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Game Crash/Glitch?


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I'm writing this for my uncle because if he ends up finding out how to report bugs they won't be so friendly. But he is a HUGE 7D2D player and he keeps coming across a glitch that happens around/after day 30. The game starts out fine, no major issues then, he will get on to play and find more than HALF of his things are gone. It's like the game reset and removed half of his things/his builds. Note: he doesn't play online so no one is removing his things. But this has happened to him several times now. The first time it happened, he was actually playing with me on my map (so I've seen it) but, he has started 2-3 new maps which all ended because they glitched out his stuff. We hope this is something that can be fixed.

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It sounds like you're describing the Terrain Rewrite bug, also known as the MD5 error, though for it to regularly occur around the same date each time is more unusual. The problem with this bug is that there are a lot of triggers; while many have been fixed and the occurrences for this error are reduced, there is still a lot of work to do.


I would encourage you (or him) to provide the game details and console type, with an explanation of what he was doing before the reset - it's just possible that he has found a new trigger, or can provide more information about a known trigger. The more information they can get, the faster these issues can be fixed. The format to use can be found here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?47268-IMPORTANT-Please-read-BEFORE-posting


There are some things you can do to avoid the reset. If on PS4, you can back up your save to a USB stick. If you're on Xbox, there is a player found workaround that may be of interest - it does however require the deletion of data, so read it carefully and use caution if you decide to use it, but several players swear by it. The workaround can be found on this link: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?50175-Known-Issue-Terrain-Rewriting-(MD5-Issue).

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Hi FallenSpartanQueen,


Thank you for your report. I believe Damselx1 might be right about the Md5, I'm sorry your Uncles game has been hit by the terain re-write bug. The team and I understand how frustrating and disheartening this issue can be for your Uncle and other players. The MD5 error does remain a top priority for the team. We appreciate any info the community shares with us about these errors as it can help narrow down triggers or may show up something we haven't seen before. If you wish to do this could you please use this link that damsel has also kindly provided to format your report. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?47268-IMPORTANT-Please-read-BEFORE-posting




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I apologize for how long it has taken me to respond. Also, thank ou for responding so quickly! Let me talk to my uncle to get more details about his game. All I know is he's playing on Xbox1 and the game runs fine until after day 30 then, that is when it happens. He will get off for the night and when he gets back on he finds half of his stuff gone. (It just happened again and that's why I rememebered to come check my post.)

Usually his stuff is gone at random we can't find a pattern. I had suggested maybe his game was reverting back to an old save but, he will still have all of his most recent stuff and his forge and crafting table will be missing, half of his house that he built will be gone, etc.


I'm not sure if that helps any but like I said, let me talk to him and get more info and I'll come back. Thanks again!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Uncle is filling out info right now.


I apologize again for the really late response. I’ve been busy. But, he had the issue again and I’m currently having him fill out the info from the link you provided me. Should I create a new post once I receive it? I think I read somewhere, to start a new post if one is 3 weeks or older. Again, I apologize. I’m a noob at this stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

So sorry for how long it’s taking me to reply!


So I finally got my uncle’s game info and I’ll list it below. My husband and I bought this game for my dad as a Christmas gift and now the same thing is happening to him. He made it to day 10 and his game wiped his stuff. I made him crates to put his stuff into then he built a wall around his house. The wall stayed but his crates are gone and all the furniture that he got rid of in the house came back. I just don’t know what’s happening because it’s never the most recent thing disappearing.


Here is my uncle’s game info on the most recent map he’s had problems with.


Game Type: Private Game

Map Type: Random Gen

Save/Seed Name: IEatPuzzy (I’m sorry....)

Disk or Digital: Disk

DLC: all of them

Character: Butch

Difficulty: scavenger

Run: never

Aggression: normal

Day Length: 18

Drop on Death: tool belt

Drop on quit: none

Enemy Memory: 30

Enemy Spawning: very low

Block Durability: 200

Loot Respawn Time: 5

Loot Abundance: 200

Airdrops: 24

24 hour cycle: 120

In-game day: 7 & 19. It messed up on both days. Each time wiping out different things.

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This is the Md5 error. I'm sorry for your loss. The first time this happened to me I lost a week of grinding materials, And all my items except what was on me. That's when I made this acount.


The best ways to avoid this in my opinion is to not build in prefabricated buildings, and to not use explosives near your base. Both or these have been the cause almost every time it happens to me.

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Hi Spartan,


Thanks for the updated info, all of the current info we have on how to minimize md5 errors has been provided in this thread. The team are constantly at work trying to bring more stability and eradicate the bugs that cause terrain re-writes. As stated in this thread the best way to avoid md5 wipes is to not build you base on already existing buildings, but unfortunately there is a small chance it can happen elsewhere within the world.




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