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Yeah, I agree with this too. I keep finding myself in threads where people are bashing this game and im like "wtf!?" I've had this game since day one, battled every single bug, lost countless games, and am STILL devoted to the awesomeness that is 7DTD. I've hawked this forum for well over a year, though only just recently actually joined. Really though, This game is awesome, and, despite the bugs, there has been a TON of forward progress made. I'm hooked.


For all the crappy, negative people, just know there are 50 more of us that absolutely support this project ten-fold.

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Yeah, I agree with this too. I keep finding myself in threads where people are bashing this game and im like "wtf!?" I've had this game since day one, battled every single bug, lost countless games, and am STILL devoted to the awesomeness that is 7DTD. I've hawked this forum for well over a year, though only just recently actually joined. Really though, This game is awesome, and, despite the bugs, there has been a TON of forward progress made. I'm hooked.


For all the crappy, negative people, just know there are 50 more of us that absolutely support this project ten-fold.


This guy gets it. There are dozens of us!

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For me, the best part of the game is the discovery and exploration. To that end, it would be cool to see a few new surprises pop up now and then. Random new monsters or locations.


Been playing this game pretty much since it came out. My wife and I absolutely love the Couch Co-Op. Though we had to play it for about a month with zombies turned off before she could handle that. Too scary, I guess. Ha ha ha!

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This game kicked my a$$ at 1st too, & I watched hours of video on it before console release over a year ago.


I have also played since day 1 and have loved every minute. Biggest bug that hindered me was the running up the ladder & your thirst & hunger plummeted to zero. But I adjust & just avoided ladders...luckily they fixed that bug pretty fast.


7DTD rocks!!!

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This game kicked my a$$ at 1st too, & I watched hours of video on it before console release over a year ago.


I have also played since day 1 and have loved every minute. Biggest bug that hindered me was the running up the ladder & your thirst & hunger plummeted to zero. But I adjust & just avoided ladders...luckily they fixed that bug pretty fast.


7DTD rocks!!!


Probably the worst bug ever on this game was the corrupt blocks/building environment bug. lost an easy 20 games off that old mess .lol. Still here though *wink*

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  • 10 months later...

I’ll chime in on this necro, until sylen shoots it in the head of course. Been playing since early last year, been stalking forum a bit longer. Play on ps4 pro and have been lucky as haven’t encountered any horrible bugs. Crashes haven’t been more than any other game I have played. On my 4th world, 3 being random gen. Well over 100 days on at least 2 and have loved every minute of it. On day 40 on newest.


I’m happy the game was ported as can’t afford to build a pc right now. I’m hoping I will be able to soon and this will be the first game I purchase. TFP has a customer for life in me. Thank you TT and IG for your hard work and free content but could you hold off on the new update so I can finish my swamp base. Filling in a 55x55 and 5 blocks deep with water is gonna take me a bit 😊

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