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What happened to the stealth system?


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So I started in alpha 15. I spawned in the burnt biome and hid inside a house since the zombies were gonna eat me! I would go out and do some stuff and end up with some meat in my bag. I go back inside for the night and the zombies outside smell me and harass me, yelling and beating on the house...sensing me. Alpha 16 rolls around and it's broken. Now I can carry turds, meat, rotted flesh whatever...dysentery, it doesn't matter.


The devs stated after it was broken it would be revisited in A17 but I haven't seen anything about it, at least when I search the forums there is nothing recent. This made the game much better for immersion imo and was a great loss when it went away. Anybody heard anything?


It's sad that we lost the stealth system then gained zombie health bars....and it could be two nails in the coffin afaic. Predictable spawning. I could go on. It seems to be more about making things convenient in the game than the immersion that it could have.

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If you watch the video's in this thread https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?74084-Developer-Diary-Alpha-17 you may notice a yellow bar above HP & stam that fills when he runs and empties when he crouches. This is the stealth indicator, much as I prefer the A16 style reticle indicator like we're used to from other games. So you can see for yourself that stealth is in the game, whether or not it takes "scent" into account is yet to be seen.

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