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How to gain more wood from Trees in Alpha 16


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So i was scimming around the web for an idea on how to get more wood from trees in this new, really grindy version of collecting wood from trees. I though to myself, why not code it in. This actually works and pretty well as you can set it to whatever amount per hit/drop you get from each different type of tree. I opened my properties then went to local, data and clicked on config. Then I clicked on the (Blocks) document and opened it in word document(Check Screenshot1)

I clicked find and kept going till i found the actual trees codes.(Check Screenshot2).Now if you look closely at your document you'll see <drop event="Harvest" name="wood" count="(whatever # is here)" tool_category="harvestingTools"/> You here can change the count to whatever you'd like and this amount will be given by the time the tree is destroyed, EX: a count="500" to a tree with 50 health will give 10 wood per 1 damage(just keep that in mind)

Change this with all of your trees that you want to give these amounts to get more wood from each tree, you can also change the amount of saplings with <drop event="Destroy" name="tree(namehere)" count="(whatevernumber)"/>, Change the count to how many saplings per tree you'd like, default is 1-2


Hope this helped and is an easy fix, any questions just comment below and id be happy to fix


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