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Impressions on Xbox One X & 7D2D


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With Xbox One X being the New Hotness (hopefully not literally <cough>RROD<cough>), I figgered I'd post about how 7D2D runs on it.


...er...later. My X is sitting in the entertainment center, but not connected yet. I can say that it sure feels like they packed a full PC into a very small package. Thing is very heavy for its size.


Will XBOX1x even have a next gen console? Or will it be tiny upgrades every couple years but still compatible with plain xbox1 games? Kinda like tiny pc upgrades?


I guess it depends on how you define "next gen"? From my POV, 4K & HDR support in games is "current gen" now. 1080p support was "last gen". 4K only on Blu-Ray, like the Xbox One S, is sort of "between gen". Either 8K or VR support will be "next gen", tho MS has said that their AR/VR platform (and now SteamVR with it) will be coming to the X1X so maybe that's "current gen" I dunno.


For me, backward compatibility is completely independent of "gen", so the fact that the Xbox One X plays Xbox One (and Xbox 360 and Xbox) games doesn't really limit which "gen" it's in IMO. The updates for the Xbox One X were definitely modest, and not of the type that best benefits a game like 7D2D, but for polygonal games they seem to have hit the mark pretty well. Gabe Newell has been a PS4 evangelist for years ("Xbox One is a garbage console for trash people") and his review of the X was glowing.


So we'll see. I'll report back about the (modest) improvements I see - or not - with 7D2D. I hope I'm not the only X owner hereabouts, so we can get different viewpoints.

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It seems to load a little faster. The graphics seem a slightly improved, not sure how to describe how though.

It crashes must faster though. Instead of that annoying noise it used to make before crashing, it just goes black. I guess that's an improvement.

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It seems to load a little faster. The graphics seem a slightly improved, not sure how to describe how though.

It crashes must faster though. Instead of that annoying noise it used to make before crashing, it just goes black. I guess that's an improvement.


Lol, man that sucks!! So the drama continues. I was really hoping the Xbox one x would work better for you guys.

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Lol, man that sucks!! So the drama continues. I was really hoping the Xbox one x would work better for you guys.


When I say faster, I don't mean more often. Just that when it does happen, it's just a quick glitch to black instead of a long drawn out screen freeze.

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I was reading the Kotaku articly on it, and I really like their analogy.


Fahey says

If someone had no console at all right now, and they didn’t have an HDR TV and a 4K TV, and they said I have no console, I want to play the system with the most games, that’s PlayStation. It’s hands down PlayStation. The Xbox One’s been struggling to keep up with the PlayStation since 2013. And it’s almost as if— PlayStation’s had two iterations, but Microsoft’s done three, and it’s almost as if they brought their sandwich to the sandwich building contest and they’re like ‘Nope, yours isn’t good enough’ and Microsoft says, ‘Hold on a sec,’ and they lift the bread up and throw some more stuff in there and they’re like, ‘How about now?’ ‘Not quite.’ And [Microsoft] says ‘Be right back. Here we go. Four times the meat. How about now?’ It’s still the same sandwich, but okay.


I think the thing in the end is that it's not a revolutionary new console. The textures and client for the game aren't going to being different for it either. (although maybe they will add better textures for it because of having more RAM) It's a faster system on the same platform.

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Loads faster, FPS is much improved, played 4 hours with no crash where previously I was pretty much guaranteed a crash every 2 hours. The little glitch where you'll be moving the cursor and it'll freeze for a second and then jump all the way across the screen is much reduced, but it still happens.

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Loads faster, FPS is much improved, played 4 hours with no crash where previously I was pretty much guaranteed a crash every 2 hours. The little glitch where you'll be moving the cursor and it'll freeze for a second and then jump all the way across the screen is much reduced, but it still happens.


Glad it is working good for you. Hopefully it stays this way.

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Glad it is working good for you. Hopefully it stays this way.



Yeah, I haven't actually measured load times, although they do seem a bit quicker. But the framerate is night and day. I'm so much happier now. It's so smooth! Much closer to any other first person shooter type game than before. It was always pretty janky to me, even though the fun factor greatly outweighed any technical issues.

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I upgraded my AVR last night (Denon S930H if anybody cares or has similar and needs help) 'cause my old AVR did not do 4K pass-through and the Xbox's upscaling to 4K does make the game look ever so slightly better. I mean, there's no getting around the crude textures, really, but it just looks a small bit less cruddy after upscaling. No noticeable affect on FPS either, which makes sense on such a relatively low-res game.


And still no crashes, so yay for that, tho I notice that the X1X shuts itself off so I'm restarting every play session. I need to change that setting so it remains at the 7D2D menu after quitting, to get a real apples-to-apples test with the Xbox One. My every-two-hour crash experience did not get reset if I just quit to the 7D2D menu. Play 90 minutes tonight, quit to 7D2D menu, start again tomorrow night and probably 30 or so minutes in, it would crash. Took a "quit game" from the Xbox home screen to really reset the timer.


I do have a couple of continuous, greater-than-two-hour play sessions done, and they didn't crash. If there's a memory leak as I suspect, the extra 4GB is at least giving me some headroom...

