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Mines in the 0 x 0 city?


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Has anyone else stepped on a landmine in their 0 x 0 random gen city? Or an exorbitant amount of cops, dogs, zombies, zombie bears, bees and even daytime ferals on day 4? I've had to run for my life from multiple zombie bears on day 6! Spawn is medium or I should say WAS medium and even after changing to very low, the bears and ferals keep coming. Kinda sucks when I have a bow and some iron arrows.


However on the bright side, from early glances, all of the buildings are intact. The issue is getting to them so I can loot without being chased by cops, ferals and freaking zombie bears. Hahaaaa


But what's going on with the mines? I've never heard or seen this in over a year of playing.

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Sounds about right to me - cities keep on spawning and there is a higher level of cops, ferels and bears there. I've never seen landmines in the hub city but I haven't spent much time in them lately. However, I did read other posts a while back where players were finding them in the side streets - the thinner paths between buildings.


Best advice with the city is to proceed slowly, killing as you go so you don't get swamped. Risky, but the loot is worth it.

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