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Option to play or create game with Alpha9.1 spawning


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It would be great if we can get an option to switch to the alpha 9.1 spawning for random worlds. Even if it was bugged it felt like being part of "The walking dead". Don't get me wrong, i understand all new players, single players and pvp players. So there should be more options to set the spawning to everyones playstyle. My wife and i loved the challenge, we are builders but play on highest spawning settings and loved the challange to build while the zombies tried to get you und tear everything down in Alpha 9.1. We still have screenshots from zombies stacking like in "World War Z" when they tried to reach one of our bases. It met exactly our expectations of surviving a zombie apocalypse in a world of more than 7 billion people. But as of 9.2/9.3 it is to calculable and boring. Even in a city, if you killed the 2 handfull zombies you can break an irongate with your pikeaxe every players can hear 5 blocks away but there will be no zombies. Currently i try to save the fun for us by modding the spawning but it would be great to get back the 9.1 spawning and behaviour as an option (including the "bugs" ;) )
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Sure, we still have older versions, but we'll miss all the other great fixes (e.g. farming). We suggested this as an option as there are a lot of differend playstyles and we have to admit while we love the way TFP design their game we worry a little bit about the game difficulty going to "mainstream". So more options would help all playstyles. We do not care about if this will be in alpha, beta or the final release state, we are not impatient. And there are so many possiblities for modding, so maybe that will be an alternative way ;)
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