write this amazing game-changing tool and don't even use it. :) As usual, "Mad Props". (Are the kids still saying that? Did they ever?)[/QUOTE] Yeah I'm lucky enough to have access to the dev branch but I've tried updating the editor to use the test stuff before and always had to redo it because things are in flux or the old version needs an update but I've altered the code to use the new stuff and I don't keep separate branches for the code. Best to have an idea of what's coming but leave the coding till it's out and finalised. Ha, I did use it a couple of weeks ago to make a prefab for the medieval thread but mostly I use it for tweaking my SP DLL to my liking and as a hobby project. I believe the term is, or certainly was, "Dench" now. At least in the UK. Young people are strange creatures.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;397405]Whaaaaaat.... I don't see your medieval prefab! Sharing is caring![/QUOTE] Oh I never posted it, just something I worked on one afternoon. If I finish it off I'll look to posting it in the thread. I doubt it will stand up next to you proper prefabbers but it was pretty fun to make. Here's a pic [IMG]http://www.vendocode.com/MedPrefab.png[/IMG] [QUOTE=Guppycur;397405] ...and is Dench some reference to Judy?[/QUOTE] I think so but it's hard to tell what they're saying most of the time
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Hal! so i'm learning to use you editor and the most fursterating thing so far is that while learning to use it i've spawned prefabs all over my space. i want a clean slate, but even if i delete the entire map in the appdata folder and then load the backup in it'll be fine until i make the player admin and leave the map to delete the region. when i come back into the map instead of having the original navesgame map all the prefabs i loaded in are there!
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You sure you're deleting the correct region files? Going from memory, they should be in: appdata/roaming/7daystodie/Saves/Navezgane/Server Name/Region if it's a Nav map, and appdata/roaming/7daystodie/Saves/Random Gen/Server Name/Region if it's an RGEN map Also, what do you mean by "Load the backup"? If you're loading a backup, then you're restoring your prefabs, so... ? You shouldn't load any kind of backup if you want a fresh world, the game will generate the "Fresh" files... any backup you may be restoring likely has the prefabs you're trying not to load.
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[QUOTE=layarion;397773]Hal! so i'm learning to use you editor and the most fursterating thing so far is that while learning to use it i've spawned prefabs all over my space. i want a clean slate, but even if i delete the entire map in the appdata folder and then load the backup in it'll be fine until i make the player admin and leave the map to delete the region. when i come back into the map instead of having the original navesgame map all the prefabs i loaded in are there![/QUOTE] How are you inserting the prefabs? Are you using the "bbb ip" command? Or editing the prefabs.xml file for Navezgane? If it's the XML file then you need to remove all the new entries (I think they're all at the bottom of the xml or editor additions) If it's through the bbb commands then Guppy's answer should sort it. You could also try the [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UWYxHMbmWQ"]world editor[/URL] as it has a way of resetting chunks to their original state. I haven't had chance to test it for the latest 13.8 release but it should work still.
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[QUOTE=Valmar;398464]Question from a friend: "what (if any) additional files are needed to run Hal's with Windows 10?" The included net framework apparently isn't supported on Windows 10.[/QUOTE] Hi Valmar, You need .NET 4.5 to run the editor. There's a link to it in the first post on this thread. If he's still having trouble post the error here and I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal
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Hey Hal. Like I mentioned in the question above, the linked net framework isn't supported in Windows 10, according to my friend who wanted me to inquire about it. He is using Windows 10 - apparently .NET 4.5 isn't supported on his OS. I'm just relaying the question, mind you.
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[QUOTE=Valmar;398550]Hey Hal. Like I mentioned in the question above, the linked net framework isn't supported in Windows 10, according to my friend who wanted me to inquire about it. He is using Windows 10 - apparently .NET 4.5 isn't supported on his OS. I'm just relaying the question, mind you.[/QUOTE] Hey Val, Yeah it's definitely supported, I run Windows 10 with 4.5. The only thing I could find about something not working is when [URL="http://www.tenforums.com/installation-setup/40953-windows-10-framework-4-5-2-a.html"]upgrading to windows 10[/URL] from something else but other than that it should install and run fine. Can you ask him what error he's getting and when he's getting it? If he's still having trouble he could try [URL="https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48130"].NET 4.6[/URL] as is should be backwards compatible with 4.5 Cheers, Hal
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Hal ol' buddy ol' pal. Let's talk World Editor. ...so I mentioned a bit back about when you place items and get that giant red box, having some indication (based off the XML setting of that prefab) what "ground level" is supposed to be. You give that any more thought? I'm thinking, when you choose the prefab, it checks the XML, sees that the y offset is -3, so makes the first three layers in the prefab placement box red, and the remaining ones above, blue.
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