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Bigger Forge,Chest,Backpack


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Many aspects of the games are controlled with XML files, located in the game's config folder. As long as only those XML files are manipulated, the game is still operational with EAC enabled. Only when other files are edited, EAC must be disabled. So the changes you have seen must be simple XML-edits.

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As soon as a single XML files is modified, the server goes to the modded section. As far as I know, a server goes to the modded section, as soon as you make changes in the settings menu (like increasing the difficulty or the daylight length).


If you want to know how to make xml-edits, well. Head over to the modding section. I'd suggest to find a mod that does something you want to do yourself, look at the code and find out how it works that way. If you get stuck in your efforts, post questions.

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