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[07/11] - Message from the Team - Progress update


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Hi everyone,


Please see below for the latest Message from the Team regarding Patch 14 and the Unity 2017 upgrade!






Hi everyone,


We wanted to give you an update on how things are progressing with the upgrade to Unity 2017. We are still on track and currently working on ensuring the menus are behaving as they should with the new upgrade. After that we'll be moving onto getting the core single player game working on the new engine having already gotten a first bootable build with functional front-end UI.


We're eager to tackle the more persistent bugs in the game once the upgrade is complete, and excited to start to add some of the new features from A15 and A16 including new map locations for you to explore.


Thank you all once again for your continuing patience and support. We'll be in touch again soon with more details on the progress of the upgrade and Patch 14.


Until then, happy surviving!

The 7DTD Console Team




Thanks for the update. But what does Unity 2017 mean for consumers?


As a console pleb, I don't get what that means.

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This is primarily a hardware limitation. I would hope that optimization will lend the ability to have more. Keep in mind though that the main game is only designed for 8.


This isn't a MMO. This isn't Battlefield. This is not a massive PVP/Raid game like Fortnight or Pubg.

This game is intended to be friendly PvE Co-op with a small group.


To date, they have indicated no inclination towards increasing the player count on consoles. Whether this is because they know they won't be able to get the hardware to do it, or some other arbitrary decision is unclear. Doing the math on the console hardware, and game system requirements however leads to indicate the former. Much more information on this is available here...

[h=3]Sticky: Dedicated Servers or Increased Player Count on Console or Split Screen MP[/h]


Why do you keep purpoting to care about console?

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Thanks for the update. But what does Unity 2017 mean for consumers?


As a console pleb, I don't get what that means.


Maybe someone else can explain it better. But basically the hardware engine they build the game on had a update to make it where developers have more options and such to get more out of the project they do. In this case allowing them to optimize the game even more then before. So now the things that was in game can be worked on to have it run better and better performance also some of those things don't use as much memory and or other specs so this opens the door to be able to add some more stuff.


Now I'm not on the team so I can't say how much this will do for console and now much more it will allow them to add but anything to allow even if it is a little in better performance and anything to add even if it is just a little more content is ok by me.



Why do you keep purpoting to care about console?


Not sure why you keep saying him and others like myself that try and help that we don't care about console we need to go back to PC. I know we both have console and I know he plays on console so as a mod in the forums he tries and help people the best way he can. I know both of us love console just as much as anyone else. Can't speak for him but I probably play console more then I do on the PC.

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Not sure why you keep saying him and others like myself that try and help that we don't care about console we need to go back to PC. I know we both have console and I know he plays on console so as a mod in the forums he tries and help people the best way he can. I know both of us love console just as much as anyone else. Can't speak for him but I probably play console more then I do on the PC.


I probably spend a little more time on the PC, but that's mostly because I host several servers and write my own game mods. Plus my TV kinda sucks. I do still genuinely enjoy the console version, and will be extremely happy for it to get more in-line with the PC version. Especially in the arena of multiplayer and modding.

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I probably spend a little more time on the PC, but that's mostly because I host several servers and write my own game mods. Plus my TV kinda sucks. I do still genuinely enjoy the console version, and will be extremely happy for it to get more in-line with the PC version. Especially in the arena of multiplayer and modding.


I hear yeah. I been working 6 days a week minus holidays and vacation time for over a year now. So my body aches so I like to lay down and play and not be in a chair up at the screen. I do have wireless mouse and keyboard but still got to sit up to use those. Anyway so I tend to jump on console more especially lately. But either way we both and even a few others like playing console also. Some just for whatever reason think because you have PC you don't play or care about console and want to try and turn it into a PCMR thing.


Back on topic some stuff I'm not looking forward to if some of those things do make it over to console. But other things I'm looking forward to seeing they make it or not. As I said recently not sure if map previewer will make it or not but I do hope it does it would be a good tool to have for console even if it has been modified to just work as a simple previewer. I love the paint on PC so definitely hope it makes it. I use compound now a lot on PC so hope it makes it. As many if the poi's I hope make it hopefully all of them will I'm just iffy on if the skyscrapers will make it or not. So many more things. Really am excited to see what all they can do.

