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As opposed to the recipe to make fertilizer from Rotting Flesh in the cement mixer, which is already in the game?


It's much quicker to dig up fertilized dirt in the burning forest. I spent about half an hour digging and got 29 fertilizer, compare that to the time to make 29 fertilizer through any of the 3 recipes in the game and then kick yourself for not having a fertilized garden on day 2.

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It's usually in a patch of grass and trees or under garbage piles. It looks a lot like gravel until you get close enough. It will be brown with white splotches like any other fertilized dirt. It's right on top, 1 layer deep. Each block you dig has a 30% chance to give you a Fertilizer.

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There's a note in the In-Game journal about digging up fertilizer from recently burned areas, maybe in the Farming entry? But even having read that it took me a while to actually find any, and now it's standard practice to go dig in burnt forest.

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There's a note in the In-Game journal about digging up fertilizer from recently burned areas, maybe in the Farming entry? But even having read that it took me a while to actually find any, and now it's standard practice to go dig in burnt forest.


I should probably actually read those. Once the obnoxious quest text is finally dismissed, I hardly do much reading in-game Lol

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