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Which is the more important main feature of the game IV


Which is the more important main feature of the game IV  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the more important main feature of the game IV

    • The Behemoth
    • Zip Lines

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Just to clarify, if you started a "Dead is dead" server and somebody dies, are they forbidden from logging on to said server? Or do they simply drop everything and can join again? Meaning that if I knew approximate coordinates for where I died or where I had stored items before dying, I could rejoin on a completely reset character and recover everything I had stored, as well as my backpack, while avoiding losing any health and negating wellness penalty.


Or is that more of a limit you impose on yourself in a single player game?


If it was the first thing, that would seem that people aren't going to join your server because it's too prohibitive to be much fun.

If it's the second thing, that would seem to be a severe impediment that would again, likely have people simply avoid that server because there is no point playing on a server where you're going to lose all of your skills.

If it's the third thing, that would seem to have the same net result while avoiding the Pimps needing to change anything to make it happen, because you're likely to end up playing alone and simulating Hardcore mode without any need to add a switch for it, nor change any code at all.


But if I'm wrong about how you think that would work in an MP setting, please explain so I can figure out whether or not I like the idea.


Run Day/Walk night mode?


If the Devs are even thinking about changing that to disable "Run at night" and increasing Feral spawn rate to make nights scarier, I will be thrilled. Not being able to take for granted that they will run or walk adds unpredictability, which increases fear.


If you knew, on day 1, that there was a 0.1% chance to find a random Feral during daylight you would be a lot more careful.

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Bro, there's already an option to drop nothing. Just FYI


Not in single player. You can, however, make a very simple XML change to make it happen... comment out this line in entityclasses.xml:


<!-- <property name="DropInventoryBlock" value="cntBackpackDropped"/> --> 

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I voted for zip lines. WHy not the behemoth? Simply because I would be pretty sure its just a Bullet sponge. If so, then people that are underground would not suffer at all. Unless this zombie can burrow, it would just piss off alot of people who build ABOVE ground, and force them to build bases underground to be safe from it. Plus, I think zip lines would be fun.

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Just to clarify, if you started a "Dead is dead" server and somebody dies, are they forbidden from logging on to said server? Or do they simply drop everything and can join again? Meaning that if I knew approximate coordinates for where I died or where I had stored items before dying, I could rejoin on a completely reset character and recover everything I had stored, as well as my backpack, while avoiding losing any health and negating wellness penalty.


A simple dead is dead mode in MP that would be to my liking, could be something like your third option (new character) with no possibility to recover your backpack and a mechanic to make it difficult to re-obtain or erase your stockpiled items (at least in the case you do not belong to a party).


Or is that more of a limit you impose on yourself in a single player game?


A DiD mode would be great for both SP and MP for those who like it.


If it's the second thing, that would seem to be a severe impediment that would again, likely have people simply avoid that server because there is no point playing on a server where you're going to lose all of your skills.


People have different tastes - someone like me would enjoy it, so there is no point in what you are saying.


If it's the third thing, that would seem to have the same net result while avoiding the Pimps needing to change anything to make it happen, because you're likely to end up playing alone and simulating Hardcore mode without any need to add a switch for it, nor change any code at all.


That's a common thing for some people to say for DiD mode. I am amazed everytime I hear it though because it lacks common sense. Many games, both single player and online, have a DiD/ironman/hardcore option and that is for a reason. You shouldn't have to impose superficial rules on yourself in order to enjoy a game.


Same thing goes for all the game's mechanics. Why get a dysentery debuff when you can just pretend you got dystentery and have to drink tea? Why get the broken leg debuff when you can just pretend you broke your leg by not pressing shift? Why have stamina when you can just pretend you got tired? Why should we have an option for dropping/deleting the backpack on death when you can do just the same when you die? Why die at all if you just pretend etc etc. It's obviously non-sensical to say these things.


If the Devs are even thinking about changing that to disable "Run at night" and increasing Feral spawn rate to make nights scarier, I will be thrilled. Not being able to take for granted that they will run or walk adds unpredictability, which increases fear.


I completely agree that zombie unpredictability in many various creative ways is a thing that developers should REALLY work on, before they add any behemoths, zip lines, fidget spinners, mermaids, underwater/space exploration or whatever. It will offer replayability and make gameplay much more interesting.

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If they removed the option for running/walking at night, and made it random, I think I would uninstall. Yes, I play with them walking 24/7, because I dont like having to be on my toes 100% of the time. Last time I played with running on at night, I got jumped scared outa my seat and hit my head. Found out I got a concussion from that. So no more running for me (unless its BM, which they run anyway).

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If they removed the option for running/walking at night, and made it random, I think I would uninstall. Yes, I play with them walking 24/7, because I dont like having to be on my toes 100% of the time. Last time I played with running on at night, I got jumped scared outa my seat and hit my head. Found out I got a concussion from that. So no more running for me (unless its BM, which they run anyway).


They most certainly will not. If you get jumped scared that easily and get a consussion from it though, you are in danger anyway :p

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If they removed the option for running/walking at night, and made it random, I think I would uninstall. Yes, I play with them walking 24/7, because I dont like having to be on my toes 100% of the time. Last time I played with running on at night, I got jumped scared outa my seat and hit my head. Found out I got a concussion from that. So no more running for me (unless its BM, which they run anyway).


FYI... even with always walk on, there are zombies that will still run. You won't usually see them until you get tougher, though.

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