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I know it cant hapoen (maybe) what if after tje engine update they allow us to get mods. I would download war of the walkers lol


It isn't up to them. It would be up to Sony and Microsoft. Considering they are mods for a alpha game and not a finished game is most likely not going to get approved. Then on top of that the mods not sure about every one of them but most of them at least run with higher specs then the requirements for the vanilla version so they would have to optimize the mods also and don't think they would do that if it is even possible to get them to where they can run on console.


It would be cool though I would say.

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It isn't up to them. It would be up to Sony and Microsoft. Considering they are mods for a alpha game and not a finished game is most likely not going to get approved. Then on top of that the mods not sure about every one of them but most of them at least run with higher specs then the requirements for the vanilla version so they would have to optimize the mods also and don't think they would do that if it is even possible to get them to where they can run on console.


It would be cool though I would say.


Console will never have mods. Period. Mods allow you to change the coding and behavior of games. Consoles do not allow this, the games themeselves, have to be submitted and put through testing from both microsoft and sony, before tehy are released. This also includes updates.


console doesn't allow software that will potentially brick / cause reset of the system and its software. It's part of buying a 300 dollar stripped down pc.


If you're gonna say "but bethesda has mods!" they dont - this isn't mods, it's dlc. Its created with rules and limits, through a dev kit, approved by bethesda, and sony and microsft. That's not modding, that's using the word to get console fans to pay for dlc they didn't have to make.

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Console will never have mods. Period. Mods allow you to change the coding and behavior of games. Consoles do not allow this, the games themeselves, have to be submitted and put through testing from both microsoft and sony, before tehy are released. This also includes updates.


console doesn't allow software that will potentially brick / cause reset of the system and its software. It's part of buying a 300 dollar stripped down pc.


If you're gonna say "but bethesda has mods!" they dont - this isn't mods, it's dlc. Its created with rules and limits, through a dev kit, approved by bethesda, and sony and microsft. That's not modding, that's using the word to get console fans to pay for dlc they didn't have to make.


Didn't I say it was up to Sony and Microsoft that it was most likely not going to get approved? Yeah think I did thanks for the extra details though.

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Not sure why you keep saying him and others like myself that try and help that we don't care about console we need to go back to PC. I know we both have console and I know he plays on console so as a mod in the forums he tries and help people the best way he can. I know both of us love console just as much as anyone else. Can't speak for him but I probably play console more then I do on the PC.


Clearly you and Sylven have a very different definition of the word "help" than most people.


- - - Updated - - -


If i had to guess. Update 14 will be released in August


What year? Lol!

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Not quite. The PC version is an Alpha build that is still having core features developed. The upcoming release of a17 for the PC isn't just a usual update with a few features either. Almost the entire code has been re-done from the ground up. Not just because of upgrading to Unity 2017/18, but also because entire systems like buffs and zombie AI have been re-written from scratch.


The console version on the other hand, was taken as a finished product on Alpha build a14.7. It was pretty stable, but still had a few bugs. They ported that to the console, and have been getting updates from The Fun Pimps as items are deemed stable/complete enough to be ported over. If a system is unfinished (like electricity has been), it will not likely be ported over to the console. (Which is why I'm always amazed that they put the minibike in the console.)

The console version is published by TellTaleGames, and is being developed by Iron Galaxy. This is completely separate and independent of the PC Alpha development. So much so, that you can almost consider them two wholly separate games.


Now the Console version is being updated to the newer version of Unity. I imagine you will see things like painting, the crossbow, updated zombie types, and possibly electricity. I do not imagine that you will see things come to the console like the new cars, the new buff system, the new AI, or bandits and survivors.


Which isn't to say the console isn't getting those things. Hell, if TFP things they have it stable enough, and IG is able to make it work within the horrid system specs of the console, it just might be in the next update.


I wouldn't get your hopes on anything huge though. I imagine you'll get the rest of what was in a15, a good part of what is currently in a16, and a very good bit of optimization. Which may be able to lead to expanded worlds, and a better multiplayer experience. Hopefully they'll also have found a good way to work around the bugs caused by Microsoft's horrible file system.


