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VR Headsets and gaming


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So I ordered an occulus and touch setup, with two sensors. Comes Saturday.


Arizona Sunshine seems like a no brainer, but what else is "good" with vr?


I figure if you're here reading this, you have similar tastes in games, so discuss.


I know 7days doesn't yet support vr, so I'm looking for groundbreaking experiences.


I love the Wii and Wii U so I'm down with the cheesy, as long as it's fun.


Are there real advantages to more sensors?

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So, Arizona Sunshine. Wow. Just wow.


But pretty much requires a 3rd sensor (for the rear) since the zombies come from behind on that one, and when you turn around w/o a rear sensor, your gun disappears. Not a fan of it's "movement" either, but I found some advanced options to disable to teleport. I also don't like the "holster" button, as I end up hitting it quite a lot, so I hope key rebinding is an option somewhere too.


I'm in a 5' x 5' space and finding I need/want more room to move around.

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Weird, 2nd time I was asked that today...


A friend had one (yes I have real life friends) and he's who talked me into vr; he said it didn't really make a difference, that it was just a platform, and the hand devices had great reviews.


Looking at vive now, the 100 buck difference would have made me choose oculus.

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I tried the Rift twice at a Best Buy and while the tech demos were interesting I felt more like I was looking through a porthole window into the world than being in the world when playing the Rift. I actually liked the PS4 VR better for feeling more open and less tunnel vision. Maybe I just had a couple of bad demos.


You sound like you really like the view though you complain a lot about zombies sneaking up behind you for someone who is a veteran of this game. We should be the world's elite force for dealing with zombies that suddenly appear behind us.... ;)

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I tried the Rift twice at a Best Buy and while the tech demos were interesting I felt more like I was looking through a porthole window into the world than being in the world when playing the Rift. I actually liked the PS4 VR better for feeling more open and less tunnel vision. Maybe I just had a couple of bad demos.


You sound like you really like the view though you complain a lot about zombies sneaking up behind you for someone who is a veteran of this game. We should be the world's elite force for dealing with zombies that suddenly appear behind us.... ;)


The tunnelvision is different for everyone, depending on your face or eye I call it symmetry now. The Rift have a smaller field of view but thereby it have better graphics. The sensors are better with the vive.

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Audioshield is a fun one imo. It is a rhythm game where you listen to songs and got to hit different colored balls to get points. You also can use your own music XD. Depending on song it is harder.


Vanishing Realms is a great RPG in VR.


Both of these are available for the Rift. Sadly two others that i wanted to recommend which are Zombie themed are only available for Vive. They are Horde Z (Coop) and Zombie Training Simulator.

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Oh? I was under the impression the games weren't hardware specific. Damn.


I hope Rift wins now. =)


Some games are. The steam page for games will state that. It sucks but maybe with time someone will figure out a way so it doesn`t have to be hardware specific or that conversion is easy. Honestly VR is still 5 to 10 years away from really taking off. Right now it is more of a gimmick and cool toy.

Maybe there is a tool that does that already. I know there is one to be able to play Rift games on Vive.

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What makes the difference? Like, the mask is just a screen, and the hand thingies are just controllers, so what differentiates them I wonder?


Honestly not really sure. Maybe software. Like PS and Xbox have different OSs maybe same is true for Rift and Vive. it is a good question

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Found this long article that helps a little bit with understanding it.



Basically it is not the hardware but access to the storefront. It seems that any Vr game on Steam could be made compatible with the Rift if the developer does something. I guess some just don`t do that.

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Oh? I was under the impression the games weren't hardware specific. Damn.


I hope Rift wins now. =)


Now I have to put off my purchase for another year until the winner can be better determined.

(My parents bought betamax)

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I remember the vhs beta discussion between my parents before we went the next day to pay $850 for a vhs.


...they got lucky.


I dunno. I found out oculus is owned by facebook and vive is by valve, both have their pros and cons, but the article pointed to access to the store being the big differentiator, and so far so good...


The experience is amazing, but I need a bigger room, and multiplayer on a local level would be impossible... Even if I shelled put another 500 for a 2nd system, we would have no space.


I'm not saying it's TOO early for vr, but it is early.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got the HTC Vive. I play Rift games with a program called revive. I converted my two car garage into a home theater room years ago, but when I got VR I got rid of all the furniture and replaced it with a folding table and a comfy computer chair. These can be removed at the drop of a hat which means that my two car garage is now a holo-deck.


VR frikkin rules. definitely get Robo recall.



Also GORN! Especially if youy want to burn some calories.



Everspace is kinda neat.



I play Space Pirate Trainer almost every day.



It's not out yet but Contagion VR is gonna make people ♥♥♥♥ bricks. The demo is great.


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