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Any noticeable change in draw distance with the One X?


No I haven't, but I don't think it's dynamic based on console specs - the draw distance is whatever it is set to in the game. Now, there are games that have dynamic graphics based on underlying hardware, so it's at least conceivable that 7D2D could eventually do that. So if it's on a PS4 or Xbox One you get 10 chunks of draw distance, if you're on an Xbox One X maybe you get 12 or 15 chunks.


Probably not easy to do, but it's at least within the realm of possibility.

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Any noticeable change in draw distance with the One X?


There is not going to be a change in the draw distance as that is a locked "feature" pre-programmed for the console version. Meaning, while it is an option that can be changed on PC, it's fixes on console to conserve memory.

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I was reading the Kotaku articly on it, and I really like their analogy.


Fahey says



I think the thing in the end is that it's not a revolutionary new console. The textures and client for the game aren't going to being different for it either. (although maybe they will add better textures for it because of having more RAM) It's a faster system on the same platform.



LOL Kotaku is a load of biased crap. PS4 also had 3 iterations of the console. guess they completely forgot about the PS4 slim and that the PS4 had a drought of AAA exclusives for the first 2 years while Xbox one had a steady stream of them. now it's reversed. Just like when Playstation fans bragged about hardware but now when Xbox one X has come out hardware no longer matters.

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An unfortunate update to my experience. Last night I played co-op and got a crash at 2h 15m. No MD5 tho I did delete local save file after the crash.


After finishing up the co-op game I played solo for another 2 hours and had another crash. So my earlier play sessions that went longer than 2 hours (3-1/2 in one case) must have been luck. The game just likes to die for me every 2 hours. X1X doesn't solve that bug (or bugs). Not that it should, given that it's essentially a beefed-up Xbox One S, but I had hoped that the extra RAM was buying more play time before whatever memory leaks there are blew up the game. Guess not.


Co-op minibike rides are better for me now, since the terrain loading is keeping up with the bike. It's still only 4 or 5 chunks ahead of the bike that "distant terrain" is being loaded with full detail as I ride, but I'm no longer hitting the end of the detail textures and having to stop the bike to wait for the world to pop into view. It's like riding 100m behind a wave of grass, tree, and zombie eruptions.

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Local save file


An unfortunate update to my experience. Last night I played co-op and got a crash at 2h 15m. No MD5 tho I did delete local save file after the crash.


After finishing up the co-op game I played solo for another 2 hours and had another crash. So my earlier play sessions that went longer than 2 hours (3-1/2 in one case) must have been luck. The game just likes to die for me every 2 hours. X1X doesn't solve that bug (or bugs). Not that it should, given that it's essentially a beefed-up Xbox One S, but I had hoped that the extra RAM was buying more play time before whatever memory leaks there are blew up the game. Guess not.


Co-op minibike rides are better for me now, since the terrain loading is keeping up with the bike. It's still only 4 or 5 chunks ahead of the bike that "distant terrain" is being loaded with full detail as I ride, but I'm no longer hitting the end of the detail textures and having to stop the bike to wait for the world to pop into view. It's like riding 100m behind a wave of grass, tree, and zombie eruptions.


What do you mean you deleted the local save file? I had a MD5 a few weeks ago and haven’t played since. Been waiting for more stability.

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  • 5 months later...

Similar impressions with my X1X


An unfortunate update to my experience. Last night I played co-op and got a crash at 2h 15m. No MD5 tho I did delete local save file after the crash.


After finishing up the co-op game I played solo for another 2 hours and had another crash. So my earlier play sessions that went longer than 2 hours (3-1/2 in one case) must have been luck. The game just likes to die for me every 2 hours. X1X doesn't solve that bug (or bugs). Not that it should, given that it's essentially a beefed-up Xbox One S, but I had hoped that the extra RAM was buying more play time before whatever memory leaks there are blew up the game. Guess not.


Co-op minibike rides are better for me now, since the terrain loading is keeping up with the bike. It's still only 4 or 5 chunks ahead of the bike that "distant terrain" is being loaded with full detail as I ride, but I'm no longer hitting the end of the detail textures and having to stop the bike to wait for the world to pop into view. It's like riding 100m behind a wave of grass, tree, and zombie eruptions.



I just bought an X1X and I was hoping the extra RAM, overclocking, etc would help with the crashes. Much to my disappointment, the crashes seem to come more frequently. Crashes aside, I do have the same impressions as you when it comes to quicker loading times, slightly smoother gameplay, etc. I also noticed that the crashes are much more graceful, less of a full system strain and more of a quick application exit.


On my first gen xbox, I honestly think my coop sessions lasted longer. When 4 of us got on, we would all do a hard reset, clear the brick's cache, and we could get a solid hour and a half. We would just set a "doomsday clock" to remind us to routinely restart the server to avoid crashes. Of course, my impressions could be skewed given that we are now rounding day 200. Before the X1X, I had noticed our sessions getting shorter and shorter, most likely due to us having explored and modified much more of the map.


You had mentioned deleting the local file, I was under the impression everything was in the cloud? Does this help prevent MD5? Would you mind ellaborating?

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