It seems pretty dishonest to claim that the console version is "technically" a finished product, when nowhere in the game description on the console version, that this broken port of an alpha game is a "finished" product.


7DTD is still in need of major bug fixes. If you're going to put a "finished product" price tag on the game, then you better be willing to keep supporting and developing the game until it's worth the $39.99 you've charged consumers.


TFP really either need to drop the "console is sold as a finished product" cop out or start issuing refunds.

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This year xD


Let’s hope but I think that’s optimistic. Now that they have a bootable version, which was a huge milestone for them I’m sure and good news which is why they shared it, things should start to progress quickly. That said, they probably have a lot of work in front of them. If I were to guess I’m thinking October to December time frame. Depends on how smooth things go. Even if it went further then that I’d be okay with it. Now that they have aligned the game engine and code base we get a new life on the console. Honestly though I’d take just a few new zombie types, the paint brush, the new traps, open up more of creative to the traders and fix the dead zone on the controllers.

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Clearly you and Sylven have a very different definition of the word "help" than most people.


- - - Updated - - -



It seems pretty dishonest to claim that the console version is "technically" a finished product, when nowhere in the game description on the console version, that this broken port of an alpha game is a "finished" product.


7DTD is still in need of major bug fixes. If you're going to put a "finished product" price tag on the game, then you better be willing to keep supporting and developing the game until it's worth the $39.99 you've charged consumers.


TFP really either need to drop the "console is sold as a finished product" cop out or start issuing refunds.



You have been told several times and it is all over the forums about the things you complain about. You don't want to understand them and want to turn everything into a PCMR thing. It isn't our fault because you can't read or understand what has been told to you several times over and over again. So yeah you might not see it as help when you come bashing everyone that tells you something that you don't believe in.


So again for whatever reason I'm even taking the time to do this. But here do they have to put finished game on a box? Not sure how many games got it on a box that reads this game is a finished game. Every game that comes out today had issues with them so none of them from what you are saying are finished. This game is a finished game on console. Not saying it doesn't have issues or bugs but that isn't what they are referring to when they say finished. They say finished because it isn't in alpha like PC is and console has no guarantee that it will get anything else from PC after A14. So this is why they said finished. Not because of bugs or glitches. As said 99% of games that come out today has bugs and glitches.


They are still working on the game and have not charged you anything extra for all they have done. They have not left us in the dust or they have not shown they don't care.


Again TFP are not over the console version TT is the publisher of the console version they got IG to do the porting for them. All TFP do is pass the files over to the console team and let them handle the console as to what they can get into the game and what they can't. I don't know what deal they made 9r what all I can say is TT came to TFP when A14 was out and seen a finished game. So they seen something in A14 to see worth selling as a finished game. So they worked out whatever they worked out TFP gave them the rights to handle console. If it wasn't for that it wouldn't even be on console because TFP want to work and stay focus on the PC version not worry about something more. If you want a refund you have to go see who you bought the game from. Nobody here can give you your money back. More on all this plus more is here on the forums. Look around read some. If you are still not happy then I suggest you just let it be and move on to something else if it gets you that upset.

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BORED BORED BORED BORED of the same old same old convo.


theres an update coming at some point, every update theres a massive whinge up moaning about content and lack off... im bored of the same shizzle.

just know theres an update coming and it probably wont have what you want in it.

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I am insisting that the devs give consumers a game worth the $39.99 they were charged.


I don't know many who paid that for the console version.

I bought both of my console versions for $19.99 when it first dropped. The hundreds of hours I've put into this game, more than makes up for what ive paid & I'm excited for the future upgrades.

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You have been told several times and it is all over the forums about the things you complain about. You don't want to understand them and want to turn everything into a PCMR thing. It isn't our fault because you can't read or understand what has been told to you several times over and over again. So yeah you might not see it as help when you come bashing everyone that tells you something that you don't believe in.


So again for whatever reason I'm even taking the time to do this. But here do they have to put finished game on a box? Not sure how many games got it on a box that reads this game is a finished game. Every game that comes out today had issues with them so none of them from what you are saying are finished. This game is a finished game on console. Not saying it doesn't have issues or bugs but that isn't what they are referring to when they say finished. They say finished because it isn't in alpha like PC is and console has no guarantee that it will get anything else from PC after A14. So this is why they said finished. Not because of bugs or glitches. As said 99% of games that come out today has bugs and glitches.


