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Animation for cutting down trees?


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Heyho Survivalists! After playing a lot of Minecraft before i startet playing 7Days, and even after i played "the forest" a while, i mentioned how nice it is, too see the progress while cutting down a tree. I think it would be really cool, if there was some kind of animation for the "cut-down-progress" on trees, (like the "cracks" on minecraft or even the really nice looking animations like they did in "the forest"). I feel a little bit lost, when im hunted by zombies and i need to cut down trees, to build a hideout - and not knowing how long it takes to cut it down.. Personally i think it would be awesome, if the Fun Pimps could create something like that :D What do you guys think?
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well, altrough I wouldn't like to see the "Cracks" like in minecraft (bit epic for a tree, don't ya think? Looks like some drunk sharpened his knife against it) it would be nice to see the "cut" of where the axe swings. The bigger the cut, the further the tree is down. To finish it of, an animation of a tree that falls down would be cool, but guess that would be a bit to much to ask ;)
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It would be good to see axe cuts in the tree and wood chips flying off while cutting, and finally have the tree lean over to one side, and fall down and turn into logs of wood. The only issue with this is it could be RAM intensive having to remember which trees have cuts/damage. They could fix it in a way that the tree "heals" over time, with sap coating the cut and slowly regenerating the damage to itself. But maybe that's a little too in depth.
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Nice idea, right now it's impossible to find out if the tree will fall now or later - I've seen some webcasts that ended pounding a tree saying "it would not work probably". And I disagree with the mentioned objections that we can't have falling trees and damage to trees. Of course we can and if you go like mad and cut a small chip out of 1000 trees, it translates into about 1MB of data you need to store (counting 1b per tree for 0-255 hp) which seems absolutely negligible. Also, falling trees could work the same way collapsing terrain does, except longer and larger. And when I started dreaming, what about chopping the felled tree into logs, this time using a saw instead of an axe? If you ever tried cutting a tree trunk in half with an axe, you know what I'm talking about. But in the pursuit of simplicity, we could use axes as usual, no big deal.
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Great Points. ... also... I'm all for having a random chance, while lumberjacking, that i take damage from a falling tree. a wee bit of tension never hurts. Extrapolate the percentage chance of an injury or "DEATH" even... by the "health" and "stamina"... never use a chainsaw when you're tired folks.... same goes for a mundane axe. IF the axe gets too damaged : chance of getting an injury goes up. seriously.. ever chopped would with a dull axe ? ... not good.
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