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Question about sharing custom creative maps (non server)


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Hello Lads


So I have a question in regards to sharing a custom map ( made in creative MP ) with others, posting it basically so people can have a go at it with their friends in mp. Is this more of a mod situation or am I able to just upload the save file for people to download? I ask due to these locations of biblical epicness I am creating.


I hope its simple in a way.



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But to answer your question yes the map file is saved on your local computer and you can upload it for other people to download, you would just need a place to upload a large file to.


If you're on a windows system it's probably in a roaming file location like this:


C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Random Gen\ServerName


And it's all the region files, but you'd have to be sure to have people use the same server name to generate the same map because it's based on a seed and THEN have them copy and paste the region data. Otherwise there will be all kinds of crazy elevation difference cliffs in you game on the edges of the explored and unexplored region zones.

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Thanks for the info, I was thinking about doing it on a small map but people tend to enjoy the vast areas in random gens. I may post it once it is finished and let people know what to do if they want to play as a group. Hopefully there will be a sort of map sharing feature added to the game at some point.

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