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Ravenhearst Mod


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Buenas tardes, antes que nada gracias por tu trabajo (o el de todos), genial mod, me encanta el enfoque, sí, tengo un problema, no puedo soltar nada de lo que llevo en cualquier contenedor, no me da error en absolel tuyouto, entiendo que soy un imbécil y no se como hacerlo, si indica algo para bloquear o desbloquear algo del contenedor, Pero la traducción no me ayuda mucho, ¿alguna sugerencia? Gracias de antemano

Edited by Eduho (see edit history)
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Hello, I've had 2 games now suddenly open up all backpack slots for encumbrance.

I"m playing the latest Ravenhearst (A21.1 9.1.2b6)
Game 1 was on February 3, I was archer/chef, Level 25.

Game 2 was on January 4, I was archer/chef, Level 2.

I tried removing everything that I was wearing, emptying my inventory, exiting out of 7D2D entirely, and loading the games back up... but the slots remain unlocked.

Edited by Throvolos (see edit history)
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Ravenhearst v 9.2.1b11 has RELEASED!


It is for 21.2b14 Experimental ONLY. You will need a brand new game, deletion of your profile and mod folder for RH to avoid any issues. It requires a full wipe and new map and game save.


Here are the full notes for this release. It is available ONLY as a direct download or on Nexus right now. It is NOT on the launcher. Gitlab has banned files over 100mb so i can not upload there right now. We need to find a work around.



Patch Notes: https://justpaste.it/d5jde


Direct Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/t06m66evjpyh7yj/Ravenhearst_9_2_1b11.zip/file


Alt Nexus Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/135


Please leave any bugs you may find in our Discord  Hopefully this is bug free enough for you guys.


I do not come here often to check posts, if you need any help please join our Discord where myself and the development team can help you. We have a great community of people there who are more than willing to help with any issues. 


Our Discord: https://discord.gg/YBHD9f3


Previous version of 9.1.2 in case you need it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9di7sazpngmlp2g/Ravenhearst_9_1_2b5.zip/file

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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Ravenhearst v 9.2.1b13 has RELEASED!


It is for 21.2b26 Experimental ONLY. You will need a brand new game, deletion of your profile and mod folder for RH to avoid any issues. It requires a full wipe and new map and game save.


Here are the full notes for this release. It is available ONLY as a direct download or on Nexus right now. It is NOT on the launcher. Gitlab has banned files over 100mb so i can not upload there right now. We need to find a work around.



Patch Notes: https://justpaste.it/brr11


Direct Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8ch0lm0ee97o40g/Ravenhearst_9_2_1b13.zip/file


Alt Nexus Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/135


Please leave any bugs you may find in our Discord  Hopefully this is bug free enough for you guys.


I do not come here often to check posts, if you need any help please join our Discord where myself and the development team can help you. We have a great community of people there who are more than willing to help with any issues. 


Our Discord: https://discord.gg/YBHD9f3

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Ravenhearst v 9.2.1b16 has RELEASED!


It is for 21.2b30 Experimental ONLY. You will need a brand new game, deletion of your profile and mod folder for RH to avoid any issues. It requires a full wipe and new map and game save.


Here are the full notes for this release. It is available ONLY as a direct download or on Nexus right now. It is NOT on the launcher. Gitlab has banned files over 100mb so i can not upload there right now. We need to find a work around.



Patch Notes: https://justpaste.it/adpis


Direct Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u2r0sqrorhz046j/Ravenhearst_9_2_1b16.zip/file


Alt Nexus Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/135


Please leave any bugs you may find in our Discord  Hopefully this is bug free enough for you guys.


I do not come here often to check posts, if you need any help please join our Discord where myself and the development team can help you. We have a great community of people there who are more than willing to help with any issues. 


Our Discord: https://discord.gg/YBHD9f3

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**Latest Release**


7 Days Version Number: A21.2b30 Stable


Mod Version Number: 9.2.2b8


Release Date:  November 27th, 2023


Wipe Needed: Yes


Direct Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/y1adz6bobm6g3e2/Ravenhearst_9_2_2b8.zip/file


Alt Nexus Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/135


Repo Link: https://dev.azure.com/ravenhearst/Ravenhearst9


Patch Notes: https://justpaste.it/bklsw


All of my posts are now being moderated and need a 24 hour approval. Editing my initial thread does too. This is probably my last post here. Please follow me on X or join our Discord for release updates and info. 

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The release of 9.2.2b23 is finally here for A21.2b37. No wipes or new saves are needed but you will want to delete your Mods folder and redownload this patch fresh and new to remove any residual files.


Mod Version Number: 9.2.2b23


Wipe Needed: No


Direct Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jgy7yneyx7hqn5n/Ravenhearst_9_2_2b23.zip/file


Alt Nexus Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/135


Repo Link: https://dev.azure.com/ravenhearst/Ravenhearst9


FluffyPanda Maps: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/3988


Patch Notes: https://justpaste.it/fmlgb


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  • 1 month later...

Can't seem to find an answer - the journal for mining says wolframite / tungsten is in the wasteland. Is this still true? I cannot seem to find it.  I have been all over the wasteland and found 2 other ores, but not wolframite.


Also somehow I am not in the RH discord anymore, not sure why. Went to rejoin it and it said I cannot accept the invite.

EDIT: Ok one of my friends told me that it's in the wasteland and appears as a small white rectangle/dot on the map.  I uncovered 100% of the wasteland in our RWG map and there are ZERO white specs / dots / rectangles on the map.

Edited by Rizzano (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if this is a bug or if it is a feature or if something is broken or not:  I used a forgetting elixir and reset my skill points didn't notice much.  Went into the action skills page and noticed all of my action skills were reset back to zero (level 1s).  I'm still crafting everything at the level it was at before I respec'ed.  I wasn't sure if this kept things as they were before in the background and is just making things easier to progress, or if it reset all action skills and I have to start working on things like pack mule (which did seem to be affected as I seem to have lost some of the slots I had available) and athletics working towards parkour.


TLDR: Does GFElixir reset action skills that need to be reworked from zero or do they start fresh at the level they were at before you respec?

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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, immortal_misanthrope said:

will there be a mod update tomorrow?

Im also waiting for this, however i think this is too quick, lots of modders wont even try to mod tell stable, so id say your earliest time of them working on it starts now, lots of things can change between exp and release that is if i understand your meaning, to be for the 1.0 version of the game. Only probally mod author can give us an acturate time table but ive heard most overhauls likely will be mid august or later

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