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Console Commands Mod


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https://github.com/7D2DSDX/Mods/tree/master/ConsoleCmd - base mod to enable commands

https://github.com/7D2DSDX/Mods/tree/master/ConsoleCmdLibrary - library of commands



Just install the mod and add your console commands to any other mod that compiles into Mods.dll and it will get added to the game :)



The base mod is required and does the patch to enable any other commands that extend IConsoleCommand class to be registered on world startup.



The library contains commands to do various actions in the game world (Single Player) (the below are mostly the same as BCM commands of the same name).

Abstract - base class for other commands to extend to get shared functionality (SendOutput and param parsing etc)

loc - Reports and stores your position

block - Various block commands such as fill and swap

import - Imports a prefab at your location or the location given

export - Exports a prefab to disk in the given area (loc and player pos, or co-ords)



Credits: TormentedEmu and SphereII gave heaps of help understanding PatchScripts, and the Guppy discord crew for moral support and motivation :)

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