They are still working on the game and have not charged you anything extra for all they have done. They have not left us in the dust or they have not shown they don't care.


Again TFP are not over the console version TT is the publisher of the console version they got IG to do the porting for them. All TFP do is pass the files over to the console team and let them handle the console as to what they can get into the game and what they can't. I don't know what deal they made 9r what all I can say is TT came to TFP when A14 was out and seen a finished game. So they seen something in A14 to see worth selling as a finished game. So they worked out whatever they worked out TFP gave them the rights to handle console. If it wasn't for that it wouldn't even be on console because TFP want to work and stay focus on the PC version not worry about something more. If you want a refund you have to go see who you bought the game from. Nobody here can give you your money back. More on all this plus more is here on the forums. Look around read some. If you are still not happy then I suggest you just let it be and move on to something else if it gets you that upset.


How many games can you name that were ported to console while the PC version was in Alpha?


I can't think of any besides 7DtD because it's probably a poor business decision and arguably pretty unethical to do so.


You're just blindly defending TFP despite their unethical business decision.


- - - Updated - - -


I don't know many who paid that for the console version.

I bought both of my console versions for $19.99 when it first dropped. The hundreds of hours I've put into this game, more than makes up for what ive paid & I'm excited for the future upgrades.


I did pay $39.99. I didn't get a $39.99 game. I got a bad port of a game that was in Alpha on PC.

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How many games can you name that were ported to console while the PC version was in Alpha?


I can't think of any besides 7DtD because it's probably a poor business decision and arguably pretty unethical to do so.


You're just blindly defending TFP despite their unethical business decision.

Well, pick pretty much anything by Capcom for starters. Ark was ported early.


For the most part, very little games go from PC to console. Because the hardware.


Here's some reading for you.





To add to your question, Early Access games in the way they are presented now is a relatively new thing. Previously, no one had access to a game while it was in the Alpha development stage outside of maybe a couple hundred people. They weren't even on the public radar until they were close to Beta development.


TellTale chose to approach TFP for porting a game still in development. IG created it for the console.


You are the one blindly accusing TFP for a product they didn't create. It will stop now.

Do your damn research, actually try to open your mind and see reality instead of your alternate version of it.

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Well, pick pretty much anything by Capcom for starters. Ark was ported early.


For the most part, very little games go from PC to console. Because the hardware.


Here's some reading for you.





To add to your question, Early Access games in the way they are presented now is a relatively new thing. Previously, no one had access to a game while it was in the Alpha development stage outside of maybe a couple hundred people. They weren't even on the public radar until they were close to Beta development.


TellTale chose to approach TFP for porting a game still in development. IG created it for the console.


You are the one blindly accusing TFP for a product they didn't create. It will stop now.

Do your damn research, actually try to open your mind and see reality instead of your alternate version of it.


You're seriously arguing TFP didn't make 7DtD? Or are you arguing that TT forced TFP to let them port the unfinished game?


Can the disingenuous garbage, dude. You are well aware that TT and TFP share culpability to poor, ethically dubious business decision to rush the console port even though the game was in pretty early alpha at the time the deal was struck.


Also, did you read any of the articles you posted? None of them have anything to do with the topic at hand--TT/TFP's unethical decision to port a buggy Alpha to console and market it as a finished product.

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You're seriously arguing TFP didn't make 7DtD? Or are you arguing that TT forced TFP to let them port the unfinished game?


Can the disingenuous garbage, dude. You are well aware that TT and TFP share culpability to poor, ethically dubious business decision to rush the console port even though the game was in pretty early alpha at the time the deal was struck.


Also, did you read any of the articles you posted? None of them have anything to do with the topic at hand--TT/TFP's unethical decision to port a buggy Alpha to console and market it as a finished product.


Actually, they have everything to do with the topic you keep bringing up. You're just too self-centered on your own alternate reality to see it.

Go away. Sell your copy of the game to GameStop, and don't come back.


You really have no reason to post other than to make ♥♥♥♥ up.

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