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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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"Its done when it is done"...Again??? seriously??? we are waiting for this update sinnce a year now.. then it gets announced for end of July beginning of August and on 04. August you say " it is done when it is done"? :(

and when are we done with endless waiting dear funpimps? Your game is so awesome, and i am aware it is alot of work and you want to do it proper (which is also damn good) but still. over a year for an update. maybe you guys should make smaller steps o.o


i know that easy to say and many will disagree (maybe even be right about it) but it is still frustrating

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Im always amazed over peoples insights into the game development...


You'd almost think it was their game. Or at least that they have ANY say in when it will be released.


It's really rather dumb. If not very dumb.


So you write something toxic in the forum, but all it archives is you looking dumb. The end.

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"Its done when it is done"...Again??? seriously??? we are waiting for this update sinnce a year now.. then it gets announced for end of July beginning of August and on 04. August you say " it is done when it is done"? :(

and when are we done with endless waiting dear funpimps? Your game is so awesome, and i am aware it is alot of work and you want to do it proper (which is also damn good) but still. over a year for an update. maybe you guys should make smaller steps o.o


i know that easy to say and many will disagree (maybe even be right about it) but it is still frustrating


It is just many things to do , not one huge. This is not a toy from the 30`s. This is 21st century. Many parts in a toy means more time to make it work properly. And this toy is nothing to do with the toys around. And yea - many parts , many problems to solve. And yes, they solve them. And adding so much new stuff through the years is more than a bliss. They could finish it a year or two ago, but they keep kickin. Takes some time and you know it. Best part ? More than 90% of the time is gone, rest 10% will be like vacation. So distract yourself and have fun around.

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You guys all paid to watch the house being built and now you're complaining because they had to Re-do the framing because the people who made the wood just came out with termite resistant technology that is being put in to make the house better.


Find a new hobby or kick rocks ( Yes that is pointed ). This incessant mewling is really tiresome to go through while looking for nuggets of insight of how my favorite game is being created and the possibilities that become available via modding.

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Im always amazed over peoples insights into the game development...


You'd almost think it was their game. Or at least that they have ANY say in when it will be released.


It's really rather dumb. If not very dumb.


So you write something toxic in the forum, but all it archives is you looking dumb. The end.


Don't amaze, when you ask people to share their opinion they do that. Now when they do people like you get amaze. Fun Pimps allow them to post comment on Development Diary, if they don't want to hear all this screaming, rants, they should only make a Read only Blog post of development time to time and get done. So, why your get amaze or few other people I see on forum try to defend Fun pimps actions, you say your view on development, delays, good works we say ours. Simple.


Sidenote: Do whatever you like, people will always judge and comment as they are expert, like I just did on you :).


- - - Updated - - -


Hm, I prefer to find a new hobby than kickin rocks.


How about making those rocks to learn to swim.. ever try that ?

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Don't kick rocks, they have feelings too!


Once after a pub meeting me and few friends found a random rocky small stone and we kicked it like a football for a few kilometers around our mauntainous town, till we got to my house. I still keep it and he feels good. Not a word he has spoken. Worry not.

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Not to Rant out, as I have no problem with change date, but for me it is not about missing estimated date, but it is missing the "Feature Freeze" thing, when feature freeze happens, it happens. Period. But then TFP go for Unity Upgrade, that open the Door for Better Shaders works, and now a "Feature" in Art can be upgrade to better, so they just unfreeze it and start working on it. TFP miss their date because they go for new better looking graphics after they had feature freeze announced.


The thing is TFP knows that even they can improve A17 and A18, and new release of tools will come and go, is it valid to delay release for few month because you can do better, while your fans are waiting for year now. Won't it be more wise to release with same graphics now, and then add new improve art work as ongoing upgrades ? If a Garbage bin look old style, which no-one complains about, goes by what difference it make, but with improved AI people love the game more. Your graphics in old A16 were still better than most other. You already did very good job there.


But oh well, we wait..


Guess what. "I" appreciate what they are doing. And so do a lot of others. So I'm going to take this opportunity to go back to my little Ravenhearst world and enjoy what we have for now. And when it arrives, I will enjoy that too. It's often said that the complainers are the ones who shout the loudest, and shout you are doing from here to reddit to facebook. Well I'm done with it. Im done reading the uneducated ramblings, the smart aleck trolling, the prophets of doom and apocalypse, I can't read any more of it. I for one am happy they are taking their time. They don't need my support or words of encouragement because they have had both since I first loaded this game and that will never change.


The rest of you can sit here and act as entitled as you want to. I don't envy the forumers who love this game and this company. Others make it extremely difficult with their armchair devving. Some of you REALLY still wonder why the interaction has tapered off? Im taking my leave for now simply because I do not want to make Rolands job any harder than it is by fueling fires and burning trolls.


In Pimps We Trust. Remember whan that MEANT something? Because I do. Peace.

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Ask DaVega, he is expert , about making rocks swim.


They cannot swim naturally, I don't know why everyone is taking that for granite..


- - - Updated - - -


Once after a pub meeting me and few friends found a random rocky small stone and we kicked it like a football for a few kilometers around our mauntainous town, till we got to my house. I still keep it and he feels good. Not a word he has spoken. Worry not.


Lol. Did you give it a name?

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A headache...


Lol. Just keep in mind the problem isn't broken promises or long developement time with a game advertised "under development" when you purchase it. Social media is hell. It brings out the worst in people. Twitter should be renamed "Silver Tongue Vulture Culture" and Facebook, "Mind Mold." I think Forums is better than most. But at the end of the day, many people are still children trapped in adults bodies. Its terrifying to know you share the same highway as them, and some of these hairless apes own weapons. Now you know why I don't sleep at night.😳

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There's no release date?!?! A17 is never going to be released?! WTF?!


(Too soon, Roland?)


All of the bitching in here does make me wonder whether Bethesda has a forum for Elder Scrolls 6. That's a major studio, and even though there is no real comparison in the games, they both take a while to develop. Can you imagine what the people would say on those forums? "I had a child shortly after this was announced and now they are starting their first day of kindergarten! Do these devs even know what they are doing?!"

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I told you all but I was MOCKED & RIDICULED, I predicted Late Summer Fall for XP & 2019 for a Stable A 17 (Out of XP)

Now we know the rest of the timeline is messed up, weren't we supposed to go BETA after A 17, now another ALPHA.


How is this going to affect the timeline for going GOLD & DLC, We are big boys & girls just tell us the truth.


I agree it is ready when its ready but these false estimates on releases has got to stop. Put up the Cone of Silence, get to work & produce a finished game. Maybe take down the Forum section until it is finished because us Fan Boy's have been Shunned anyway...

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